2017 Softball Manager’s Meeting April 19, 2017
Games Times SUNDAY – 5:45pm & 7:00pm MONDAY – 6:20pm & 7:35pm TUESDAY – 6:20pm, 7:35pm THURSDAY – 6:20pm, 7:35pm, & 8:50pm FRIDAY – 6:20pm
Equipment Balls Bats Cleats Optic Yellow .52 c.o.r/ 275 compression 11 inch for women Optic Yellow .52 c.o.r/ 275 compression 12 inch for men Co-ed must have one of each Ump must be able to read specs on ball Bats All bats MUST have NSA 2012 stamp on them. Legal bat list can be found on PLAYNSA.com Cleats Rubber cleats may be worn Metal cleats are prohibited
General Rules Start at bat with 1strike/ 1 ball 5 home run max – over 5 is considered an out Home/Visitors are shown on schedule Umpire must see any ball put into play Umpire approves team balls & bats prior to game Only the team manager can talk with the ump Mercy Rule = 15 runs up after 4 innings, 12 runs up after 5 innings, 10 runs up after 6 innings. Pitchers can be 5 feet directly behind or in front of the pitching mound.
General Rules Safety base rule – Runner can run to the white bag is there is a bad throw to first that could cause a collision at first with the baseman. Outfielder cannot throw directly to first baseman to get runner out at first, this is for safety reasons. (co-ed only) Forfeit Rule – If your team forfeits a total of 3 times in 1st and 2nd half combined, your team will be removed from the league. NO ALCOHOL IN THE DUGOUT (CO-ED only If batter is walked, player can choose to: Go to first base or Refuse walk and bat again but strikes remain
Co-ed Rules Co-ed Teams must have a minimum of 5 female & 5 male on roster If a team has only 4 females for a particular game, you may only field 9 players for that particular game – 4 female and 5 male When on defense, teams must have 2 female in the infield and 2 female in the outfield. (Catcher or Pitcher does not count as an infield position) Pitcher/Catcher must be opposite sex. NO 6m / 4f rule this year
Co-ed Weaving 6 male/ 5 female Batting line-up begins and ends with a male – two men will bat in a row.
Co-ed Weaving 2 or more men than women = You must WEAVE male/female/ male/female
Umpire Info Umpire pay ranges from $11-$13 Must pay ump before start of game Managers will meet with umpire before game to go over rules; inform ump of any subs or weaving. If game is a forfeit there is no payment If your team is forfeiting a game- please notify Mollie or Tony ASAP to notify umps and opposing team Managers must sign scorecard at the end of game Revised 6/1/16
Player Additions Every single player must be signed up online. This is the process of signing a waiver. It is the manager’s responsibility to make sure all of your players have signed up online. Any roster additions must be completed online by 5:00pm the day of your 1st game at the start of the 2nd half. There will be roster checks for playoffs Teams CANNOT use a player from any other team for playoffs- only players on your roster!
Cancellations Games will be cancelled by 5:00pm on game day, otherwise will be game time decision. To find out if games are cancelled, call the softball hotline at (269) 337-8193 after 5:00pm. To receive softball text or email alerts, subscribe to your specific night with RainedOut Alerts. Go to https://www.rainedout.net/team_page.php?a=e8981e16e2e241628a64 Enter phone number or email Enter Validation Code Subscribe to the night you want to receive alerts for
Schedules and Standings Schedules and Standings are posted on our website and updated weekly. Go to: http://kzooparks.org/adult-rec/ Click on your League icon for schedules and standings Click on Softball icon for general information: RainedOut Alerts Instructions, ActiveNet Instructions, Manager Meeting Notes, Softball Rule, etc.
Contact Information Adult Softball Coordinator: Mollie Finkelberg Mollie.E.Finkelberg@gmail.com / 248.563.0065 Program Coordinator: Pete Aerts AertsP@kalamazoocity.org / 269.337.8418 UIC & On Site Supervisor: Tony Clayborn Aclayborn@resopp.org / 269.358.5180