Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Status Summary for 2nd International Planetary Data Alliance (IPDA) Meeting in Caltech Iku Shinohara (ISAS, JAXA) Yasumasa Kasaba (Tohoku Univ.)
Our members in this meeting Iku Shinohara Center for Planning and Information systems, iku@isas.jaxa.jp ISAS / JAXA - Member of the DARTS development team [common DB for Space Sciences] - DB: Chief for Solar-Terrestrial & Planetary (Bepi / Geotail / …) Yasumasa Kasaba Dep. Geophysics, Tohoku Univ. kasaba@isas.jaxa.jp - JAXA/BepiColombo Project (Mission Manager) - DB: Solar-Terrestrial & Planetary (Bepi / Planet-C / …)
Organization & Members for IPDA activity JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS) [Overall Space Sciences] Center for Planning and Information systems (PLAIN) I. Shinohara, Y. Yamamoto (new member) KAGUYA (=SELENE) project team S. Sobue, H. Okumura, Y. Tanaka HAYABUSA project team M. Abe PLANET-C project team T. Imamura BepiColombo project team T. Takashima, T. Okada JAXA Space Exploration Center (JSPEC) [New Center] [Lunar & Planetary Explorations] University members Y. Kasaba (Tohoku University [moved from JAXA]) J. Terazono (Aizu University)
Strategy Present scope of JAXA’s planetary DB In present, DBs for HAYABUSA & SELENE have been managed by each project team. We are planning to make a new JAXA’s Planetary DB (JPDB) with the interoperability I/F in the internationalized manner to unify the mission dependent DBs in JAXA. JPDB will cover all the JAXA’s planetary missions. To do above, JAXA would like to support the implementation of the IPDA interoperability I/F. Present scope of JAXA’s planetary DB Hayabusa (2003-) Kaguya (2007-) Planet-C (2010-) BepiColombo (2013-)
A New Mission: Telescope Observatory for Planets on Small-satellite (TOPS) TOPS was approved as the first application of the small satellite series of ISAS/JAXA. The launch is scheduled in 2011. 2 telescopes of 30cm diameter are onboard TOPS. TOPS telescopes will be used only for the planetary observations. Interoperability between Astronomical VO and IPDA is required.
Current Status HAYABUSA DB (Asteroid Itokawa touchdown) Hayabusa science data has been released in this April. URL: http://hayabusa.sci.isas.jaxa.jp PDS conversion of Hayabusa dataset will be completed this fall. Hayabusa team is starting to build a test bed for the interoperability with PDAP. KAGUYA [SELENE] DB (Lunar orbiter) Kaguya will be launched on August 16. Kaguya team is examining the method to handle PDAP on their Level-2 DB: Finish the early study for prototyping of interoperable system for map product with PDAP Compile system requirement for interoperable catalogue system with PDAP including security, authentication/authorization, etc.
Near Future Plan (within 1-2 years?) HAYABUSA DB The work to archive the science data in the PDS will be led by Gwennie Furr (Arizona Univ.). ISAS/JAXA will provide the necessary level-1 and level-2 data for the PDS archive. After getting the budget, to coordinate prototype design for interoperable catalogue system to search a specific Hayabusa data. Because of irregular body of the target, expression and search of Map object data by “latitude-longitude coordination” may be not suitable. It is necessary to discuss about this problem. Hayabusa scientists request test of data exchange between Eros data of NEAR. KAGUYA DB After getting the budget, to initiate prototype design for interoperable catalogue system to search a specific SELENE Level-2 product (Map object data) and evaluate the results. (Wish to be done by the end of next March) To coordinate with other ISAS/JAXA project (like as Hayabusa)
Next 5-10 years Japanese planetary science community has strong motivation to the interoperability … Moon: international data exchange (2008-) Venus: Venus Express – Planet-C (2012-) Mercury: BepiColombo – Messenger (2019-) Jupiter: Interoperability between other neighboring research field TOPS Astronomy (2011-) BepiColombo Heliospheric Physics (2019-)
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Interoperability Summary for 2nd International Planetary Data Alliance (IPDA) Meeting in Caltech Iku Shinohara (ISAS, JAXA) Yasumasa Kasaba (Tohoku Univ.)
