WORK EXPERIENCE 11th to 15th September 2017 MISS UPAL – ROOM A12
Why is Work Experience Important? To improve or gain new skills To understand how the subjects you study can help you when you leave school Help you make a move into Further Education or into the workplace To experience life out of school Gain confidence in working with new people, new places Young people are more likely to be successful in their job hunt if they have done some good work experience. Fact. You never know what might happen once you have completed your work experience...
Education, Training & Childcare Job Sectors Solicitor Tax Inspector Bailiff Law & Politics Secretary Insurance broker Customs Officer Business Administration Designer Journalist Animator Creative & Media Teacher Librarian Nursery worker Education, Training & Childcare Police Officer RAF Airwoman Firefighter Public Services Architect Product Designer Design Engineer Construction & Engineering
How do I choose? Think about what work experience you would like to do... makes sense to find a placement with which you have an interest Think of all the different things you are interested in... Art? Childcare? Law? Medicine? Sports? Do not “pigeonhole” yourself into one type of careers sector
Where will I find my placement? Ask family & friends Ask your teachers Search on the internet Look for local companies Look for small to medium sized companies... ... Larger companies tend to have strict work experience dates e.g. Summer. Smaller companies have a lot more flexibility on dates plus in a smaller organisation you can make a bigger impact Come and see me!
Resilience List all the companies you are interested in, along with numbers, addresses & email addresses so you can contact them. Part of finding your work experience is to help you build resilience. Don’t give up if you do not get the job you want...keep trying!
How do I ask for a placement? Approach the company by telephone, in person or send a letter of application by email or post Introduce yourself, tell them where you are from and that you are looking for work experience for the 11th to 15th September 2017 What the company might ask you for? Letter of Application CV Interview: telephone or face to face Templates will be in your work experience packs.
How is your placement confirmed? The company will confirm your placement by one or more of these: Telephone Letter Email Completing the Work Experience Placement Information Form
Completing the WEX Information Form Please make sure you put your name on it! This needs to be given to the employer who can email it back to me or you can bring it to my office. DEADLINE: FRIDAY 17th MARCH 2017 There are ‘House Points’ to be won!
Any Questions? Q. Where can I find the forms/templates needed for Work Experience? Packs will be given out in Form Time from week commencing 21st November. Q. If I cannot find/unsure about my placement? See me in Room A12 as soon as possible
Thank you for listening Any queries: Parents: Contact Miss Upal on 01322 556 333 ext 144 – 8.30am to 4.30pm Students: Visit the careers office during break/lunch time or after school Ask your Form Leaders for help