Coaches Meeting, 7th January 2016 Aim: To prepare for the new MoF Coaches Programme Agenda Introductions Feedback from last term’s programme The new Coaching Programme Coaches present their 1st session Discussion and Q&A
Last term’s feedback: summary Sunday: 50 parents Monday Futsal: 10 parents, 20 children Overall: Very positive and informative Sunday key stats 80% say Better than others or Favourite 44 of 46 say coaching is Good or Very Good Monday key stats 18 of 20 children said coaching is Good or Very Good Half of parents said Favourite weekly activity
Last term’s feedback: themes Sunday key themes More outdoor games in summer More individual teaching and feedback to children More time slots in week Monday key themes More games against other clubs Better attitudes and behaviours of children in groups
Last term’s feedback: Sunday detail (1) When N started MoF, he didn't want to play football in his school because he said all the kids were very good. Now, he says he is in the top 5 and he has gained the confidence to play in the school and enjoy C was far too nervous to play football in the playground at school. Having started at Ministry he is joining in at school and growing in confidence. L has moved from the b team to the a team in his school and they play weekly against other schools. The other boys play football constantly and it is endless football for them during the week and the weekends. L is an accomplished player alongside them with one hour of mof on a Sunday afternoon and the usual kickabout time he does with his dad in the park. The ethos of football is fun works well and will make him a better and happier player in the long run. N came late to football and has rapidly improved his general ball control thanks to MoF's coaching. F (brother) is not particularly confident about trying new things. The care with which MoF's staff settle in new children ensured he soon overcame his shyness and now can't wait to attend every week.
Last term’s feedback: Sunday detail (2) Both my sons are enjoying their sessions and wanting to improve and grow. I understand that they are divided by ability rather than age and can see the advantage of this, but when the boys see most of their classmates in higher rated sessions they are left wondering what they are not doing as well. They don't know what they need to do to move up themselves, I don't know either! I think the programme would be enhanced if it was more personalised to each child. I'm not always sure the tasks set is appropriate to each child and within group tasks the right level of demand is provided for each child. (I appreciate this is tricky).I wonder if all MoF coaches who are taking a session would be able to explain development areas for each child before a session or identify them as they go along. I think this would improve the programme The coaches have a two minute chat with the kids, which is instructive, but then stand back and mostly just watch for ten minutes before the next chat. This is very poor in my view - they need to get stuck in much more, constantly telling the kids what to do where to stand, pass and move etc, as the message from the sit down chats just goes in one ear and out the other. What is provided is mostly teaching rather that coaching. The tall blond coach is more proactive than the others. Daniel (? quite short, dark hair) just stands there hands on hips gazing on as the children fail to follow what they have been told during the chats. Mark supervises, but has a great amount of spare time just standing by the sound system looking about, when he could also be getting stuck in giving the kids one to one guidance. Sorry to be so critical, but I have stayed and watched the whole of every session this term and that is how I see it - I have constantly wanted to get off the bench myself and provide some guidance! I have noted brief moments when the coaches do rouse themselves to give the children individual guidance, which gives me hope that MOF has the potential to be so much better.
The new Coaching Programme Main improvements Each group has a Lead Coach, they will stay with that group All groups working on same Concept (based on England FA DNA) Each session based on a problem statement Session Template for each session Better/more use of assistant coaches More individual teaching and feedback for each child Registers online for coaches to see Starting 10th Jan for 5 weeks Core Concepts: Positive, Enthusiastic, Intelligent Defending Each group to go at own pace (not a race)
Core Concepts In-possession I1. Stay on the ball, master the ball I2. Excite with the ball, and seek creative solutions I3. Connect and combine creatively with others Transition T1. Instinctive decision-making T2. Positive and intelligent attacking reactions T3. Positive and intelligent defensive reactions Out-of-possession O1. Positive and enthusiastic defending O2. Intelligent defending O3. Master a variety of defensive techniques and roles
Lead Coaches Group Lead Coach First problem statement 4pm Red Pete How to win ball safely and correctly 4pm Yellow Mark How to defend 1v1 5pm Red 5pm Yellow 6pm Red Shaun 6pm Yellow Chris 7pm Red 7pm Yellow
Lead Coaches present 1st session Pete – 4pm Red Mark – 5pm Red Chris – 6pm Yellow Shaun – 7pm Yellow
Emphasis on problem solving Let’s not lose what we do well High ALT; Game-based; Variety; Decision-making; High enjoyment; Skill development; Safe; Friendly, positive coaches 2. Frame each session as a problem… …to be explored by children and coaches together Constraints-based activities and modified SSGs are important 3. Help individuals to progress, change, grow Assess individuals in relation to problem. Give feedback, instruction, challenge, support Variety of coach interventions – including demonstration in games 4. Linking sessions together Building from one session to the next / homework “What did we learn today?” v “What did we find tricky today?”
Groups, Registers, Inclusion, Behaviours Twins; Girls v Boys; Special needs and learning needs What shall we allow in games? Booting it, not passing, selfish play Registers Name, medical needs, school year, month of birth Behaviours Shaking hands with coach at end of session? Groups Red and Yellow: How do we manage the “gap”?
Further Development of the CP 4v4 Mini-Leagues Indoor 4-aside over 4 Saturdays in 2nd half of term Can we link the Core Concepts to the competition? Games against other teams Possible for 6pm and 7pm groups Video homework by email Possible because all groups working in same Core Concepts Giving feedback to parents / children Parents evening? Or informal opportunities MoF Self-reflection tool (SRT)
Q&A / Discussion / Feedback