PO 401 General Criteria EO401.01 Common Information Interpretation and Application of Criteria for the Development of Instrument Procedures PO 401 General Criteria EO401.01 Common Information © Jet Pro 2012
References TP308/GPH209, Criteria for the Development of Instrument Procedures – Change 5.3 (15 Dec 2011), Volume 1, Chapter 2, Section 1 © Jet Pro 2012
COMMON INFORMATION TP308/GPH209 specifies the minimum measure of obstacle clearance that is considered by Transport Canada, to supply a satisfactory level of vertical protection. The validity of the protection is dependent, in part, on assumed aircraft performance. © Jet Pro 2012
COMMON INFORMATION (cont) "These criteria are predicated on normal aircraft operations for considering obstacle clearance requirements.” Normal aircraft operation means: all aircraft systems are functioning normally; all required navigational aids (NAVAID's) are performing within flight inspection parameters; & pilot is conducting operations utilizing instrument procedures based on TP308/GPH209 standards to provide the required obstacle clearance (ROC). © Jet Pro 2012
Common Information (cont) While the application of TP308/GPH209 criteria indirectly addresses issues of flyability and efficient use of NAVAID's, the major safety contribution is the provision of obstacle clearance standards. This facet of TP308/GPH209 allows aeronautical navigation in instrument meteorological conditions (IMC) without fear of collision with unseen obstacles. ROC is provided through application of level and sloping Obstacle Clearance Surfaces (OCS). © Jet Pro 2012
Level OCS applicable to “level flight” segments; These segments are: level flight operations intended for en route; initial, intermediate segments; & non-precision final approaches. © Jet Pro 2012
Level OCS (cont) A single ROC value is applied over the length of the segment; Typical ROC values are: en route procedure segments - 1,000 feet (1,500 or 2,000 in designated mountainous regions); initial segments - 1,000 feet; intermediate segments - 500 feet; & final segments - 350/300/250 feet. © Jet Pro 2012
Level OCS (cont) results in a horizontal band of airspace that cannot be penetrated by obstacles. Since obstacles always extend upward from the ground, the bottom surface of the ROC band is mathematically placed on top of the highest obstacle within the segment. The depth (ROC value) of the band is added to the obstacle height to determine the minimum altitude authorized for the segment. The bottom surface of the ROC band is referred to as the level OCS. © Jet Pro 2012
Level OCS (cont) © Jet Pro 2012
Sloping OCS applied in segments dedicated to descending on a glidepath or climbing in a departure or missed approach segment; requires a different obstacle clearance concept than the level OCS (ROC value must vary throughout the segment); The value of ROC near the runway is relatively small, and the value at the opposite end of the segment is sufficient to satisfy one of the level surface standards. © Jet Pro 2012
Sloping OCS (cont) Expression of slope ratio: © Jet Pro 2012
Sloping OCS (cont) Descending on a Precision Glidepath: application of a descending OCS below the glidepath. The vertical distance between the glidepath and the OCS is ROC; i.e., ROC = (glidepath height) - (OCS height); ROC decreases with distance from the FAF as the OCS and glidepath converge on the approach surface baseline (ASBL) height (see Figure 2-1-2); The OCS slope and glidepath angle values are interdependent: OCS Slope = 102 ÷ glidepath angle; or glidepath angle = 102 ÷ OCS slope; This relationship is the standard that determines the ROC value since ROC = (glidepath height)-(OCS height). © Jet Pro 2012
Sloping OCS (cont) © Jet Pro 2012
Sloping OCS (cont) If the OCS is penetrated: the OCS slope may be adjusted upward, thereby increasing the glidepath angle. The glidepath angle would increase because it is dependent on the required slope. Descent on a glidepath generated by systems that do not meet the system precision requirements of ICAO Annex 10, such as barometric vertical navigation (Baro- VNAV), provide ROC through application of a descending sloping surface based on standards using differing formulas, but the concept is the same. © Jet Pro 2012
Sloping OCS (cont) Climbing on departure or missed approach: the concept of providing obstacle clearance in the climb segment is based on the aircraft maintaining a minimum climb gradient; climb gradient must be sufficient to increase obstacle clearance along the flightpath so that the minimum ROC for the subsequent segment is achieved prior to leaving the climb segment (see Figure 2-1-3); for TP308/GPH209 purposes, the MINIMUM climb gradient that will provide adequate ROC in the climb segment is 200 ft/NM. © Jet Pro 2012
Sloping OCS (cont) © Jet Pro 2012
Sloping OCS (cont) the obstacle evaluation method for a climb segment is the application of a rising OCS below the minimum climbing flightpath; whether the climb is for departure or missed approach is immaterial; the vertical distance between the climbing flightpath and the OCS is ROC. © Jet Pro 2012
