Rainforests Welcome to Year 6! Year 6 Autumn Term (2016-2017) Mr Haws Pupils are going to have a science based curriculum this term. We are going to look at rainforests and also study the Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling. Year 6 Autumn Term (2016-2017) Mr Haws Creativity and Love of Learning Whilst this year is a fundamentally important year of assessment and the ever present pressure of SATS we will endeavour to ensure that all pupils will have a wide range of opportunities to explore and enjoying their wider topic based learning. Global Citizens In this ever changing society, and at a time of real world flux, it is ever more important to ensure that our pupils have an understanding of their responsibilities to their fellow human beings. We will also look at the plight of other citizens from around the world who are less fortunate than ourselves. The whole child – Spiritual, Moral and Personal Now the children are in Year 6, they have a role to play in setting the example for the rest of the school. All pupils have been given important roles and I know they will take their responsibilities seriously. Skills for Life In Year 6 we will be focusing on the essential skills for life. We will focus in on writing, grammar and mathematics every week. Each week pupils will have a mental maths test, spelling test and a calculation test. There will also be fortnightly assessments of their writing and all pupils will be encouraged to do their best.
Scientific Understanding Pupils will use their topic to support their scientific learning on Living Things and Habitats, Animals including humans and Life Cycles. We will also work on a number of practical activities illustrating the importance of fair testing techniques and critical thinking skills. D & T, Art & Music Pupils will be participating in a creative arts afternoon every Wednesday involving musical composition and artistic skills. Pupils will also have a choir session on a Tuesday morning. French Our pupils are fortunate to be taught by a language specialist who comes in every week to work with all KS2 pupils. Physical Education This term PE will normally be on a Monday morning and a Wednesday afternoon. Pupils will often be outside so please ensure your son/daughter has trainers and a jumper. We will rotate activities between games, gymnastics and dance. Communication, Language & Literacy Tips for home. Read wherever and whenever possible – any type of literature is better than none- so try to make your child’s reading experience fun and engaging with books, ebooks, reading apps, blogs, media feeds etc. Point out spellings around you and the environment, on signs, in books etc. Listen to audiobooks. Engage in conversations about what kind of literature your child enjoys the most – motivate them through the choice of literature they have access to. Religious Education Where possible, talk to your child about what they have been learning, Can they tell you any Bible stories or parables? Can they talk about their feelings and engage in some of the bigger questions of life? Mathematics Practice all table facts on regular basis, through online games and apps as well as regular written practice. Challenge your children to a times table quick quiz. Ask your child to show you the formula they have been using in class. Let them be the teacher. Some of the methods might be alien to you, others might be familiar. If your child is struggling with their homework, take a break and come back to it later or take it in bitesize chunks. Engage in practical maths – cooking, measuring, volume and capacity, shopping, estimating – these can all be done within your usual routine to reinforce knowledge. Using ICT & I-pads We will continue to build on the excellent ICT work undertaken last year as we further explore our use of word processing skills and capabilities with other Microsoft systems, as well as extension to our use of programming using Scratch. Learning, Thinking & Social Skills We are continuing with the regular brain teasers and puzzles to help develop problem solving, resilience and determination. Weekly homework Every pupil needs to complete a reading task, read a minimum of 3 times, revise times tables and complete the weekly homework task.