Homework Old State Elementary
Appoquinimink Board Policy
Old State Elementary Homework All homework will be web-based this year. 1st grade may use Raz-Kids and IXL. 2nd-5th grades need to utilize Reflex 3 times per week and may also use IXL and Study Island. 10 minutes per grade level should be spent on homework (1st grade- 10 minutes, 2nd grade- 20 minutes etc.). For those without computer access at home, students should complete web based assignments for morning work and do the morning work for homework. Reading time may be in addition to the recommended time (AR, novels, enjoyment)
Raz Kids Raz-Kids makes reading accessible (and fun) like never before Access for Students: With Raz-Kids, students can practice reading anytime, anywhere — at home, on the go, and even during the summer! Keeping Teachers in Control: Teachers can make assignments and track student progress with online assessments and student recordings Results: Viewing reports is simple, for individuals, classrooms, schools and even districts! Common Core Alignment
Study Island Study Island’s data-driven standards mastery and formative assessment solutions are designed to help students master the content specified in state and Common Core standards and improve performance in core skill areas. Study Island provides quality academic support, practice, and real- time assessment data with immediate feedback and built-in remediation. Enables teachers to easily monitor student progress and differentiate instruction.
IXL IXL's skills are aligned to the Common Core State Standards, providing comprehensive coverage of math concepts and applications. With IXL's state standards alignments, you can easily find unlimited practice questions specifically tailored to each required standard. Easy for teacher to view student progress towards state standards. The reports in the standards center allow you to quickly evaluate student aptitude and identify trouble spots.
Reflex Math Math fact fluency is the quick and effortless (automatic) recall of basic math facts. When students achieve automaticity with these facts, they have attained a level of mastery that enables them to retrieve them from long-term memory without conscious effort or attention. Predicts performance on math concept problems, word problems, data interpretation problems, and mathematical reasoning items. Adaptivity and individualization. Reflex continuously monitors each student's performance to create the optimal experience for every child. Intuitive and powerful reporting. Teachers have everything they need to easily monitor and support student progress in Reflex. Fun! Reflex is game-based and highly motivational so students enjoy the learning process. Outstanding results.
Why the change? 21st Century Learning Skills – Media and Technology Literacy Consistency – across grade levels, for families Fidelity – aligned with curriculum and Common Core Flexibility Differentiation Aligns with Board Policy
Concerns Lack of or limited computer access at home Student complete in the morning in lieu of morning work (morning work can be done at home for homework) Study Island Skills may be printed and sent home. Request through the classroom teacher. Screen-time at the elementary level Technology class occurs once every 6 days. 3-4 computers in the classroom – often used for centers which are 15-20 minutes at time. 14 computers in each pod – students flow in and out working on various assignments such as writing and research AR tests are completed only when a student is ready to test and is a short amount of time. Testing blocks are 30-45 minutes – This does create more screen time for students at certain times of the year. As always, specific concerns may be addressed with your child’s teacher and accommodations can be made.
What do the expert say? American Academy of Pediatrics No Screen Time for children under 2 2 hours of screen time Announced recently that they will be releasing new standards on October 21st Mayo Clinic Quality of the media is more important that the amount of time spent Parental interaction during screen time (this applies to homework at OSE) Commonsensemedia.org