Sloping OCS (cont) ROC for a climbing segment is defined as: ROC = 0.24CG (CG=climb gradient); this concept is often called the 24% rule; altitude gained is dependent on CG expressed in feet per NM; the minimum ROC supplied by the 200 ft/NM CG is 48 ft/NM (0.24 x 200 = 48). Since 48 of the 200 feet gained in 1 NM is ROC, the OCS height at that point must be 152 feet (200 – 48=152), or 76% of the CG(152 ÷ 200=0.76); The slope of a surface that rises 152 over1 NM is 40 (6076.11548 ÷ 152 = 39.97 = 40). © Jet Pro 2012
Sloping OCS (cont) Where an obstruction penetrates the OCS: non-standard climb gradient (greater than 200 ft/NM) is required to provide adequate ROC; ROC will be greater than 48 ft/NM (0.24CG > 200 = ROC > 48); The non-standard ROC expressed in ft/NM can be calculated using the formula: (0.24h) ÷ (0.76d) where "h" is the height of the obstacle above the altitude from which the climb is initiated, and "d" is the distance in NM from the initiation of climb to the obstacle; Normally, instead of calculating the non- standard ROC value, the required climb gradient is calculated directly using the formula: h ÷ (0.76d). © Jet Pro 2012
Sloping OCS (cont) for an instrument departure: the OCS is applied during the climb until at least the minimum en route value of ROC is attained; the OCS begins at the departure end of runway, at the elevation of the runway end; it is assumed aircraft will cross the departure end-of-runway at a height of at least 35 feet; for TP308/GPH209 purposes, aircraft are assumed to lift off at the runway end (unless the procedures state otherwise); ROC value is zero at the runway end, and increases along the departure route until the appropriate ROC value is attained to allow en route flight to commence. © Jet Pro 2012
Sloping OCS (cont) for a missed approach procedure: the climbing flight path starts at the height of MDA or DA minus height loss; The OCS starts approximately at the MAP/DA point at an altitude of MDA/DA minus the final segment ROC and adjustments; the final segment ROC is assured at the beginning of the OCS, and increases as the missed approach route progresses; OCS is applied until at least the minimum initial or en route value of ROC is attained, as appropriate. © Jet Pro 2012
Sloping OCS (cont) Extraordinary circumstances, such as a mechanical or electrical malfunction, may prevent an aircraft from achieving the 200 ft/NM minimum climb gradient assumed by TP308/GPH209; In these cases, adequate obstacle clearance may not be provided by published instrument procedures. Operational procedures contained outside TP308/GPH209 guidelines are required to cope with these abnormal scenarios. © Jet Pro 2012
Units of Measurement Bearings, Courses and Radials: Bearings and courses: expressed in degrees magnetic, except that true and/or grid shall be used within the Northern Domestic Airspace; Radials; VOR/TACAN radials shall normally be identified as the magnetic bearing FROM the facility and shall be prefixed with the letter "R" (e.g., R-130); When the facility is within the Northern Domestic Airspace and is oriented with grid (DND) or true north, radials shall be so indicated (e.g., R-130G, R-130T). © Jet Pro 2012
Units of Measurement (cont) Altitudes: The unit of measure for altitude in this publication is feet; Published altitudes in the areas of the Altimeter Setting Region shall be expressed in feet above MSL, e.g. 17,900 feet; Published altitudes above the transition level (18,000 ft.) shall be expressed as flight levels (FL); e.g. FL190; Normally, altitudes at the transition level will not be used. MDAs shall be rounded off to the next higher 20-foot increment; all other altitudes expressed in the approach shall be rounded off to the next higher 20-foot increment, except the ILS glide path check altitude which shall be rounded off to the nearest 10-foot increment; DA and DH values shall be rounded off to the next higher 1-foot increment (see Para 322, Note 1). © Jet Pro 2012
Units of Measurement (cont) Distances: expressed in nautical miles (6,076.11548 feet or 1852.0 meters per NM) and hundredths thereof), except: Where feet are required; Visibilities are expressed in statute miles (5280 feet per SM) and fractions thereof; Runway Visual Range (RVR) is expressed in multiples of one hundred feet by increments of: 200 feet from 600 feet to 3,000 feet; and 500 feet from 3,000 feet to 6,000 feet. Use the following formulas for feet and meter conversions: feet =meters / 3048 meters = feet x 0.3048 © Jet Pro 2012
Units of Measurement (cont) Speeds: Aircraft speeds shall be expressed in knots indicated airspeed (KIAS). © Jet Pro 2012
Positive Course Guidance Positive course guidance shall be provided for: feeder routes; initial (except as provided for in Para 233.b) approach segments; intermediate approach segments; final approach segments. The segments should be within the service volume of the facility(ies) used; Positive course guidance may be provided by one or more of the navigation systems for which criteria has been published. © Jet Pro 2012
Aircraft Categories Aircraft performance directly affects the amount of airspace and the visibility, which is required for maneuvering during instrument procedures; The varying performance is acknowledged by the following system of aircraft speed categories: Category A — speed less than 91 knots; Category B — speed 91 knots or more but less than 121 knots; Category C — speed 121 knots or more but less than 141 knots; Category D — speed 141 knots or more but less than 166 knots; and Category E — speed 166 knots and greater. © Jet Pro 2012
