Safe Schools: The Choking Game May 19, 2009
Moderator Joan Lerman, MSSW School Administrative Consultant Prevention/School Violence Student Services/Prevention and Wellness Team Department of Public Instruction
This month’s webcast is brought to you with partnerships between the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, Office of Justice Assistance, Homeland Security Program, Wisconsin Emergency Management, Department of Health Services and partnering organizations involved in the Center for School, Youth and Citizen Preparedness.
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Welcome Cindy Holmes, Community Deputy Josalyn Longley, Community Deputy Dane County Sheriff’s Office
Presented by Dane County Sheriff’s Office Community Deputies This program contains content which may be considered disturbing.
Also known as: BLACK OUT CHOKING GAME PASSOUT FLATLINER SPACE MONKEY TINGLING CHOKING GAME PASSOUT SUFFOCATION ROULLETTE FUNKY CHICKEN California High Gasp Airplaning American Dream Rising Sun The point here is that it does not matter what it is called. The name may sound cute and fun, but it is always a deadly activity. Before moving on to the next slide, tell them you are going to start them off with a 911 call. This call will make them realize why we are talking about this. Let them know that the caller is difficult to understand because of the tragedy he is going through. His voice may sound strange because of his grief. Ask the students to listen and imagine they are the one making this call about a friend or a brother or sister. SPACE COWBOY SPACE MONKEY FLATLINER 8
Actual 911 Call 911: “911” Samuel: “Hi, I have an emergency” 911: “Ok, what is your emergency?” Samuel: “My little brother might be dead” 911: “Your husband might be dead?” Samuel: “My brother” 911: “Your brother. OK, is he there with you?” Samuel: “Uh, Uh, Yeah” 911: “OK” Samuel: “But we think he might be dead. I don’t know” 911: “Ok, hold on a second. How old are you? How old are you?” Samuel: “Thirteen” 911: “OK, Where is your brother at? Where is your brother at?” Samuel: “He’s in our room” 911: “He’s in your room. Is he breathing? Are you there by yourself?” Samuel: “No, I’m with my mother”
The 911 Call 911: “OK, I want you to stay on the line with me.” Samuel: “OK, OK I need you to get an ambulance right away.” 911: “OK, why do you think he’s dead?” Samuel: “Because there’s a rope around his neck tied to a bunk bed and he’s all purple and stuff.” 911: “OK, how old is you brother?” Samuel: “Thirteen, we’re twins” 911: “OK, You’re twins and he’s thirteen too?” 911: “OK, are you…is your mom there?” Samuel: “Yes” 911: “OK, who….what’s your name?” Samuel: “Samuel” 911: “OK Samuel hold on” 911: “We’re on our way over there and I want you to stay on the phone with me , OK?” 911: “Stay on the line with me” Samuel: “Ohhhhhhhhh God” Samuel: “No” Samuel: “Oh God NO”
Imagine the grief it caused this twin who found his brother in his bedroom That was a true 911 call from California. Here is a picture of Samuel Mordecai with his mother Sarah Pacatte. 11
What is the choking game? First and foremost, IT IS NOT A GAME!!! There are many variations, but essentially, it is cutting off the flow of blood to the brain by choking, hyperventilating, compressing the chest, or hanging by a belt, towel, rope, etc. What is the goal of playing a game? To WIN. You will never win with this, you will lose every time, guaranteed! 12
What does it feel like? The first feeling is a light-headedness (a perceived "high") due to reduced blood flow, and, therefore reduced delivery of oxygen to the brain. The second part comes with the removal of pressure on the chest or neck releasing a powerful surge of dammed up blood through the carotid arteries into the brain (a perceived "rush"). The first part feels no different than if you sit for a long time and stand up quickly and you get a woozy feeling. 13
What does it feel like? Also at this time, brain cells are starting to die. As the cells die, there is a chemical release that gives a euphoric feeling. Kids must realize that this feeling is actually the brain dying.
