Stage 1: Nebula – Latin for “cloud” Life Cycle of Stars Stage 1: Nebula – Latin for “cloud” Nebula – cloud of Hydrogen gas and dust in space, the birthplace of stars Gas and dust begin to collide, then contract and heat up due to gravity
Orion Constellation
Orion Nebula
Horsehead Nebula in Orion
Pleiades Cluster
Pleiades Nebula
Pleiades Nebula
Life Cycle of Stars Stage 2: Protostar Protostar – As a nebula contracts, a small star is formed Hydrogen particles fuse together to make Helium (nuclear fusion), a star’s “fuel.”
Drawing of a Protostar
Hubble image of a Protostar
Hubble image of a Protostar
Life Cycle of Stars Stage 3: Main Sequence Star When the force pushing outward (fusion) and the force pulling inward (gravity) are equal, the star joins the main sequence. Where 90% of stars spend their lives
Colors What makes stars different colors? Which color is the hottest? Their temperature Which color is the hottest? Blue White Yellow Orange Red Which color is our sun?
Life Cycle of Stars What happens next depends on the star’s mass (size). Low and Medium mass stars: Stage 4 – Red Giant (Beginning of the end) A star begins to die when it runs out of Hydrogen in the core. When the H is depleted, the He starts to fuse, and becomes Carbon and Oxygen. The core contracts, and the outer layers expand. Red Giant – the star gets bigger and cools down
Life Cycle of Stars Stage 5 – Death of Star: Once a Red Giant gets too massive, it collapses under its own gravity, and the core gets denser and hotter. Planetary nebula – the outer layers get farther from the core, making the force of gravity weaker. Then they drift off into space.
Hourglass Planetary Nebula around a dying star
Dying Star – “The eye of God”
Stage 5 – Death of Star (cont.) Life Cycle of Stars Stage 5 – Death of Star (cont.) White dwarf – Once the outer layers have drifted away, all that is left is the dead core (no fusion). It is small and very dense (1/2 the mass of the sun, but only the size of the Earth).
White dwarf compared to the Earth
Hubble image of a white dwarf
Death of Stars: Low and Medium Mass Nebula Protostar Main Sequence Star Red Giant Planetary Nebula White Dwarf
Life Cycle of the Sun Our sun is a medium sized, main sequence star. It is a middle-aged star that is yellow in color. It will eventually become a red giant, planetary nebula, and a white dwarf.
Life Cycle of Stars Stage 4 – Supergiant (Beginning of the end) High Mass Stars: Stage 4 – Supergiant (Beginning of the end) Supergiant – greater than 10 x’s size of the sun; the core contracts, and the outer layers expand.
Supergiant compared to the sun
Life Cycle of Stars Stage 5 – Death of Star: A supergiant fuses heavier elements (C, O, Mg, N) and gets bigger until it gets to Fe (no more fusion). Supernova – The core collapses, then the rest of the star collapses, sending a shockwave that creates an explosion.
Supernova - Crab Nebula
Neutron Star – the super dense dead core of a supergiant Life Cycle of Stars Neutron Star – the super dense dead core of a supergiant It is small and super dense (mass greater than the sun, but the size of a large city).
Neutron Star
Life Cycle of Stars Black Hole – When the extremely dense core of a supergiant collapses, the gravity is so strong that not even light can escape.
Drawing of a Black Hole
Death of Stars: High Mass Stars Nebula Protostar Main Sequence Star Red Super Giant Supernova Neutron Star Black Hole
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