Grand Rounds in the PLTW hospital Cassidy Watson
Patient 4 Patient 4 is a male He is 55 His wife bring him here to see what is wrong with him
Slow movement Lost of balance Quiet Hand shaking Bad hand writing symptoms Slow movement Lost of balance Quiet Hand shaking Bad hand writing
diagnose of patient 4 He has Parkinson There are other illness that he could of had some similar character to what he has, Bradykinesia, and gout
Symptoms of Parkinson Shaking Small writing Lost of smell Trouble sleeping Trouble with walking Constipation Soft talking No expression Dizzy Lost of balance
Who at risk People over 50 has a higher risk Males has a more change getting it People having a family history getting it Post menopausal who do not use hormone replacement therapy are at risk People who works around toxics Low vitamin b are at risk People with head trauma are at risk
treatment There are no treatment for Parkinson You need excise and eat healthy for Parkinson not to act up has much
The future If he does not work out or eat healthy he more likely be suffering with pain and not able to walk as much and can not write well
Careers that deals with Parkinson Neurologist a doctor who studies and treats the nervous system One of the many problems that Neurologist work with is Parkinson Movement Disorder Specialist A doctor who studies the movement of a person and helps the person get around better
fact 1 out of 300 people has it
2013,symptoms,http://www. pdf 2013,symptoms, 2013,ten signs of parkinson, 2013, treatment for parkinson disease/tc/parkinsons-disease-treatment-overview 2013,the right doctor for Parkinson