BTEC Performing Arts SUMMER PROJECT Investigating Practitioners’ Work
BTEC Ext.Cert Performing Arts Summer Project A practitioner is defined as an individual or a company with international recognition and an established reputation and influence in the performing arts industry. Task 1. Select one of the following practitioners and use your research to prepare a 5 slide powerpoint presentation to ‘explain’ the ‘aims’ of your chosen practitioner’s theories. Make sure you include some relevant images. Please email your ppt. to me in advance of our first lesson ( Steven Berkoff Bertolt Brecht DV8 Frantic Assembly Katie Mitchell Kneehigh Complicite Punchdrunk Stanislavski Peter Brook BTEC Ext.Cert Performing Arts Summer Project
Bring your written plan and any resources to the first lesson. Task 2 Plan a 2 minute warm up activity that would be suitable for actors preparing to work in the style of your chosen practitioner. Think about the use of relevant resources e.g. props, music, images. Bring your written plan and any resources to the first lesson. Task 3 Source a 10 line duologue that would be suitable for the ‘style’ of your chosen practitioner. Plan how you will direct your two actors in this scene, ensuring the aims of your chosen practitioner are realised for the audience. Directing includes communicating how the actors will perform with a focus on voice and movement, stage directions and, if appropriate for your practitioner, the use of props, costume, make-up, projections and music. Bring 3 copies of the duologue and written plan (one for you and one for your actors) to the first lesson. Please do email me if you have any questions about your project. Have a great summer and I look forward to seeing you with your project in September. Please bring a wire bound notebook, a sturdy lever arch file and a supply of plastic wallets! Ms. Gornall-White BTEC Ext.Cert Performing Arts Summer Project