Welcome to St. Thomas More Catholic Primary School
Year 6 Curriculum Meeting Mrs Hall, Miss Jones, Mrs Le Breton Mrs Barker, Mrs Kinnon, Mr Bickmore
Weekly Timetable (flexible) 8.55-9.15 9.15-9.30am 9.30-10.30am 10.45-11.55am 11.55-12.15pm 1st Session 2nd Session Mon EMW – Children mark maths homework Register Whole School Assembly Numeracy Literacy Review English homework Reading skills PE French Tues EMW Spelling Activities/ reading skills Spelling workshop Computing Wed Mental Maths Activities /Assessment RE Topic Thurs Time-stable test KS2 Reading Skills Science Fri Whole School Celebration Assembly Art Mrs Duggan – Additional teacher
Communication For security and safety of all our children, please do not enter the cloakrooms or classrooms to speak to an adult unless an appointment has been made Adults will usually be teaching from 8.45am to consolidate key mathematical concepts Please use your child’s contact diary for messages or leave a message with the office We are happy to discuss brief issues after school but please bear in mind that all children need to be safely dismissed beforehand and there are days when we have staff meetings or training
Curriculum Spellings: Daily spelling workshop activities to investigate root words, prefixes, suffixes and syllables Spelling lists will be sent home for your child to practise in order to meet end of year expectations Writing: Children will be encouraged to develop a legible joined style of handwriting to meet end of year expectations Children’s writing activities will be based around a range of fiction and non-fiction texts to develop writing for different purposes including the use of correct grammar and punctuation in order to meet end of year expectations
Curriculum Reading: Study skills and techniques to use to develop reading will be carried out at least 3 sessions per week Encourage your child to complete reading homework activities regularly and read for enjoyment Maths: Children will consolidate Y5 concepts in order to progress to more complex skills throughout Y6 Reasoning activities will be embedded in order to develop children’s thinking, explaining and justification skills Please support your child when learning multiplication facts in order to meet end of year expectations All of the above skills will be used across the curriculum in areas such as Science, History, Geography, Computing, Art, PE and RE.
Homework Homework must be brought in first thing Monday morning Children will have the opportunity to assess their skills through marking and discussion of misconceptions as a whole class Failure to bring in homework will result in catching up during break times PLEASE ENCOURAGE YOUR CHILD TO COMPLETE ACTIVITIES AND BRING IN ON TIME. THIS WILL BE A VALUABLE SKILL FOR SECONDARY TRANSITION. Please see your child’s class if you feel your child is struggling. A weekly homework club will be set up in order to give additional support to your child.
SATs SATs style assessments will be used to assess your child throughout Y6 SATs will be held in May 2018 A scaled score will be given (80-120) with 100 being the end of year expectations – national average Children will be assessed on their: Ability to read and answer questions about non-fiction and fictional texts including poetry Understanding of spelling rules, accurate use of punctuation and when to use it and also grammar Arithmetic skills Maths reasoning skills More information will be given nearer the time.
End of Year Expectations Please see the range of resources on display in order to understand the Government’s end of year expectations for a Year 6 child.
End of Year Year 6 Production Year 6 Prom Leavers Mass Fun Week Your support would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You for Listening