Sending the right message to students Public, Private Non-Profit and For-Profit Colleges Sending the right message to students
The decisions our students make after graduation may cost them…
Overview Types of schools Accreditation Transferability of Credits Cost Warning Signs Summary
Types of Colleges Private, not-for-profit colleges What’s Different? Examples Private, not-for-profit colleges Regis, DU, Naropa, Colorado College, Colorado Christian, Johnson & Wales Private, for-profit, or “proprietary” schools Westwood College, College America, Massage Therapy Institute, ITT Tech Public, state funded colleges CU, CU Health Sciences, Metro, Red Rocks Community College, Colorado School of Mines Things to keep in mind: Students at any of these kinds of schools can apply for federal financial aid (funded by fed taxes) Students will see advertising for private, for-profit schools – and it looks really good Studunts rarely understand these differences
Accreditation Higher education accreditation is a type of quality assurance process under which services and operations of post-secondary educational institutions or programs are evaluated by an external body to determine if applicable standards are met. Every college lists an accrediting body or bodies. Schools or programs can be accredited within a college.
What to look for? The accrediting body needs to meet the needs of the industry. (Example ASE) How does a certificate/program match up to others in the industry? There are six regional accrediting agencies involved in higher education accreditation in the United States. Regionally accredited higher education institutions are predominantly academically oriented, non-profit institutions. Nationally accredited schools are predominantly for-profit and offer vocational, career or technical programs.
Regional Accreditation
State Community Colleges which are all North Central Association Accredited Arapahoe Community College Colorado Northwestern Community College Community College of Aurora Community College of Denver Front Range Community College Lamar Community College Morgan Community College Northeastern Junior College Otero Junior College Pikes Peak Community College Pueblo Community College Red Rocks Community College Trinidad State Junior College
Key Point Main issue with accreditation has to do with transferability. If a school is not accredited by one of the 6 Regional Associations, a student will most likely lose most if not all credits if they decide to transfer to another institution. Erin Hoag Dean of student services Colorado community college system
Transferability General Education State Guaranteed Transfer Courses Transfer Agreements with Red Rocks
The Art Institute of Colorado Red Rocks Community College How much does an Associates of Applied Science with Emphasis in Graphic Design Cost? The Art Institute of Colorado 2 Year Degree Tuition Only $23,608 per year $47,216 Total Red Rocks Community College 2 Year Degree Tuition Only $1,944 per year $3,888 Total
The estimated first year salary for a Graphic Designer is $30,490 The estimated first year salary for a Graphic Designer is $30,490.00 What percentage of this salary will go toward loan payments? Red Rocks Community College? The Art Institute of Colorado?
Red Rocks Community College $669.36 Loan Payment $30,490.00 Salary 2.2%
The Art Institute of Colorado $8,128.92 Loan Payment $30,490.00 Salary 26.7%
Imagine a student who attends WarrenTech for Graphic Design $81 new student fee Red Rocks Community College Credit Available 12 Cost Per Credit $0 (with “C” or better) = 20% off the cost of an Associates degree at RRCC
Warning Signs (BBB) The recruiter uses high-pressure sales tactics. The recruiter exaggerates potential income or guarantees a job. The prices are inflated when compared to other options. The school’s accreditation. The degree or program seems too easy to obtain. The school does not disclose information as required. The recruiter encourages you to lie on financial aid forms.
Practical Application Future Fair Vendors Classroom presenters College Visits Protect our students
We as a school need to be thoughtful and intentional in the way we educate our students about their post-secondary options
References Colleges and Universities in Colorado - College list with type of school and links Better Business Bureau - Warning Signs College In Colorado - Salary & Slope Calculator College Inc. - PBS Video - Tuition U.S. Dept. of Education – Accreditation in the U. S. Wikipedia – List of unrecognized higher ed. Organizations – College Accreditation FAQ’s