AFGE Local 200 Contract Briefing Agreement between the American Federation of Government Employees Local 200 AFL-CIO and the Federal Aviation Administration U.S . Department of Transportation AFGE Local 200 Contract Briefing Quick Highlights – Full formal to follow with all details
Article 9: Overtime: The major change here is that the employee may elect for compensatory time in lieu of overtime pay. Employees cannot be required to take either compensatory time or overtime, it is the employee election.
Article 50: Pay Effective within 60 days of implementation (Current plan for 2/19/17), BUEs will be converted to the AFGE Local 200 FV Pay Plan (based upon Core Compensation) Your current step will be “bought-out” by a pro-rated within-grade increase (wigi). The wigi is computed based upon how far you are into your step. If you are 12 months into a 24 month step, you will get 50% of the percentage of your next step immediately added to your base pay. If you want, the Union will provide you a quick analysis of your expected conversion rate (see Mike Torrence, Chief Steward). To offset step changes: Step 1 employees receive a 2% increase to base Step 2 employees receive a 1.5% increase to base Step 3 employees receive a 1% increase to base Step 4 employees receive a 0.5% increase to base
Article 50: Pay (continued) ATRA buy-out of 1% to base for all employees who used ATRA between 10/1/2011 and implementation of this contract. Any ATRA travel occurring before the conversion to this pay plan should be coded ATRA. Administrative support BUEs receive a lump sum of $5,000 Every BUE receives a 1.6% increase the first full pay period in June every year. If the BUE is at the pay band maximum, the 1.6% will be paid to the BUE every June. Any time the General Schedule increases, each BUE will receive the equivalent increase. BUEs are exempt from any bi-weekly pay cap. BUEs are eligible for in-position increases.
ARTICLE 53: INTERCHANGE AGREEMENT The Agency must establish an Interchange Agreement with OPM which will provide clarity and protections for BUEs regarding the 334 Computer Specialist Series (FAA is the only agency still using this series)
ARTICLE 54: FITNESS CENTER AND PHYSICAL WELLNESS PROGRAMS New article to provide provisions and protections to current access to fitness center and wellness programs
ARTICLE 55: HAZARDOUS GEOLOGICAL/WEATHER CONDITIONS New article to provide a consistent mechanism for the handling of hazardous weather conditions. BUEs are required to inform their manager of inability to report BUEs must provide information that supports their request for excused absences Provides a clear mechanism for the equitable treatment of hazardous conditions across all BUEs Problem-solving mechanism to be used to resolve issues
ARTICLE 59: ESTABLISHING SPECIFIC CORE COMPENSATION POSITION CAREER PATHS New article with discussions regarding career paths within the core compensation pay program With the transition to a core-comp-based pay system, this article provides a career path and progression plan for BUEs