iPad Themed Bulletin Board By: Meredith Sanders
iPad door and iPod chart
These are the meanings I used for the icons: Put your Face (in a) Book Google: Research often Don’t write Messages Yahoo! for ____ grade Email: insert your email here
Weather: Brighten someone’s day Math Game Centers Rock! Don’t make someone an Angry Bird Listen in Music Class Smile, you’re on Camera Be an A+ Groovy Grader Discover learning is fun Blogger: www.yourbloghere.blogspot.com
Clear your Calendar: Be here daily Keep in Contact with teachers Have kind Words With Friends Stay tuned in Photos to document our lesson We learn from Videos No Calculators Twitter: We are something to tweet about
Stay on the Map to success Go on a learning Safari Stay on the Map to success Pinterest: A teacher’s best friend “App”ly yourself Persevere in PE Setting a good example for others Compassion is key
My idea was inspired from Pinterest, but I took it and made it my own My idea was inspired from Pinterest, but I took it and made it my own. I printed these icons out full page, you may have to do some editing to get them the same size. I includes the sayings I made a play on words with for the name of each icon. The home key and camera picture are of course smaller. iHope you enjoy the templates and make a fabulous display for your students to enjoy!!! Meredith www.sanders6thgrade.blogspot.com