Welcome to 3rd Grade Curriculum Night Please be sure to sign in with current phone number and email addresses.
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Classroom Procedures/Schedules Daily Schedule Morning routines Dismissal Procedures Lunch Leave early/absence guidelines Family Handbook 2014-2015
Grading Scale/ Report Cards Grade Equivalencies 93-100= A 85-92= B 77-84= C 70-76= D 0-69=F Letter grades are an average of all work completed for the quarter
Highland Creek no longer uses the Accelerated Reader program… Highland Creek no longer uses the Accelerated Reader program….however, we will be doing the following to monitor students’ reading: MAP assessment (shows student performance in specific literacy standards) Reading 3D (tracks fluency and comprehension) Raz-Kids (online program where students read books/selections at their letter level and answer questions) Individual Reading Conferences (teacher meets with students to monitor reading progress – assesses fluency, comprehension, vocabulary.) **Coming Soon! Parents will be receiving information about the Reading 5000 Program
When is the EOG test? The testing window opens May 21. Parents will receive information about the actual dates as soon as specific dates have been identified.
EOG breakdown for Literacy Grade 3 Reading for Literature 32-37% Reading for Information 41-45% Language 20-24%
EOG breakdown for Math Grade 3 Operations and Algebraic Thinking 30-35% Number and Operations in Base Ten 5-10% Number and Operations in Fractions 20-25% Measurement and Data 22-27% Geometry 10-15%
What are the 4 Q’s? When creating lessons for the students we always consider: 1. What are the students going to learn? What are they going to demonstrate? 2. What strategies and techniques will be used to get them there? 3. How will we know when they know it? 4. What will we do if they didn’t learn it or already know it?
Curriculum Overview Social Studies Citizenship: People Making Differences in Communities PBIS lessons Bully Prevention
Literacy Overview Balanced Literacy includes: Word Work Writer’s Workshop/Grammar Reader’s Workshop Interactive Read aloud
Word Work During word work students practice their differentiated spelling words which can include a focus on a specific phonemic sound to prefixes, suffixes, Greek or Latin roots. High Frequency words will be incorporated throughout the word sorts
Reader’s Workshop Students spend the bulk of this time reading ‘Just Right Books’. Small groups are pulled for guided instruction and mini lessons based upon student data. Reading conferences with individual students.
Writer’s Workshop and Grammar Three days are spent on teaching the writing process. One day on grammar skills. One day on cursive handwriting.
Interactive Read Aloud During an interactive read aloud, students are practicing all of the reading skills that have been taught. They are responding to the text, predicting what might happen, drawing conclusions or making mental movies about the action.
Daily Homework Literacy Homework 30 minutes of recorded nightly reading; independently, with them, magazine, newspapers, National Geographic web site Word Work What can you do? Check agenda nightly Sign agenda nightly Review homework Encourage independence, but help if needed
What can you do? 1. Establish nightly routines that make homework a priority. -A quiet place to read -Scissors for cutting out word sort words 2. Have YOUR CHILD pack their backpack after homework is completed. 3. Ensure your child eats a good breakfast and goes to bed at a reasonable time. 4. Ensure your child attends school regularly and is in school on time.