Spring Learning in Year 6 Numeracy This term in Numeracy (maths) your child will be learning to: Counting & Understanding Number: secure knowledge of place value with numbers with two decimal places count on and back from any given number, in powers of 10 read and write numbers up to ten million know what each digit represents in numbers to ten million solve problems in different contexts Calculating: recap methods for multiplication and division solving problems involving all four operations Ratio and Proportion: solve scaling problems in a range of context enlarge or reduce a shape using a given scale factor Data handling Recap Carroll diagrams and Venn diagrams Interpreting and solving problems involving pie charts Fractions, decimals and percentages Adding and subtracting fractions of different denominators Multiplying and dividing by fractions Finding equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages Finding fractions and percentages of amounts Literacy This term in Literacy your child will be learning to: We will be reading and writing a range of non-fiction texts including persuasive writing and balanced arguments We will be using the well-known legends of Robin Hood to create our own class anthology of legends. We will be reading books by well-known children’s authors to create our own stories. Using visual stills from The Jungle Book, we will be working on creating settings and atmosphere in texts.. Grammar Recap all the different types of words that we use in literacy, and using the correct terminology for these word types. Use speech punctuation correctly. Use a range of simple, compound and complex sentences and understand the differences between different sentence types. Examining the use of apostrophes in writing and how they help us understand meaning Examining a range of tenses, including past perfect and past progressive, and when they are used. Reading Children will continue to learn to read with fluency and expression and to answer questions about given texts. Children will be learning to answer questions recalling facts and events and also be inferring and deducing ideas from texts. How can you help? Home readers Your child will be heard read their home reading book at least once a week and be encouraged to change their book regularly. Please read with them every day as this makes a big difference to your child's learning. Talk about the book and ask them questions to support their understanding of the texts they are reading. Punctuality Lessons start promptly at 9.00am each morning. Please help your child get to school on time so learning time is not disrupted.
Work Outline For Year 6 Spring 2017 Science Animals Geography Biomes focusing on the tropical rainforest Personal , Social & Health Education and Citizenship Comparison of refugees in WW2 times and now Religious Education Inspirational people Design Technoology Food Technology - rationing Art Landscape work related to rainforests. Computing We will be using educational websites to learn about tropical rainforests Music Performing at Young Voices Things to remember ! Reading – Please remind your child to bring their book each day. PE-A PE kit of shorts, t-shirt and pumps is needed on Wednesday and Thursday. PE is an important lesson, correct kit is essential for freedom of movement and safety. Homework Alongside home reading books, which should be shared daily, Year 6 children will receive numeracy and literacy homework each Friday. This should ne handed back in by the following Wednesday. This homework is an important part of SATs preparation which your child will be taking next May.