Public Services Agency General Fund Units: Public Services Agency – Administration PARKS – Administration Programming Arts & Cultural Affairs Parks Aquatics/Gymnastics Tennis Natural Resources Special Services/Athletics Keep Cobb Beautiful Cobb Clean Commission Mable House Barnes Amphitheatre Library Senior Services Extension Services Elections – Elections Prep Center Administration Registration Government Service Centers Non-General Fund Units: Solid Waste Golf Courses Departments within the Public Services Agency Agency Budget Presentation March 2017 Jackie R. McMorris, EdD
Public Services Agency Three year spending history, FY 17 Adopted & FY 18 Proposed by Department Public Services Agency Actuals Adopted Proposed Unit FY 14 FY 15 FY 16 FY 17 FY 18 PSA-Admin - 0550 $ 276,519 $ 287,093 $ 299,119 $ 315,915 $ 315,915 Parks - 3050; 3100; 3130; 3200; 3340; 3360; 3380; 3400; 4950; 4955; MHBA $ 19,892,259 $ 19,897,290 $ 21,478,506 $ 20,066,682 $ 20,066,682 Government Service Centers - 0370 $ 330,932 $ 369,001 $ 370,330 $ 396,641 $ 396,641 Senior Services - 0060; 0070; 0075 $ 3,372,632 $ 3,520,181 $ 3,911,038 $ 3,737,229 $ 3,737,229 Library - 1800 $ 11,500,522 $ 11,084,569 $ 11,618,515 $ 11,649,236 $ 11,649,236 Extension Services - 0600 $ 533,209 $ 524,293 $ 545,558 $ 488,627 $ 488,627 Elections - 9701; 9716; 9720; 9750 $ 2,537,763 $ 2,314,592 $ 3,763,462 $ 3,041,687 $ 3,041,687 Solid Waste - 4900; 4960 (Fund 600) $ 877,279 $ 737,502 $ 702,489 $ 1,061,373 $ 1,061,373 Cobblestone Golf Course - 0027 (Fund 650) $ 1,562,387 $ 1,454,906 $ 1,699,262 $ 1,796,700 $ 1,796,700 Total Agency Budget: $42,554,090
Mission Statement Our Mission To provide direction, planning and management for county departments that implement educational, leisure and quality of life programs and services for all county residents. To serve in a coordination/liaison role between Elections and Voter Registration and the Cobb County Board of Commissioners and County Manager.
Public Services Agency - Administration FY 18 Requests Additional Training/Registration Fees Increased Travel for Training and Business Expanded Memberships/Promotions
Public Services Agency - Parks
Public Services Agency - Parks FY 18 Requests – Administration Requested/Unfunded The Director’s administrative support position (Administrative Supervisor): Unfunded. These tasks are currently being carried out by a part-time position. The request for an additional $10,181 in part-time salaries (6018): Denied. With no full-time staff support, additional funds are needed. The request for $1,700 for food/supplies (6166): Recreation Board refreshments; ribbon cuttings/ground breakings: Denied. Professional Development (6394, 6400): Requested $2,800
Public Services Agency - Parks FY 18 Requests – Programming Requested/Unfunded Increase part-time salaries (6018) by $13,481: Summer camps at our recreation centers and TRS camp. Windy Hill Community Center and Hudgins Hall rentals have drastically increased--additional part-time hours needed to cover these rentals. Exceed the approved budget every year. Increase recreational supplies (6194) by $8,489: Supplies used during our summer camps and special events.
Public Services Agency - Parks FY 18 Requests – Arts & Cultural Affairs Requested/Unfunded Coordinator for The Art Place-Mountain View: Unfunded. The quantity of programs requires a full time position: $79,000. Coordinator and operational costs for East Marietta Library and Cultural Arts Center: Unfunded. FT coordinator $79,000; operational and maintenance $181,000 for joint use facility. (SPLOST) Increase part-time salaries (6018) by $67,266: All of the summer camps at our art centers. Exceeded the approved budget the past two years. $13,000 in food/supplies (6166): Required by contract to provide food for entertainers at the Anderson Theatre; gallery show openings in the Art Centers. Increase recreational supplies (6194) by $10,000: All supplies at our centers/camps. Increase rental equipment (6532) by $3,300: Equipment to produce shows at the Anderson Theatre & art center performances.