But it is safer than using drugs, right? Wrong!!! It can be just as deadly. It also seems to be addictive to the kids doing this. Kids may think it is safer because mom and dad never said not to do this. It is because most parents don’t know that kids are doing this. 15
It sounds pretty safe. What’s the problem? Many times the person being choked faints from the lack of oxygen, because there is no way to know when a person is about to faint from this. The term choked is used loosely since it does not have to be actual choking. It can be hyperventilating, chest compressions, plastic bags over the head; any oxygen deprivation. 16
People faint all the time, what is so bad? In this case, fainting is caused by the brain starving for oxygen. This can result in long term brain damage; even a vegetative state. Explain in detail what a vegetative state is. Let them know that they will never see anything, smell anything, or feel anything including mom and dad holing their hand everyday. Someone will have to feed them, clean them, and clean up after them for the rest of their lives. 17
Can anything else happen from fainting? Yes. Secondary Injuries: Broken bones Concussions Major cuts Eye injuries Delayed death In the fall of 2005 in the Midwest, a boy was doing this in school and fainted. He fell face first on the tile floor and knocked out all of his front teeth and broke his jaw in two places. Another boy was doing it with friends in what they thought was a “safe” way. They were catching each other as they fainted. His friends messed up and dropped him. He hit his head on a door knob and spent three days in the hospital with a major concussion. I consider these two lucky. Lucky because they did not die. 18
“It feels strange when I wake up..” This is because the blood is rushing back into the brain. This surge can lead to: strokes- some silent seizures- twitching brain damage- often severe death And at the same time, brains cells are dying and giving off the chemical release. The will give them a very strange feeling, but they are feeling their brain dying. 19
Why are so many people dying? Some are doing it by themselves by using a rope, belt, shirt, etc. to essentially hang themselves to get this “high”
Why are so many people dying? The person plans to take the pressure off just before they pass-out, but there is no way to know when that will happen. If the person passes out first, the weight of their body pulls on the rope and they die.
Why are so many people dying? Within 3 minutes a child will suffer noticeable brain damage Between 4 and 5 minutes without oxygen to the brain, a child will die Some of those who have died were alone for as little as 15 minutes before someone found them and it was already too late. This activity can claim a child's life the first time it is played. As soon as you start depriving the brain of oxygen, you will get brain damage, but within……… You can die in as little as 60 seconds. You will die between 4……… Imagine watching TV with your brother or sister and they then say they are going to their room to read a book or do homework. Fifteen minutes later, you remember you wanted to tell them something and you go to their room. If they went to their room, decided to do this, and failed in the worst way, they could be dead and beyond help in that short period of time. 22
So it is safe if you do it with a friend? It is NEVER safe. You are depriving the brain of oxygen. If you have someone push on your arteries in the neck and they put pressure on a group of nerves, it can cause an immediate heart attack. Have you ever hit your funny bone? Notice how your whole hand feels strange? That is because you hit a nerve that goes the whole way down your arm. Well, there are nerves in the neck that go straight to the heart. And if you put a little to much pressure on those nerves, it could cause the heart to beat irregularly or stop all together. 23
Also….. …the damage done by seizure, stroke, heart attack and injuries from a fall can be cumulative and permanent. So if you do it once and get a little bit of brain damage, you will always have a little bit of brain damage. If you do it again and get just a little more, the cumulative part means it will add to what you already had and now you will have this much. And every time you do it, if you survive, you will get more and more damage. Eventually this will be noticeable brain damage. Sixteen year old Levi Draher of Texas did this at his military academy and spent three days in a coma. Doctors did not believe he would survive. He is still on anti-seizure medication and goes to therapy for lingering problems. 24
Why are we talking about this? Because it is happening everywhere, including here, and you need to know how dangerous it is. There have been deaths in Russia, Germany, France, Canada, New Zealand, Egypt, and all over the United States. They are doing it because they do not have the information they need to make a good choice. They think it is a safe activity. The choice to do this belongs to the kids. As adults, we will not be there when this choice has to be made. We do not send kids to school to take a test on something they have never heard about. If we did, they would probably fail. This is no different. Kids need the information to make a good choice. 25
