Backward mapping – A primary school model A step-by-step process
Step 1: identify the understanding and skills that are the focus of your unit
Identifying understanding and skills Understanding / skills Achievement standard Content Understand the recommendations for physical activity and sedentary behaviour Understand link between being active and being healthy and well Make plans to be more active at school (including The Australian Guide to Healthy Eating) nutritional requirements and dietary needs (including The Australian Dietary Guidelines) food labelling and packaging food advertising personal, social, economic and cultural influences on food choices and eating habits strategies for planning and maintaining a healthy, balanced diet healthy options for snacks, meals and drinks
Step 2: identify elements of the achievement standard that address the understanding and skills you are teaching
Identifying curriculum expectations Understanding / skills Achievement standard Content Understand the recommendations for physical activity and sedentary behaviour Students interpret health messages and discuss the influences on healthy and safe choices. Understand link between being active and being healthy and well Students understand the benefits of being healthy and physically active Make plans to be more active at school Students use decision making and problem solving skills to select and demonstrate strategies that help them stay safe, healthy and active. (including The Australian Guide to Healthy Eating) nutritional requirements and dietary needs (including The Australian Dietary Guidelines) food labelling and packaging food advertising personal, social, economic and cultural influences on food choices and eating habits strategies for planning and maintaining a healthy, balanced diet healthy options for snacks, meals and drinks
Step 3 - Aligning content to achievement standards and understanding and skills
Interpreting the standards continuum of development read in conjunction with content describes typical level of achievement
Identifying curriculum expectations Understanding / skills Achievement standard Content Understand the recommendations for physical activity and sedentary behaviour Students interpret health messages and discuss the influences on healthy and safe choices. ACPPS039 ACPMP046 Understand link between being active and being healthy and well Students understand the benefits of being healthy and physically active ACPPS036 ACPMP046 Make plans to be more active at school Students use decision making and problem solving skills to select and demonstrate strategies that help them stay safe, healthy and active. (including The Australian Guide to Healthy Eating) nutritional requirements and dietary needs (including The Australian Dietary Guidelines) food labelling and packaging food advertising personal, social, economic and cultural influences on food choices and eating habits strategies for planning and maintaining a healthy, balanced diet healthy options for snacks, meals and drinks
Step 4: Translating to learning goals
Understanding / skills Achievement standard Content Learning Goals Understand the recommendations for physical activity and sedentary behaviour Students interpret health messages and discuss the influences on healthy and safe choices. ACPPS039 ACPMP046 Know: physical activity and sedentary behaviour recommendations Understand link between being active and being healthy and well Students understand the benefits of being healthy and physically active ACPPS036 ACPMP046 Understand: strategies for reducing sitting / sedentary time and increasing physical activity levels Make plans to be more active at school Students use decision making and problem solving skills to select and demonstrate strategies that help them stay safe, healthy and active. Do: create physical activities that they can play with friends in the playground or at home. (including The Australian Guide to Healthy Eating) nutritional requirements and dietary needs (including The Australian Dietary Guidelines) food labelling and packaging food advertising personal, social, economic and cultural influences on food choices and eating habits strategies for planning and maintaining a healthy, balanced diet healthy options for snacks, meals and drinks
Step 5: Planning to assess learning and to report to parents
Assessment as an integral part of learning What learning activities, tasks or performances within your existing unit..... will provide students with an opportunity to demonstrate evidence of their learning?
What constitutes evidence? (assessment tools) work samples practical performances group presentations group and class discussions responses to questions observations of students working in-class tasks tests take home assignments
Evidence of learning researching the recommended times for daily physical activity and daily sitting/sedentary behaviour proposing ways to increase their level of activity at school and at home describing the positive feelings associated with participation in physical activities designing a new active game that can be played in the playground or at home with friends teaching their game to the class and explaining how it increases physical activity and improves health.
Recording evidence
Step 6: Reporting on levels of achievement
Approaching the standard (D) At standard (C) Above the standard (B) identifies only some elements of the recommendations identifies the recommended times for daily physical activity and daily sitting explains the importance of meeting the recommendations for daily physical activity identifies a simple way to increase their activity levels with teacher guidance proposes ways to increase their level of activity at school and at home proposes a wide range of realistic ways to increase physical activity at home and at school provides a basic description or identification of a feeling associated with participation describes the positive feelings associated with participation in physical activities describes a range of feelings including physical and emotional feelings that are associated with participation needs extensive guidance to design a new game or makes very minor modifications to an existing game designs a new active game that can be played in the playground or at home with friends shows initiative in the group to lead the design process for creating a new and innovative game lacks confidence presenting to the class and provides a very basic explanation of how the game can increase physical activity teaches the class their game and explain how their game increases physical activity and improves health shows leadership in teaching the game to the class and provides a detailed explanation for how it improves health
Exploring levels of achievement ACARA work samples Queensland standard elaborations
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