Public Services Agency - Parks FY 18 Requests – Park Operations Requested/Unfunded In the past 10 years, PARKS has acquired over 900 “maintainable” acres of land: 12 fewer maintenance positions & no new equipment. Increase overtime salaries (6014) by $101,085: Annually exceed our overtime budget; flex a majority of special event shifts-- leaving parks unattended during the day. Increase landscaping supplies (6178) by $11,000: Supplies needed to maintain the turf on athletic fields. Increase machinery & equip supplies (6182) by $40,500: Mechanics struggle to keep aging equipment in the field and additional funds for parts needed. Increase recreational supplies (6194) by $13,250: Replacement of temporary fences & drag mats for infields. Increase building & grounds service (6494) by $34,608: Funds for major repairs that must be done to our 206 buildings and 77 properties.
Public Services Agency - Parks FY 18 Requests – Aquatics / Gymnastics Requested/Unfunded Increase part-time salaries (6018) by $162,099: Lifeguards and MOD’s at aquatic facilities. One FT staff at all facilities w/the exception of one; thus a majority of the time they’re covered by PT employees. Seven Springs Water Park is 100% PT. $19,120 in accountable equipment (6258): Each year, we have to replace some lane lines/touch pads/consoles in aquatic centers due to age and the aquatic environment. Increase professional services (6326) by 22,593: Water exercise instructors & the revenue generated from the classes pay the instructors. Increase chemicals (6152) by $20,000: Chemicals to maintain the safe water quality. Exceeded budget by $25K last year.
Public Services Agency - Parks FY 18 Requests – Tennis Requested/Unfunded Increase part-time salaries (6018) by $17,333: Each tennis center has only one FT employee. To maintain service during 2016, we exceeded budget by this amount. Increase recreational supplies (6194) by $9,795: Trophies, tournament balls, replacement nets/poles and windscreens. $5,700 in accountable equipment (6258): Replace worn out ball machines, umbrella tables, and furniture for our tennis centers.
Public Services Agency - Parks FY 18 Requests – Natural Resources Requested/Unfunded The Coordinator (Farmer) position for Hyde Farm/unfunded. Unable to proceed with the programming/cultivating of the farm without this position. Increase part-time salaries (6018) by $14,300: Allows patrons to use Stout Park & Hyde Farm as rental facilities. Supplement environmental education programs in schools and environmental centers. $2,685 in travel/training (6394, 6400 & 6416): Environmental education staff must maintain their certifications.
Public Services Agency - Parks FY 18 Requests – Athletics Requested/Unfunded Increase recreational supplies (6194) by $30,000: Supplies of balls, bases, home plates, trophies, t-shirts and other athletic programming supplies. FY 18 Requests – Keep Cobb Beautiful Requested/Unfunded $11,000 in MSW Disposal Fees (6367): Clean up debris around recycling centers and illegal dumping.
Public Services Agency - Parks FY 18 Requests – Mable House Barnes Amphitheatre Requested/Unfunded Increase professional services (6326) by $15,900: Increase costs of independent technical contractors for MHBA performances. Lanier Parking Increase electricity (6476) by $12,000: For the past 3 years, we have exceeded our budget by this amount. $54,000 in rental equipment (6532): Funds cover the contract to rent the sound system for all shows at the Amphitheatre. Without these funds, there could be no shows at the facility. We have spent at least this amount every year (except for 2012) for the past six years.