Kaguya (SELENE) Interoperability Activities ~A Lunar Mission~
SELENE Catalog DB Users Data L2 DB Users PDS/PSA NASA/ESA Catalog DB Search and Order Catalog info HK L0/L1 L2 Tape Library Users PDS Like Label Data (PDS Object, etc.) Data Catalog info is different from catalog attribute with value in PDS like label L2 DB Users NASA/ESA PDS/PSA Catalog DB Single Catalog Attribute with value Search and Order HK Catalog Info Data Data library L0/L1 PDS Label Data Data (PDS object)
Interoperability Tasks 1. Solving Issue SELENE catalog (metadata) in PDS like label in L2 Data is slightly different from catalog for search and order in catalog DB (some keyword (attribute) and value definition are different). 2.Task Need to develop (1) Catalog interoperability software to interconnect between catalog DB archived in PDS nodes / ESA PSA and SELENE L2 data base through PDAP (Planetary data access protocol proposed by PDS/PSA). (2) PDS label development software to translate SELENE PDS like label to PDS compatible PDS label which is detached to L2 data as PDS label. Need to prepare (1) Interoperable catalog system with PDS labeled L2 data archive
Selene: Interoperable System Idea Users Catalog DB PDS Catalog DB Catalog interoperable SW PDAP PDS DD L2 Tape Library ESA/PSA PDS label mapping SW L2 DB PDS Nodes PDS Data PDS data PDS Label Data (PDS Object)
Selene: Interoperable System Idea 2 Users PDS DD PDS* Catalog DB Catalog DB PDAP PDS label mapping SW L2 Tape Library PDS Label ESA/PSA Data (PDS Object) L2 DB PDS Data PDS Nodes PDS data * Minimum catalog DB extracted from PDS label information (misison / instrument Name, date, location, geophysical parameter…) * Extracted with JAXA’s defined metadata with XML format from PDS label to import to PDS catalog DB to support multi missions in JAXA
Current Status Finish the early study for prototyping of interoperable system for SELENE LISM L2 product (map product) with PDAP Metadata object mapping between SELENE catalogue and PDS label object GUI I/F study for catalogue search Compile system requirement for interoperable catalogue system with PDAP including security, authentication/authorization, etc. Define early WBS to design / develop interoperable catalogue system
Image Search (Server/Client)
Query by PDS label
Next step To refine WBS to request the budget for prototyping of catalogue interoperable system with PDAP After getting the budget, to initiate prototype design for interoperable catalogue system to search a specific SELENE L2 product (Map object data) and evaluate the results (Wish to be done by the end of next March (by the end of this JFY) To coordinate with other ISAS/JAXA project (like as HAYABUSA)
Hayabusa Interoperability Activities ~A minor body mission~
Current Status Hayabusa science data has been released in this April through a data distribution server placed at ISAS/JAXA. We are building a system allowing access to these data freely using a web-interface. URL: http://hayabusa.sci.isas.jaxa.jp/
Status of readiness to release data for each instrument AMICA: Only Level-1 imaging data (in FITS format) All ONC-T images & some ONC-W images NIRS: Both spectral data of Level-1 & Level-2 (in FITS format) Level-1: voltage data, Level-2: I/F (reflectance) data LIDAR: Only Level-2 ranging data (in ASCII format) Data reduced in offset XRS: Only Level-1 x-ray spectral data (in ASCII format) Histogram data of channel number & x-ray counts SPICE kernels: ancillary data Number of Image data: 1662 Total size of current archived data: about 2 Gbyte. These data for each instrument are being sorted by TI.
Look of website
Next step The work to archive the science data in the PDS will be led by Gwennie Furr (Arizona Univ.). ISAS/JAXA will provide the necessary level-1 and level-2 data for the PDS archive. After getting the budget, to coordinate prototype design for interoperable catalogue system to search a specific Hayabusa data. Because of irregular body of the target, expression and search of Map object data by latitude-longitude coordination may be not suitable. It is necessary to discuss about this problem.
Concrete view The test which mounts PDAP to the Hayabusa DB will be done. Two method will be considered. The 1st one is to create I/F directory accessing current Hayabusa DB. The 2nd one is to create I/F accessing Hayabusa DB converted to PDS-like format. Test bed for Hayabusa DB is cooperating with test bed advanced for SELENE DB, and considered increasing flexibility.