Middle Township Middle School 6th Grade Parent Orientation 2017-2018 Dr. Toni Lehman, Principal Mr. Jeffrey Ortman, Vice Principal
Organization of the School 6th grade 7th grade 8th grade 66 minute Academic classes- Math, Literacy, Social Studies,& Science 44 minute Special Areas & Gym Lunch 10:51-11:21.
Physical Education & Health Students are given a lock for their belongings- Gym takes place every day. Health Classes will take place one marking period during the school year.
Special Areas Wood Shop Music Computers Art Spanish
Attendance School starts at 7:50 a.m. and ends at 2:22 p.m. Cafeteria opens at 7:20 a.m. Report to the office if you are late-7:45. Strive for “Perfect Attendance”. Please help us to ensure your child(ren) come to school every day, on time, and ready to learn.
Dress Code Policies same as previous school year. Examples can be found on the district website.
BEFORE SCHOOL Students are not to arrive on campus before 7:20 a.m. Students eating breakfast must go directly to the cafeteria at 7:20 a.m.
TO AND FROM SCHOOL Drop off through the Media Center doors by 7:45 and pick up 2:22 at the parent pick up circle. Walkers-Meet in the cafeteria following dismissal. Written permission is needed to be on the walkers list. Teachers will release students after buses have pulled out.
Sports and Afterschool Clubs Fall- Boys & Girls Soccer Cross Country- Co-ed Girls Field Hockey Winter- Boys & Girls Basketball Wrestling Cheerleading Spring- Baseball & Softball *Physicals (yearly), grades (Passing), concussion test, health history (Every 60 days), free of obligations, & attend full day Step Pink Panthers Robotics STEM/GIS Diversity UYG Student Council Guitar Newspaper Lego Homework Art Woodshop Garden Success
CAFETERIA Lunch menus on the website. Accounts should always remain current. Snacks available for purchase.
Cell Phones and Other Devices No cell phones in the hallways, lunch, and throughout the day. Use of cell phones and other electronic devices are reserved only for use when a teacher deems appropriate. Significantly cuts down on discipline and other social concerns. Failure to follow may result in the phone being sent to the office.
WHAT HAPPENS IN THE OFFICE? Counsel and Warning Detention/Loss of Privilege Parent Contact ISS- in school Suspension Expulsion *Discipline Matrix is online for review.
Support Services Counselors Nurse Child Study Team Custodians Secretaries
PAWS- Parents Active with School Get involved! September 18- Back to School Night October 16-20 Camping Trip
School Website and Facebook www.middletwp.k12.nj.us/ms Like us on Facebook Middle Township Middle School
Middle Township Middle School Thank you for attending ! Let’s enjoy the BBQ!!!