Public Services Agency – Solid Waste Actuals Adopted Proposed Unit FY 14 FY 15 FY 16 FY 17 FY 18 Solid Waste - 4900; 4960 (Fund 600) $ 877,279 $ 737,502 $ 702,489 $ 1,061,373 $ 1,061,373 This unit is maintained in Fund 600 – Solid Waste Enterprise Fund FY 18 Requests None
Public Services Agency – Golf Course Actuals Adopted Proposed Unit FY 14 FY 15 FY 16 FY 17 FY 18 Cobblestone Golf Course - 0027 (Fund 650) $ 1,562,387 $ 1,454,906 $ 1,699,262 $ 1,796,700 $ 1,796,700 This unit is maintained in Fund 650 – Golf Course Operating Fund FY 18 Requests None
Public Services Agency – Library FY 18 Requests Library Materials: Requested: $2,125,130.00 Allocated: $1,350,000.00 Increase funding to support the demand for library materials Part-Time Hours: Requested: $912,850.00* Allocated: $845,810.00 Funding full complement of part-time staff hours working 15 hours per week per year. * $1,019,865.60 needed after comp and class implementation Contractual Obligations: Requested: $936,277.00 Allocated: $775,500.00 Janitorial, rental leases and Integrated Library System
Public Services Agency - Library FY 18 Challenges State Funding Allocation Personnel: All 11 state paid staff positions (reimbursement), none can be converted to SSG State System Services Grant: (FF&E, programming, professional development, and library materials) Library Materials: Unknown Technology Grant: Unknown Staffing Fund 5 full-time unfunded positions (2-Library Assistants; 2 Library Associate I; 1 Library Assistant I) Fund 68 part-time unfunded positions (part-time Page positions) Additional staff for new East Marietta Library and Cultural Center Expand Service Hours Restore part-time hours from 15 to 19 hours per week: expanded service hours including Sunday hours/regional libraries Consistent opening and closing hours throughout Library System Facilities Security
Public Services Agency – Senior Services FY 18 Requests Materials: Requested: $127,512 Allocated: $0 Personnel: Part-time Requested: $118,000 Allocated: $0 Full-time Requested: $75,000 Allocated: $0 Additional 2018: $410,179 Capital: Requested: $615,007 Allocated: $ 25,000
Public Services Agency – Senior Services FY 18 Challenges Loss of Older Americans Act Funding Grant Funding Reduction Potential Loss: $1,678,118 (SFY18) Loss of Meals on Wheels and Congregate Meals, Transportation Staffing Fund 5 Full time Case Management positions Fund 4 part-time unfunded positions (2-Program Leaders; 1 Admin Assistant, 1 Maintenance Tech) Fund a Full time Program Specialist for the North Cobb Expansion workout room Fund a Division Manager to replace the position eliminated in 2010 Expand Service Hours Open Workout facilities at the Senior Wellness Center earlier and on weekends Senior Wellness Center weekend hours for rental of Dinner Theater Aging Fleet Fund at least 5 Multi-passenger Vans w/Lift Parking Wellness Center Parking Lot Expansion and North, West and Freeman Poole repaving Equipment
Public Services Agency – Extension Services FY 18 Requests Extension Materials: Requested: $30,703 Allocated: $21,049 Increase funding to support the demand for community programming, Extension outreach, office supplies and program material. Travel Expense/Mileage: Requested: $10,000 Allocated: $6,000 To support travel expense for in-school programming, community programming and travel training expense.
Public Services Agency – Extension Services FY 18 Requests Rental-Equipment: Requested: $1,200 Allocated: $700 Rental expense for transportation needs when county vehicles are not available. Part-Time Hours: Requested: $61,000 Allocated: $40,000 Increase part-time positions from 19 to 29 hours per week. Overtime Hours: Requested: $8,000 Allocated: $6,000 To support overtime pay for full-time staff when working nights and weekends. FY 18 Challenges Maintenance and upkeep of facilities and public use areas.
Public Services Agency – Elections & Registration FY 18 Requests Designated Contingency: $408,366 Per Diem: Increase for Training, Poll Clerk & Area Supv. - $22,290 Supplies: Poll Worker commemorative pin- $2,450 Batteries: Multi-year replacement project - $3,360 Professional Services: Polling place security - $6,280 Computer Charges: Online Subscriptions - $14,966 Position: Poll Worker Coordinator; (7P) - $22,970 Position: Admin Specialist II (Registrar); (9) - $46,700
Public Services Agency – Elections & Registration FY 18 Requests Accountable Equipment: Requested: $92,002 Allocated: $29,803 Replace Optical Scan Memory Cards •Tablets for off-site voter registration Replace broken tables/chairs •Replace broken sign containers ADA stair chairlift to Training Room •Wide Monitors & Barcode Scanners Capital: Requested: $161,000 Allocated: $60,000 Universal Power Supply Ballot on Demand Printer Poll Worker management & training (approved)
Public Services Agency – Government Service Centers FY 18 Requests None Challenges: Facility Renovation Maintenance Landscaping Security