Playground Parent Committee J.F. Tatem Elementary
Goals of the Program To create a positive school environment that supports students to attain high academic achievement. To reduce instances of teasing and bullying To build meaningful partnerships with the community
Why the Parent Committee? According to Dan Olweus in his book, Bullying at School, “the greater number of adults supervising during break periods, the lower the level of bully/victim problems.” Kids ranked the playground the #1 place that incidents of bullying and teasing occur. The program strengthens our connection with the community and provides parents with a fun and engaging way to get involved.
Format of the Program Volunteers will work either with grades 1-2 or 3-5 (no more than three per session). The schedule is as follows: 11:50-12:15—Grades 1-2 recess, 3-5 lunch 12:15-12:40—Grades 3-5 recess, 1-2 lunch
Responsibilities Of A Playground Parent Supervise assigned area Interact with the children Help to facilitate games and activities Walk with student to the nurse’s office Inform assistants of any issues Assist students with their lunches Help students to relax and have a good time
Confidentiality As an official school volunteer, you may not share experiences witnessed during your time with non-school employees. Any issues or concerns should be reported directly to the principal.
How to Handle Bullying or Teasing Definition of Bullying (kid friendly version): Bullying happens when someone hurts or scares another person on purpose. The person being bullied has a hard time defending himself or herself. Usually, bullying happens over and over. Handouts: How to Intervene to Stop Bullying, Warning Signs that a Child is being Bullied
Procedure Sign in the main office by 11:45. Ensure that your visitor’s badge is visible Proceed to either the APR or the playground If assigned to grades 1-2, check in with Michele Gordon, in grades 3-5, check in with Cheryl Bahring.
FAQs What if I observe inappropriate behavior? Providing the behavior is not jeopardizing the safety of a child, inform the nearest educational assistant of the issue. The role of the playground volunteer does not include disciplining students. How will I know what to do once I am out there? Each parent will first shadow an assistant for at least one day before being assigned an area on their own. You may at any time ask one of the assistants for help or support. Can I play with my child if he/she is out when I am volunteering? It is important to remember that you are serving a role to support all of the students on the playground. While spending time with your child is great, it is essential to ensure that you are fulfilling your supervisory role for all students. What if an emergency comes up and I am unable to come in? Please call the main office at 429-0902 to notify us.
FAQs How will I know the days I am needed to work? This process will be a collaborative effort between the school and the PTA. We are hoping to develop a system where you will be notified at least one-week in advance. What if I witness an injury? You may tend to the child immediately, but be sure to inform one of the educational assistants. Once the situation is assessed, you may be asked to escort the child to the nurse’s office. At least one assistant in each playground shift has a two-way radio to keep in contact with the main office and the nurse. How do I know what is or isn’t permitted on the playground? You can ALWAYS ask one of the assistants or you can refer to the playground handbook which outlines some of the rules for the playground equipment.