“It only affects me, right?” Wrong. It affects every person in their life You may think; You just told me its my choice, and it’s my body, and it only affects me so I can do what I want. Well it doesn’t only affect you. 26
Such as………. Parents- Imagine how parents might feel if they would have to go through the tragedy of losing a child………. Friends- If they are there at the time, they could be charged with murder. If they know you are doing it and don’t say anything, they would have to live with it for the rest of their lives……….. Brothers and sisters- Many times it is other family members who find the dead body……… This will change your parents for the rest of their lives. Imagine losing a friend at this age for any reason and think how upsetting that would be. Now think about if you knew someone was doing this and you did nothing about it and they died. Now you would have the grief and guilt for not doing anything. Now take it one step further and if your friend asks you to help them do it and they die, you could be charge with murder. That image they have from finding you will stay with them the rest of their lives. It will pop into their heads when they least expect it. Essentially, you will haunt them for the rest of their lives. 27
Who is doing this? Primarily boys and girls between 9-16 years old, but it can happen to any person at any age. A mother was telling her first grader about this and he stopped her and said he knew all about it. He then showed her how to do this. A thirty year old woman is addicted to this. The addiction can be as powerful as cocaine. ****For older audiences you may want to speak on auto erotic asphyxiation. The activity is just as deadly no matter what you do it with. Sex does not make this safe. For adults, they should discuss this with their adolescent kids. Masturbation is normal. It may not be comfortable to talk about, but kids are doing this thinking it is safe. ************* 28
Imagine the pain of losing a 10 year old child. Highlight the third paragraph and mention that he was not trying to kill himself or cheat death, he was looking for that “roller coaster rush”. That WOW feeling we get form things like riding an amusement park ride. Unfortunately, he did not know this was not safe. 29
“How can I say No?” Use Humor- “No, I need all the brain cells I’ve got” Walk Away- Leave if people ask you to do it Give a reason- “No, it’s stupid and it can kill you” Strength in numbers- Hang out with kids who won’t do this Avoid the situation- If you know kids that are doing it, don’t go with them With Walk Away, mention that it is ok to make up an excuse. It would be better to tell a lie to get out of a risky situation then to stay there. If they walk away or tell a lie, they have homework, because the best way to say no is to give a reason. If they tell the person why they wont do it, chances are that person wont ask them again. 30
“What should I do?” If you are doing it, STOP! If you know someone else who is, tell them to stop. Don’t take their word for it though. Tell an adult about it. Stress that they may say they will stop and mean it, but the addiction may affect them more then they can handle. 31
“But my friend will get mad…” It is better to have a friend mad at you for saving their life than having a dead friend. Your friend may not realize you are saving them, but trust me this activity is a killer! Telling = Tattling
“Who can I tell?” Parents Friend’s parents Teacher Guidance counselor School administrator Aunt/Uncle Any trusted, responsible adult The most important one is the bottom one. It does not matter a persons title. Do not wait until you get to your first choice if you know this is happening, tell an adult right away. If you need to tell your parents about you, but are afraid, get one of these other people to help you tell your parents. YOU ARE NOT IN TROUBLR IF YOU HAVE BEEN DOING THIS WE JUST WANT TO HELP YOU STOP 33
The Life of Stephen Connelly Mother: Carol Connelly
Stephen’s First Day
15 Days Before 1st Birthday
I Love a Parade
Disney World
Horseback Riding 1995
Steve And His Sister Blanche
Christmas 1997
Giving Jenny Flowers At Her Dance Recital
Busch Gardens 2001
Steve And Jenny 2001
Steve Loved Hockey
Look Mom I Can Drive
Junior Prom
Steve’s Junior Year Picture
This Is Not A Game
Are kids really dying playing this “game”? You tell me………
Braden Erickson 13 years old
Matthew Norman Vander Stel 16 years old
Isaiah Mitchell 9 years old
Jennifer Cernekee (Toms) 14 years old Kenosha, WI
Daniel Sheppard 11 years old
Stephen T. Connelly 16 years old
Marc Morales 15 years old
Gabriel Harry Mordecai 13 years old
Chelsea Dunn 13 years old
Micah Sims 20 years old
Jesse Grant 12 years old
Dalton William Knauss 15 years old
Iesha Watson 14 years old
Jeffrey Patton 16 years old
