Everything you need to know! Year 6 Everything you need to know!
Staff Mr Byrne (6B) Miss Maund (6M) Mrs Burnham Miss Morrissey Mr McKenzie (PE) Mr Barclay (ICT)
In Year 6 Topic- Autumn 1: Harry Potter Topic – Autumn 2: The Victorians Science- Autumn 1: The Human Body (focus on circulation)
Timetables Outdoor P.E. kit needs to be in school on Thursdays for both classes. The children will need trainers. Indoor P.E. kit needs to be in school on Fridays for both classes.
How we Teach Spelling in School Children will receive spelling lessons either as part of their Literacy lessons or as stand alone sessions. We focus on teaching children about the rules and patterns that apply to the majority of the English language (85% of spelling in English is predictable). Children are given time during the school day to practise and apply the rules and patterns they have learnt during their spelling sessions. The children will be tested on the High Frequency Words (the most common words that do not fit the rules or patterns). A list of age appropriate High Frequency Words can be found in your child’s Reading Journal and we ask that you work with your child/ren and the school to help them learn these words.
Spelling Home Study We are currently looking at how we ensure everyone gets the most out of spelling homework – including you as parents! We will let you know as soon as it is ready to go. In the meantime, the best way to improve spelling powers is to read more, read widely and read carefully.
Maths Marathon The whole school embarked upon the Multiplication Marathon last year in order to improve their times tables, division facts and multiplication facts (including decimals and fractions). The children will be starting at the Mile they were on at the end of Year 5. It would be really useful for you to support your child in progressing by practising the relevant number facts.
Home Study Learning Logs- every 3rd Friday and in on a Friday. Maths – every week on Mathletics. Set each Friday and due in the next Friday.
Reading Home Study Reading- Children will need to read to an adult for 15 minutes at least 3 times a week at home and have their reading records filled in and signed by an adult. They can read independently and fill in the pages they have read in addition to reading to an adult. Reading Journals contain some guidance for questions that you can ask when hearing your child read and also some of the Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar that the children learn in KS2. Questioning and discussion is a vital part of the reading process and we strongly encourage you support this. We will also be giving out a recommended book list for Year 6 today.
Reading We will be looking at reading records every Monday to check if the children have read at home.
Knowledge Organisers
11+ Tuesday 12th Sept: Familiarisation tests Thursday 14th Sept: 11+ All on one day Children in classrooms as they have been accustomed to in previous testing weeks The children will be given the option to have a piece of fruit before they sit the tests. The school will have basic supply, or the children can bring their own. Please ensure your child arrives on time on these days and, if your child is unwell, you let the school know at the earliest possible opportunity. If you do not want your child to sit the tests, you must let Mrs Hadaway know in writing please.
Visitors and Trips Autumn Term- Hughenden Manor in November (Victorian Christmas) Summer Term- France Trip and Hazard Alley Possibly another trip based on Projects
Independence Moving into Year 6 is a chance for child to become more independent before they make the transition to secondary school next year. Please encourage your child to pack their own bag and organise themselves for school, including their home study.
Snacks The children do not eat their lunch until 1.15pm so some like to bring a more substantial snack (such as a sandwich) for break time. Fruit and vegetables are also allowed but please do not send your child in with sweets, crisps or cereal bars. Please also note that the school is a nut/seed/kiwi free zone as there are children with severe allergies.
Help If you would like to come into school to help we always welcome volunteers to help with hearing individual readers. If you would like to help with the Harry Potter Project this term, please let us know.
Queries If you would like to speak to either of us regarding your child, please call the school or speak to us at the end of the day to arrange a time.
Any Questions?