Year 6 SATs Meeting Monday 30th January 2017
What are KS2 SATs? Standard Assessment Tests (SATs) All children have to be tested before they go to high school They provide assessment information for high schools Purpose – to judge whether each child is working at the expected standard
What are the children tested on What are the children tested on? The children are tested on all key elements of the learning which they have covered in maths and English. Other assessments take place throughout the year. Some schools are sampled for science testing too – we will not know about this until nearer the time.
What information do high schools want? SATs results Teacher assessments Tests administered by the high schools
What does teacher assessment involve, and is it different from testing? Teacher assessment draws together everything the teacher or teachers know about a child, including observations, marked work and school assessments. Teacher assessment is not a ‘snapshot’ like tests and is therefore more reliable. There can be a difference between teacher assessment results and test outcomes.
How is SATs week organised? Date Subject Mon 8th May English Reading Tues 9th May English SPaG Paper 1 English SPaG Paper 2 - Spellings Weds 10th May Maths Paper 1 – Arithmetic Maths Paper 2 - Reasoning Thurs 11th May Maths Paper 3 - Reasoning Now let’s look at each of the assessments…
During SATs week: Please ensure that your child is in school every day during SATs week Ensure that they are in school on time Please don’t book anything during this week e.g. doctor’s appointments, holidays etc If your child is ill, let us know immediately
How can you help with reading? Ensure your child reads a range of fiction and non-fiction on a regular basis Try to ask them questions about the text – assessing their comprehension/understanding Have a go at speed reading Read 5 times every week Support with homework tasks
How can you help with SPaG? Learn the different word classes (see planner) Practise writing the word lists (see planner), identifying spelling patterns and rules Encourage your child to access Spellodrome from home/library etc Support with homework tasks
How can you help with Maths? Rehearse number facts e.g. times tables and also written calculation methods Encourage your child to access Mathletics from home/library etc Support with homework tasks Ensure that your child is at school on time every day
What happens to the papers? After each test the papers are packaged, sealed and sent to external markers Papers are returned to the school with the results available in July 2017 A copy of your child’s results, together with the Teacher Assessment will be in their annual report
What are we doing? Differentiated Input Model (DIM) with Mrs Wilcock, Mrs Cloake, Miss Kellett and Mrs Fairhurst Same day/next day interventions Homework Test preparation Big Maths Growth Mindset
How else can you help? Ask you children about these: Every other week – reading assessment Every week – Big Maths assessment Every Friday – Spelling test Every Friday – SPaG assessment Help with homework Ensure children are punctual Ensure your child has a good attendance record Help to keep a balance between school work and after-school activities.
Final notes: Please ensure your child has a pair of trainers in school every day, as we will be going outside after the tests Friday, 12th May – Year 6 children are welcome to wear own clothes as we are planning to go to a local park and PLAY! (Unless we are selected to sit Science…then we will go the week after)