The CERN Near Detector(s) initiative
An European ND forum Strong interest in Europe for Near Detectors activities for future LBL experiments, both in US and Japan Interest extends outside of the “neutrino community” At CERN: Neutrino Platform, EP-nu group, TH-nu group: can act as catalysers CERN proposes to coordinate the European effort on ND Addressing physics first: 4 WPs focussing on the main sources and handles on systematics (flux, cross-section, TH-models, ..) Best ND technology derived by the outcome of the physics studies R&D will start once the needs will be defined Keep coordination with DUNE Near Detector Concept Study and initiatives for T2K/HK Mailing list : now sending invitations Working groups WG1: Measurement of neutrino flux WG2: Cross sections, theory WG3: Cross sections, experimental WG4: Sensitivity studies WG5: Requirements for detectors and R&D
WG1:Measurement of neutrino flux The e-scatter method : define requirements for detector, needed exposure, study dependence on nu angle, possibility to measure nu energy, precision achievable, limitations. The low-nu method: requirements for detector, needed exposure, reliability at low energies, precision achievable, limitations. Hadroproduction Beam monitoring and synergies with muon monitors Other ideas (nu-prism...), but also the “spectrometer” for DUNE beam, enubet Example studies of “real” detectors.. Near-to-far extrapolation
WG2Cross sections, theory Review status of neutrino generators vs data, identify areas of development Comparisons with electron scattering data if available in the generators Generate a test database with available data Stimulate new/complementary experimental programs where needed Address in detail the electron-muon and neutrino-antineutrino differences, extrapolate achievable precision Cross sections, theory
WG3: Cross sections, experimental Target nucleus Detector effects on event identification Detector effects on energy reconstruction Needed coverage (is 4pi necessary?) Need magnetic field ? Identify “control samples” or distributions to validate models and reconstruction Near-far extrapolation if expt. technique not exactly the same (Gas vs Liquid)
WG4: sensitivity studies Analyze the relative contribution of different systematic errors to the final sensitivity Compare different methods: VALOR, Minos, Nova, Mach3... Evaluate need for / develop new tools Provide guidelines to WG1-WG3 in terms of required systematic/statistics
WG5: Requirements for detectors and R&D Gather detector requirements from other Wgs Search for detector techniques possibly matching the requirements Steer R&D efforts
First Steps Send out invitations, hopefully fill the mailing lists.. First (videoconf) meeting soon, common to all wgs Define WG conveners (possibly already at first meeting)