Welcome to P5
Homework Diaries There is a lot going on in Primary 5. Please check your child’s homework diary daily, and sign it weekly. It will detail: Homework issued Letters received Trip dates Any notes from the teacher Weekly agenda e.g P.E, library etc… Parents will be notified of late or uncompleted homework, and red or yellow cards through homework diaries.
Curricular Areas Throughout P5 your child will study the following subjects:- Literacy and English Mathematics Social Studies Science Expressive Arts (Art and Design, Music, Drama, P.E) Health and Wellbeing French Religious and Moral Education Technologies
Literacy and English Every pupil in P5 will follow programmes of study for:- Reading Listening and Talking Writing
Mathematics In P5 we all focus on the following areas:- Problem-solving and enquiry Information handling Number, money and measure Shape, position and movement Related mental mathematics activities
Social Studies This session we will learn about the following:- People, past events and societies People, place and environment People, society, economy and business
Science We will be learning about:- Planet Earth Forces, Electricity and Waves Biological Systems Materials Topical Science
Enterprise In P5 we are very enterprising! Our main Enterprise activity for this session will be to organise a Ceilidh for parents and pupils.
Expressive Arts Art and Design Drama Music Dance Participation in Performances and Presentations
Health and Wellbeing Mental, Emotional, Social and Physical Wellbeing Physical Education, Physical Activity and Sport Food and Health Substance Misuse Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood
PE Days Physical Education Monday and Tuesday are our PE days. Sometimes we will be going outside for PE and children should have appropriate clothing with them. The Daily Mile should be completed daily but this is weather permitting.
We develop our skills in French with Miss McLean
Religious and Moral Education We learn about Religious and Moral Education. Topics covered this year: Modern Role Models and Saints Aspects of Sikhism Stories from World Religions
Types of Homework Throughout the session your child will receive the following types of homework to support class work: Weekly spelling homework Weekly Mental Mathematics homework Social Studies activities (as specified by class teacher) Other areas (as specified by class teacher)
Homework Homework may be marked in a variety of ways: Class discussion and pupil marking their own jotter – Self-assessment strategies Class discussion and peer marking jotter work – Peer-assessment strategies Teacher marking with assessment comment Class teacher will always review completed homework activities to ensure homework is completed to agreed standard.
Spelling Spelling homework this year is active and multisensory. Children at present are learning how to carry out multisensory spelling activities. When children have learned how to carry out the activities, they will be able to choose the activities which they find beneficial.
Homework Homework will be differentiated to meet the needs of all pupils. Please ensure all homework is completed. Practise tables every night!
Thank you for visiting P5