8th Grade Literacy Class Procedures The culture of our classroom
Class Rules 1. Respect yourself, others, and the classroom environment. 2. Come to class prepared. 3. Be seated and quietly working when the bell rings. 4. Listen to others and raise your hand to comment or ask a question. 5. Cell phones, food, and drinks (other than water) are not permitted in class unless directed by the teacher.
Entering Class You should be in the classroom when the bell rings. Otherwise you are late. As soon as you arrive, take out your homework and begin working on the Do Now on the board. Hand in homework by placing it in the tray in the front of the room. Make sure your name is on your work.
Being Prepared for Class When you come to class you should have a pen or pencil, your Literacy binder, your homework, and your SSR book. Come prepared to class - you will not be leaving class to get things you have forgotten.
Leaving Class When you leave you must have a pass and record your time in and out. You may not leave class without a pass and you must bring it back upon your return. Wait for a lull in class - do not interrupt teaching or discussions. Only one person may leave the classroom at a time.
Groupwork You will sometimes be asked to work in groups on assignments or for discussion purposes. When in your group make sure you are focused on the assignment and are not off-task. At the end of the groupwork move your desks back to their original positions quickly and quietly. Make sure that all participants in the group are actively involved. If there is a problem, see me.
Groupwork (cont) If you are told to work with a partner, you should turn to someone near you. You should not get up out of your seat and find someone across the room with which to work. Partner-work is usually short and doesn’t require everyone to move seats. Everyone in the group or partnership is responsible for the material covered.
Class Discussions As a Literacy class, we will often have class discussions. You are all expected to participate in these. Raise your hand in order to comment. Make sure you stay on topic. If you disagree with someone, make sure your comment is constructive and not rude or insulting.
Independent Reading One independent reading project is required per marking period. The book you read is chosen by you but must be approved by me. If you need suggestions, just ask.
Exiting Class The bell does not dismiss you - I do. Do not pack up your work early. Never line up at the door waiting to be dismissed, even if I am not here.
Do Nows and Homework Always check the board as soon as you come in for the Do Now. Your homework is on the board in both a daily and weekly format. Every Monday you should record the week’s homework in your planner. You may also go to www.jacksonsd.org and look for your homework assignments and necessary documents. All homework will usually be posted online at least one week in advance. It is always subject to change depending on our progress. If there are changes you will be notified.
Late Work Late work will only be accepted one day after the original due date with a total point reduction of 25%. After one day, late work will not be accepted.
General Class Tidiness Do not leave garbage on the floor or on your desk when you are leaving the room.
My Three Favorite Words:
Contact Information Mr. Pratt will be in room 224 before and after school for help. Email: wpratt@jacksonsd.org