Jean Hugé Climate-proofing the Belgian development cooperation: the KLIMOS-toolkit Jean Hugé
This presentation 1. The KLIMOS platform 2. Context 3. Climate proofing tools 4. The KLIMOS toolkit 5. Next steps
1. The KLIMOS platform
Inter-university platform supporting the Belgian Development Cooperation in integrating climate change, biodiversity & other environmental sustainability issues in its interventions (projects, programs,…); KLIMOS is one of the ACROPOLIS platforms; Funded by the Belgian Development Cooperation through VLIR-UOS & ARES; Outputs include policy briefs, ad hoc support (eg in international forums, project screenings, seminars, working papers, training programs in Belgium & in the South)
2. Context
WFP, 2010
Maplecroft’s Climate Change and Environmental Risk Atlas, 2013
Samson et al., 2011
3. Climate proofing tools Tools to support decision-makers / project managers to integrate climate change; The tools focus on adaptation measures; Sometimes mitigation measures are also included; Many development actors (governments, NGOs, academics) have (co-)developed and applied such tools
Impact vs Risk ! IMPACT RISK
Nkoana et al., 2016
4. The KLIMOS Toolkit: objectives To enhance the integration of environmental sustainability issues in Belgian development cooperation by developing a user-friendly toolkit; To allow the climate-proofing of development interventions; To stimulate individual & organizational learning on environmental sustainability issues in development; To provide a framework for the quality assessment of development interventions;
4. The KLIMOS Toolkit: format Eurostat, 2014
4. The KLIMOS Toolkit: interface
4. The KLIMOS Toolkit: Differentiated screenings Different versions of the screening questionnaires are available; Can be used separately or in combination; Quick scan Screening guide for the: Identification, Formulation, Implementation, evaluation stages;
4. The KLIMOS Toolkit: database
4. The KLIMOS Toolkit: does it ‘work’? Effectiveness of tools can be measured by different criteria, reflecting a range of objectives (changing project content, making tangible changes on the ground, changing mindsets, setting examples etc..). The Toolkit has led to a range of changes in project set-up (e.g. in Morroco). The Toolkit creates an entry point for concrete discussions on climate proofing (& beyond) in a development context; However, the use of the Toolkit is voluntary, so organizational changes have not –yet- been triggered. The Toolkit is one element in an ‘architecture’ of initiatives to improve the sustainability and climate-inclusive character of the interventions of the Belgian development cooperation.
5. Next steps New phase of KLIMOS-Acropolis platform starts on May 1st, 2017 Update of the Toolkit database Development of sectoral modules Application & fine-tuning of the Toolkit in close collaboration with DGD & BTC (case studies planned in 2017-1028) Continued outreach & training for various actors of the Belgian development cooperation
References Nkoana, E.M., Waas, T., Verbruggen, A., Burman, C.J. & Hugé, J. 2016. Analytic framework for assessing participation processes & outcomes of climate change adaptation tools. Environment, Development & Sustainability. Samson et al. 2011. Geographic disparities and moral hazards in the predicted impacts of climate change on human populations. Global Ecology & Biogeography.