Aircraft Category Application The approach category operating characteristics shall be used to determine turning radii, minimums, and obstacle clearance areas for circling, missed approach and certain departure procedures; When designing an instrument procedure: Category A, B, C and D normally will be considered for civil procedures; Category B, C, D and E will be considered for military procedures. © Jet Pro 2012
Procedure Construction An instrument approach procedure (IAP) may have four separate segments: Initial, intermediate, final, and the missed approach segments. In addition, an area for circling the airport under visual conditions shall be considered; An approach segment begins and ends at the plotted position of the fix; under some circumstances certain segments may begin at specified points where no fixes are available; fixes are named to coincide with the associated segment. For example, the intermediate segment begins at the intermediate fix (IF) and ends at the final approach fix (FAF). © Jet Pro 2012
Procedure Construction (cont) Only those segments that are required by local conditions need to be included in a procedure; In constructing the procedure, the final approach course (FAC) should be identified first because it is the least flexible and most critical of all the segments; When the final approach has been determined, the other segments should be blended with it to produce an orderly maneuvering pattern that is responsive to the local traffic flow; Consideration shall also be given to any accompanying controlled airspace to the extent it is feasible (see Figure 2-1-4). © Jet Pro 2012
Procedure Construction (cont) © Jet Pro 2012
Instrument Procedures and Class F Airspace Instrument procedures may come in conflict with Class “F” airspace; Normally, the primary area obstacle clearance surface shall not penetrate the Class “F” airspace: instrument approach procedures may exist within Class “F” airspace when it is established for security reasons. © Jet Pro 2012
Instrument Procedures and Class F Airspace (cont) The vertical clearance from Class “F” airspace will vary depending upon the activity within the Class “F” airspace and the potential for conflict; The ROC for the instrument approach procedure segment overlying the Class “F” should be used as a guideline to establish obstacle clearance; In no case shall the ROC be less than 100 feet. © Jet Pro 2012
Instrument Procedures and Class F Airspace (cont) Where Class “F” restricted or advisory airspace has been established for military purposes or flight training activities, then the maximum ROC shall be applied. Where Class “F” restricted airspace has been established for security reasons e.g. over a prison, the instrument procedure designer may elect to use a minimum of 100 feet of ROC. © Jet Pro 2012
Instrument Procedures and Class F Airspace (cont) Where Class “F” restricted airspace has been established for security reasons (e.g. visiting dignitaries), instrument procedures may exist within the Class “F”, and authorization to fly the procedure may be given by the Controlling Agency; For missed approach and departure procedures Class F airspace shall not penetrate the OCS. Note:Where Class “F” airspace influences an instrument procedure, the type of activity within the Class “F” shall be documented, as well as the amount of ROC that has been applied. Other known areas that could constitute a hazard, such as known blasting areas, should be treated as Class “F” airspace and documented.” © Jet Pro 2012
Controlling Obstacles The controlling obstacle in each segment of the procedure shall be identified in the documentation submitted with the procedure; The minimum accuracy standards apply to all controlling obstacles; When assessing contour lines on a topographical map to determine obstacle height, the accepted method is to use the contour that is on or in the trapezoid being assessed: To this figure, add the next contour interval MINUS one contour unit (foot/metre, as appropriate); If the area is treed, then the average tree height (determined from local forestry authorities) is added to the terrain elevation; A survey or a well-documented flight check process may confirm controlling obstacle elevations that are questionable. © Jet Pro 2012
Controlling Obstacles (cont) In determining the height of mobile objects, the following standard shall be used: 15.5 feet for mobile obstacles traversing multi-lane controlled access highways where over crossings are designed for a maximum of 15.5 feet vertical distance; 15 feet for any other public roadway; for a private roadway, 10 feet or the height of the highest mobile object, whichever is greater, that would normally traverse the road; 23 feet for a railroad; and for a waterway or any other traverse way not previously mentioned, an amount equal to the height of the highest mobile object that would normally traverse it. © Jet Pro 2012
Jet Pro Student Guide (JPSG) Complete section 1.1 of JPSG. © Jet Pro 2012