Pragmatics 4 Hours
Agenda Management and Planning Staffing Release Management Reuse Quality Assurance and Metrics, Documentation Tools Special Topics The Benefits and Risks of Object Oriented Development.
Management and Planning Risk Management Technical risks Project architect Non-technical risks Software development managers. Choosing flexible inheritance and efficient mechanism. Relation between customers and developers, timely targets, 3rd party collaborators. Task Planning Team meetings, Scheduling the deliverables of macro process. Intermediate milestones.
Development Reviews Balance between too many and very few reviews Use cases to check the functionality Architectural reviews (Classes and mechanisms) Informal, peer reviews.
Staffing Resource Allocation Development Team Roles First object-oriented project more time and more staff. Analysis, Developing, Testing, Maintaining Development Team Roles Central roles of OO team are Project architect, Component Lead and Application Engineer.
For larger projects: Project Manager Analyst Reuse engineer Quality assurance Integration manager Documenter Toolsmith System administrator
Release Management Configuration management and version control Individual component integrated internal release operational release Versions lowest level – class. Along with source code, specifications, architecture documents should be under configuration management. Integration Incremental and iterative approach. Release is possible when major components are stable.
Testing Unit testing – testing individual classes and mechanisms. Component testing - Subsystem testing. System testing – testing the system as a whole.
Reuse Elements of reuse Institutionalizing Reuse Any Artifact can be reused. Classes, components, framework. Any amount of reuse is good. Saves resources. Institutionalizing Reuse Opportunities of reuse should be sought out and rewarded. Individual for reuse activity. Commercial class and component libraries. Beneficial in long term and not only for the current project.
Quality Assurance and Metrics Software Quality Architecture plays vital role Development reviews and inspections Defect-discovery ratio. Defect-density: no. of defects per thousand source lines of code. Object-Oriented Metrics Process and Product metrics.
Process Product metrics Number of key classes (NKC) Classes per developer (CPD), etc. Product metrics Weighted methods per class (WMC) - Sum of the complexities of each method of an individual class Depth of inheritance tree (DIT) Number of children (NOC), etc.
Documentation Documentation Legacy Documentation Contents Gives insight of the progress of the project. Visual models helps in tracing back to requirements. Documentation Contents Apart from end-user documentation, analysis documentation, architectural, implementation documentation. Worst possible documentation – documenting each class, each method. Higher level structures should be documented.
Tools If software is big then tools will increase. Scalable tool. Kinds of Tools Visual Modeling tool with UML support (analysis) Software configuration and version control tool (development) Class library tool – predefined library, keeps building, reuse Organizational Implications Reuse engineer Toolsmith Managers facing shortage of resources
Special Topics Domain-specific Issues Effective user interfaces Database Component Real-time systems Legacy systems Adopting Object-Oriented Technology Provide formal training (UML, OO analysis and design, tools, language and libraries) Low-risk project first and allow them to learn (OOAD consultants, Growing expertise, let them act as mentors) Expose them to examples of well-defined OO systems.
Benefits and Risks of Object-Oriented Development Appeals to working of human cognition Systems are resilient to change Encourages reusability Reduces development risks Exploits expressive power of OO programming languages Personnel shortfalls Unrealistic schedules, budget. Shortfalls in products, external components Mismatch in requirements Shortfalls in architecture Continuing stream of requirement change Shortfalls in external tasks.