Welcome to Kindergarten Back to School Parent Meeting August 21, 2014
Meet The Teachers Mrs. Goldstein Mrs. Graves Ms. Oswald Ms. Tecler Mr. Harrington Mrs. Street
Our Road Map to Kindergarten Procedures Communication 2.0 Our Road Map to Kindergarten Assessment Common Core
School Procedures Call the office if your child is going to be absent. If late, students must go to the office and get a late slip. Notes are required for absences, late arrivals, and when your child’s dismissal routine will be different. Yellow information papers will be sent home on the first day of school. School hours are from 8:50 a.m.-3:05 p.m. Early Dismissal (1/2 Days) 8:50a.m.-12:35 p.m. Delayed Openings(inclement weather) Listen to the radio, news on TV (MCPS Channel is 34 on Comcast), or check on the MCPS Website (www.mcps.k12.md.us).
School Procedures, cont. Lunch/Breakfast Breakfast is FREE to all students and is served everyday in the classrooms. Children may buy their lunch from the cafeteria or may bring their lunch from home. Please do not send lunch items needing refrigeration or items stored in glass containers. Free and Reduced Lunch Applications will be sent home along with the Yellow Information paper on the first day of school. Each family will complete one form listing all of the children in the family. Daily lunch costs $2.55 for full price and $.40 for reduced price. Milk is $.60. An account can be set up with the cafeteria manager if you prefer, rather than sending money daily.
School Procedures, cont. Birthdays Parents may bring cupcakes or cookies only to school to celebrate their child’s birthday. Please do not bring in cakes or drinks. The cupcakes or cookies need to be brought to the office and will be served at lunch in the all-purpose room.
School Procedures, cont. Materials Children are requested to bring a backpack to school daily. Donations of school supplies are requested for your child’s classrooms and are appreciated. Please label your child’s belongings and clothing (lunchboxes, coats, hats, gloves, boots, etc.)
School Procedures, cont. Personal Belongings Please do not let your children bring a toy from home to school. (unless it is for a special occasion that the teacher will inform you about) We are not responsible for stolen or damaged belongings and it may become a distraction to learning.
Communication Parent/Teacher Conferences to be held in November Newsletters will be sent home by the classroom teachers Updates on classroom events Current Studies Homework Information Parent/Teacher Conferences to be held in November Progress of students Concerns or questions Monthly Yellow Sheets from the Principal Information about upcoming school, community, and PTA functions
Home/School Folders 301-840-7123 Communication, cont. Classroom Newsletters Homework Community Information Notes between home and school Please contact your child’s teacher with any questions you may have. Send a note in the folder or call and leave a message with the main office 301-840-7123 Home/School Folders
Homework 15 minutes a night is required by Montgomery County Public Schools Homework will be in your child’s folder daily/weekly (depending on your child’s teacher) NO Homework will be assigned on Fridays
Montgomery County Public Schools follows the Common Core and also uses Curriculum 2.0. The Common Core State Standards provide a consistent, clear understanding of what students are expected to learn, so teachers and parents know what they need to do to help them. MCPS Curriculum 2.0 is built around developing students' critical and creative thinking skills, as well as essential academic success skills, so that students are well prepared for a lifetime of learning.
Reading/Literacy Reading Word Work Writing and Writer’s Workshop Guided Reading Groups Read Aloud Shared Reading Phonics Sight vocabulary Writing and Writer’s Workshop Modeled Shared Writing Guided Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing
Learning/Literacy Centers ABC Letters Writing Puppet Show Phonics Read the Room Computer
…..More Learning/Literacy Centers Puzzles Books Read-Along
Math/Learning Centers Statistics Number Sense Measurement Compose Decompose Geometry Sorting Patterns Positional Words Graphing Counting
Math & Social Learning Centers Music Science Math Manipulatives Housekeeping/Dramatic Play Computer Art Sand Tables Blocks
(Many direct links and integration through the Reading Program!) Science (Many direct links and integration through the Reading Program!) Weather Plants and Animals
Social Studies Transportation Welcome to the Neighborhood (Many direct links and integration through the Reading Program!) Transportation Welcome to the Neighborhood All About Families America the Beautiful
Assessment KRA (Kindergarten Readiness Assessment) DIBELS (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills) Progress Monitoring and Benchmark Assessment Parent Conferences are in November Report Cards are sent twice during the year in January and June
E.S.O.L. E.S.O.L. is a support for students for whom English is a second or other language. Students with a first language other than English will be tested/assessed within the first couple of weeks of school. A letter will be sent home to notify parents if their child has tested into E.S.O.L. and will receive services. Students will meet in small groups based on their language proficiency and needs to help them gain a grasp and understanding of the English language.
Don’t forget to join the PTA! Available Resources Linkages to Learning Don’t forget to join the PTA!
We are looking forward to a great year! Thank you for coming!