Shawntae Chavez 14 years old Died near the end of the summer of 2005. Near the holidays, her younger brother asked his uncle for a very tall ladder for Christmas. No one could understand what he wanted this ladder for so finally they asked him. In all sincerity and probably at least hoping maybe this could happen he said, “I want to go up to heaven and bring Shawntae back.” As much as we wish this could happen, it can’t. You have to make the right choice before this happens to you. 67
Stevie Andrew Ackley 14 years old
Andre Anderson 16 years old
Kodee Alcott 13 years old Mom took him to the emergency room a few weeks before he died for migraines. He never said he was doing this and probably did not know this was causing the migraines. He died a few weeks later hanging in his basement. 70
Kimberly Wilson 15 years old
Blake Sandel 16 years old
Bryson Hamilton 12 years old
Adam Janssen 12 years old
Dylan Blake 11 years old
Kyle McCarthy 13 years old Appleton, WI
Mary Margaret Sipple 14 years old
Ryan Valenzuela 16 years old
Jack Doyle 13 years old Wauwatosa, WI
Nicholas Andres’ Serna 16 years old
These are were all normal kids- Who died from an abnormal activity! We have been told many times to learn from our mistakes, but this is a mistake you may not be able to learn from. You have to learn from the mistakes that these kids made. Let the fact that they died be a gift to you so you don’t have to make the same mistake. As kids we have an innocence about us. We think if we mess up mom and dad will fix it, because they always have. Or if I really mess up, maybe I will get grounded for a day or even a week but then things will go back to normal. With this, mom and dad can’t fix it. We can’t put things back to normal. It is up to you to prevent it. This is where I usually share the story about Shawtae Chavez 81
More of The 911 Call Remember because he is so upset he is difficult to understand. The operator still does not know that his mom is home with him. 82
The 911 Call Samuel: “Oh God No” 911: “Ok Samuel, we’re on our way” 911: “We’re gonna find out real quick how your brother is. Ok? We’re on our way” 911: “I’ve got some police officers on their way and I got medical aid, the fire department and the paramedics are on their way. Ok?” 911: “Ok, you stay on the phone with me.” 911: “Ok honey, where...where are your parents at in case we have to contact them?” Samuel: “My dad…my dad’s in Berkley, my mom and him are separated and my mom’s right here.” 911: “Ok, is your mom at work now?” Samuel: “No. She’s here.” 911: “Oh. She’s there with you?” Samuel: “Yes” 911: “Ok”
The 911 Call 911: “Is your mom’s name Sarah?” Samuel: “Yes” 911: “Ok, is she looking at your brother right now?” Samuel: “Yes. She’s trying to put him back to life!” 911: “Ok” 911: “Can you ask her if she’s getting any response out of him at all?” Samuel: “She’s not. Not at all” 911: “Ok, we’re…tell her we’re on our way. Did you tell her medical is on their way?” Samuel: “Ok. They’re on their way mom!” Samuel: “They’re on their waaaaayyyyyy” Again you can hear that innocence come out when he says, “She’s trying to put him back to life!” There is no putting you back to life if you die form this. 84
Who can kids talk to in school? Guidance counselor Teacher Principal or assistants Nurse School Resource Officer
What are some signs to look for? Bloodshot eyes Frequent unusual headaches Marks on neck Locked doors Knots tied in room Wear marks on bed posts, closet rods, etc. Disorientation after spending time alone After speaking to a professional in the mental health field, I feel comfortable giving these signs out to kids. She informed me that most case of self-mutilation is found out by other kids reporting it. That is why I ask kids to report if they see these signs to adults so they can investigate to see if maybe this is what is causing it. There is no crystal ball. These signs may not be present and even fi they are, it is no guarantee that the Choking Game is causing it. 87
Signs to look for cont’d: Changes in personality, such as becoming overly aggressive or agitated Any kind of strap, rope or belt lying by child without reason/explanation Any questions about effects, sensations or dangers of strangulation “Thud” sounds, such as from falling from playing game alone Internet use (websites, chat rooms, blogs)
Methods Applying pressure on the carotid artery Hyperventilating Applying pressure to the chest or hitting chest with a lot of force Use of ligatures (rope, cord, clothing, belt, plastic coated bike chain, etc.) Blowing on thumb For More Information Ask everyone who sees this presentation including kids to pass the information on to every adult they know that has any contact with kids so they can educate them. Tell student that they have to educate mom and dad to protect the siblings, aunts and uncles to protect the cousins, etc. This presentation can be downloaded from the website and shared with everyone that they know. Thank you for helping me get this much needed information out there Scott Metheny 90
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Any comments regarding this webcast Any comments regarding this webcast? Any suggestions on future school safety topics? Contact: Joan Lerman 608-266-2829