Mrs Segust – Class teacher


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Presentation transcript:

Mrs Segust – Class teacher Welcome to Owls Mrs Segust – Class teacher Mrs Carter – HLTA Mrs Burrows & Alex (First Step Sports)

Timetable 9.00- 10.00 – English /maths 10.05-10.25- Letters & Sounds 10.25 – playtime & snack 10.45- assembly 11.00-12.00- Literacy/maths 1.15-1.30 – Maths Meeting 1.45-2.00 – Whole class adult input 2.00-3.00 – Topic/Science/RE/ICT/PSHE

Morning Routines Please try to be prompt to give children best start to the day. Children come in and register before going into an adult input on the carpet. Place letters / homework in your child’s hand or an adults. At end of day please stand near to door so I can see you 

Curriculum Children are being taught according to the National Curriculum 2014. Generally Literacy and Maths taught in the morning. Children are taught in variety of groups, sometimes by ability, friendship, specific children that work well together. At the moment children are very tired and getting used to new routines. Year One Curriculum still has elements of play although less free choice.

Reading Children will be heard by an adult once a week. Next Steps for learning will be identified in reading logs as appropriate. Please read regularly with your child and initial and comment on child’s progress. Children are reading book band books, we regularly assess using running records and move children up a level as necessary. Children are given the opportunity to change books every day. In early stages it is beneficial to read more than once. Still read real books. Scheme vs real Sounding out – letter sounds

Maths Mastery Trends in International Mathematics & Science study - TIMSS •UK has been surpassed internationally in its mathematics performance. •Singapore’s students have consistently been top performers in the TIMSS assessment. •Clearly, Singapore maths is effective. Mathematics Mastery Scheme vs real Sounding out – letter sounds

Curricular principles Maths Mastery Curricular principles Fewer topics in greater depth Opportunities are provided throughout Mathematics Mastery for pupils to use reasoning skills to make connections between prior knowledge and newly presented material. These connections will help foster a deeper understanding of the maths concepts.

Maths Mastery Mastery for all pupils Differentiation through depth, cumulative learning • Number sense and place value come first Traditional algorithms (methods) meaningfully taught • Problem solving is central Comprehension, calculation and problem solving developed simultaneously. Mathematics Mastery

Maths Mastery Key lesson features • Mastering mathematical understanding • Mastering mathematical thinking • Mastering mathematical language • Mastery for all: Structure of learning

Mastery for all: Structure of learning • Multi-part lessons Allow for cumulative, scaffolded learning where assessment is crucially feeding in to subsequent segments. Pupils are ‘doing’ straight away. No time is wasted Do Now Task; New Learning; talk task; Develop Learning; Independent Task; Plenary Transitions Used to recall quick number facts or mathematical concepts through chants, actions and songs and to prepare children for learning.

Purple Mash

Bug Club

Homework Homework will be set on a Friday. Please can it be handed in on Wednesday morning. Reading ~ 3-4 times a week. The more the better! Homework will generally be maths, topic or literacy. Optional CGP Using letter sounds and writing in lower case.

PE Taught twice a week. Once by Mrs Burrows and once by First Sports Coach Alex. Will take place on a Thursday morning and Wednesday afternoon. Please ensure hair tied back, no earrings, socks rather than tights. Please name clothes and check they haven’t washed out Gymnastics and dance bare feet. Children will be outside on a Wednesday afternoon. It is really important that they have warm clothes and trainers suitable in wet weather. PE uniform – school blue PE t-shirt, dark tracksuit bottom and tracksuit top. School fleece is allowed to be worn outside for PE but not compulsory.

Behaviour House Point System – children will be allocated new house group. Warnings and Consequences Encourage rewards, bonus 5. Children are given 10 points daily for being in school wearing full school uniform. Please ensure children have school shoes rather than trainers. Silver Book for personal bests Stickers on jumpers. Positive reinforcement Firm boundaries across school – stop you need to...., warning, consequence

Class Dojo

Thank You Visitors and helpers welcome at any time. To give your child the best start to school parents and staff need to work as partnership. Let us know anything that could affect your child’s day. Come and talk to us if you have any worries or concerns.