Bellringer On the sticky note provided, please write your favorite summer activity from the following choices: Going to the Beach Camping Gardening Traveling Golfing Sleeping Other
How I Spent My Summer Vacation Communicating Data Valerie Vandlen July 31, 2017
Group Expectations Be responsible Attend to the “Come back together” signal Active participation…Please ask questions Be Respectful Please allow others to listen Please turn off cell phone and pagers Please limit sidebar conversations Share “air time” Please refrain from email and Internet browsing Be Safe Take care of your own needs
Agenda Purpose of communicating data What data should we use Who should receive communication How do we communicate in an engaging way
Intended Outcomes Identify the types of data that is important to communicate and to whom Begin constructing your own data communication
Activity #1 With someone from another table: Share your favorite summer activity Discuss reasons why we need to communicate data? Organize graph from sticky notes!!!
Why do we Communicate Communication should be the conduit between the team you represent to other stakeholders Without an effective communication loop, your ability to implement, monitor and evaluate your PBIS Implementation will be impacted Many people within your organization are integral to your District’s plan being successfully implemented! Communication to and from your staff all along the way is critical
What do we Communicate Information about the PBIS installation and implementation efforts Celebrations and barriers Next steps Data collection and analysis Connections between initiatives
When do we communicate? Regularly - if we don’t schedule it then it does not remain a priority After data is collected Before completing a task that may be influenced by the data
How do we communicate? Presentation Newsletter Email Posted
What data should be communicated Fidelity SW-PBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) Student Outcome School-Wide Information System (SWIS) Student Risk Screening Scale (SRSS) Capacity District Capacity Assessment (DCA)
Activity #2 What data measures will you be communicating? Record those on your Communicating Data worksheet.
Who? Stakeholders: Board Executive Team District Leadership Team School Staff Families Students Community members
Activity #3 Who will you be communicating data to? Record who you will be presenting data to on your worksheet
But, it is data . . .
So, let’s make it interesting
Understand Predict Infer Relate How to make it engaging Understand Predict Infer Relate
Predict Tests preconceived assumptions vs. reality Connects audience to the data Trainer Notes: Once had a video conference call where we were looking at data from another region. But we made predictions to test our assumptions and then revealed the numbers. I was much more engaged than I would have normally been. On a sticky write down which category from our Summer Activity graph got the most votes, which got the least, and how many chose Camping. Reveal the graph
Understand Identify: Strengths Weaknesses patterns Create a narrative summary of data in their own words If we are looking at SWIS data, it is easy for us to look at where our tough spots in the school are. That information is part of the story of our daily life in that building.
Infer Make some logical guesses as to why Leads toward action steps Making inferences, based on the data, but it can also lead to us wanting to gather more information. For example, we may see that playground has the most referrals, but we don’t know why. We may need to go talk to playground staff (action item) to give us the information that is needed to improve (another action item)
Relate What does this mean for me? How does it impact daily work?
Activity #4 How might you make the information engaging to the audience Record on your worksheet Share with an elbow partner
Resources Sample presentations Slides summarizing data measures Templates of graphs MIBLSI staff Trainer Notes: Ensure that everyone has the dropbox link. Show the different resources in this folder.
Activity #5 Work Lab Using the Data Communication Planning Worksheet and the other resources on the MIBLSI website, begin to create your own presentation.
Activity #6 Share out with others at your table one slide, one idea, etc. that may be helpful to others.
Need More? Valerie Vandlen
Thank You
Session 5A Clock Hours Code HISsv5A It is the responsibility of each participant to document his/her own attendance. Missed codes cannot be repeated or shared.