Transition Meeting for parents Miss Harris Year 3 Leader Transition Meeting for parents Moving from Year 2 to 3
Year 3 Expectations Expected to be more independent. Going to the toilet encouraged at break and lunchtime, rather than during lessons (but during lessons will be allowed). Children are expected to move around the school silently at all times, including going up and down the stairs. Same behaviour thermometer applies.
Equipment Stationery such as pencils, pens, coloured pencils and glue sticks are no longer provided by school. Please provide a school bag (book bag or rucksack) with: pencil case / ruler / pencils / rubber / rubbers etc. Equipment list provided. Pencil case needs to be in school everyday. Pen licence – then will need a blue berol handwriting pen.
Literacy Spelling List – list of spellings for Years 3 and 4. Grammar requirements. Writing – quantity and greater focus on language choices and punctuation. Reading – comprehension.
Maths Mental Arithmetic – 2,3,4,5,6,8 x tables, number bonds, 4 operations. Read and write to 1000 in numbers and words. Effective written and mental methods. Decimal place value. Division using bus stop method. Multiplication: grid and column method. Ratio and scaling. Count up and down in tenths. Adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator. Roman numerals.
Trips Though trips may sometimes change due to booking availability etc…we enjoyed these trips this year: Autumn – The Chiltern Open Air Museum with Stone Age Workshops Spring – Pizza Express to support our food based unit ‘Scrumdiddlyumptious’ Summer – Whipsnade Zoo to support our ‘Predators’ units. Other activities we have enjoyed includes visits to school from Birds of Prey, Roman and Drama workshops.
Given out and due in on Monday Homework Given out and due in on Monday Literacy Maths Spellings Reading – with an adult at home, at least 3 times a week for 15 minutes at a time. Parent/carer to sign Reading Record once each week. Other - occasional project – about 2 weeks given to complete before presenting to class. DB Primary.
Homework DB Primary – login – homework on this site as well as spellings. Paper copy if requested. Homework will be peer marked under the class teacher’s direction and triangled and initialled by the teacher. Homework Diary – must be signed weekly by parent/carer. Feedback can be given in this diary. If homework or Reading Records are repeatedly not completed/returned on time, detention during morning break.
Behaviour Work: quality, quantity, attention to detail. Expected to focus for longer periods of time. Same houses – house points for good work/behaviour. Same Behaviour Thermometer used. Yellow/Red card system – disruptive or harmful behaviour – red card means detention during playtime. Walking around the school. Taking greater responsibility for their actions. Respectful to staff and their peers.
General Fruit no longer provided – children can bring own healthy snack for morning break, e.g. yoghurt, fruit or a cereal bar. Children can continue to have hot lunches. However, from Year 3 upwards, unless you have applied for and receive free school meals for your child, these now have to be paid for. Please ensure your child’s hot lunch account has sufficient funds. School day for Y3 ends at 3.20pm. Collect from basketball playground. If child going home with an adult other than a parent, please send a note, write in the Homework Diary or ring the Office. Current Year 2 teachers will be sharing information with new Year 3 teachers so they are aware of your child’s needs.
These slides and other useful information will be sent to you via parentmail and uploaded on the school website for your viewing by the end of the week.
? Any questions?