THS Registration & Graduation Update 2017-2018 Teague HS Auditorium 5-6 PM :30 Tracie Ezell Director of Guidance and Counseling 254-739-1500
What do you want to be when you grow up??
Passport to success Your high school plan for graduation
Foundation High School Program •The Foundation High School Program is the graduation plan for students in the state of Texas •All students must select an ENDORSEMENT when entering high school their freshman year Mrs. Ezell - Director of Guidance and Counseling
Mrs. Ezell - Director of Guidance and Counseling Expectations: Specify in writing an endorsement that you intend to pursue in 9th grade Complete “Foundation” requirements: 22 credits Complete the requirements for at least 1 endorsement including: A 4th advanced math A 4th advanced science Pass the 5 STAAR EOC tests: ENG I ENG II ALG I Biology US History Mrs. Ezell - Director of Guidance and Counseling
Foundation requirements= 22 credits Science: 3 +1 = 4 credits Biology IPC or Advanced Science Course Advanced Science Course *Plus 4th Adv. Sci for endorsement Social Studies : 3 credits World Geography or World History U.S. History (11th grade) U.S. Govt (1/2 credit) (12th grade) Economics (1/2 credit) (12th grade) English Language Arts: 4 credits English I English II English III Advanced English Course Mathematics: 3+1= 4 credits Algebra I Geometry Advanced Mathematics Course *Plus 4th advanced math for endorsement Mrs. Ezell - Director of Guidance and Counseling
Additional Foundation Requirements: 2 years of the same Foreign Language 1 Fine Art 3 Additional Electives THS Local Requirements: 1 Technology Course ½ Speech ½ Health Mrs. Ezell - Director of Guidance and Counseling
Mrs. Ezell - Director of Guidance and Counseling
Mrs. Ezell- Director of Guidance and Counseling Foundation Credit Requirements: (22) Plus at least one Endorsement - additional math, science, & other endorsement electives (26 Credits) * 4 ELA: ELA I, II, III, IV 3 (+1) = 4 Math: Alg I, Geometry, plus additional advanced maths = Alg II (required for Top 10%), Math Apps in AFNR, AQR, Precal, DC Math, AP Calculus, Engineering Math * 3 (+1) = 4 Sciences: Biology, IPC or Advanced Science + Additional Advanced Science = (Advanced Sciences Include: Chemistry, Physics, AP Physics, AP Environmental Sci, Earth and Space, Engineering Design, Adv. Animal Science, Advanced Soil Science, Advanced Food Science) * 3 Social Sciences: W. Geography or W. History, US History, Government /Economics; * 2 LOTE: of same Foreign Language: French I, French II, Spanish I, Spanish 2, Challenge Spanish 2, Spanish 3 * 1 Physical Education; * 1 Fine Art; * 1/2 Speech & 1/2 Health; *Tech Apps/BIM *3 Additional Electives Foundation + Endorsements = 26 credits: A Student will earn an endorsement by successfully completing: curriculum required for the endorsement, 4th credit in math, 4th credit in science, plus 2 additional electives. Possible endorsement pathways are listed below. Distinguished Level of Achievement = 26 credits + * Alg II must be one of the student's math credits; * Student must have an outstanding performance in one of the following areas: DC Courses, AP Testing, PSAT, SAT, ACT, or earn a CTE certification Endorsements Career and Technology Pathways & Electives Arts & Humanities Courses from 1 or 2 of the following categories: Band or Adv. Music , Choir Art, Studio Art, or Theater Journalism or Yearbook, Creative Writing English or History electives Business and Industry Agriculture: Animal Science Principles of Ag Livestock (even) or Equine/Small Animal Wildlife & Fish (even) or Vet Tech (odd) Math Apps in AFNR or Adv Animal Science (odd) Agriculture: Horticulture Landscape/Turf (even) Horticulture (odd) Range Mgt (odd) Adv Plant and Soil Science (even) or Math Apps in AFNR Agriculture: Mechanics Welding I: Ag Mechanics & Metal Tech Welding II: Ag Design & Fabrication or DC Welding (2 hrs) Power Systems (2hr) or DC Welding or Welding Practicum Technology Applications Principles of Arts, AV Tech & Comm BIM or Tech Apps or Web Tech (4 pt or 5 pt) Fashion Design, Graphic Design I, or Digital Media Graphic Design II or Commercial Photography Finance & Marketing Principles of Bus, Mkting & Fin BIM or Tech Apps Accounting (even) Entrepreneurship (odd) Information Technology Principles of Info Tech BIM or Tech Apps or Web Tech ( 4 pt or 5 pt) Digital Media Adv Practicum in Info Tech (2hr) Public Speaking/Journalism Debate Journalism - newspaper or yearbook Journalism II - newspaper or yearbook Journalism III - newspaper or yearbook Public Services Human Services Principles of Human Services Child Development or Adv Food Science Adv Dollars&Sense (1/2)/ Ch Life Nutr and Well(1/2) (DC) Psychology/ DC Sociology or Cosmetology: Intro, I & II Navarro Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM) Alg II, Chem & Physics PLUS one of the following options: (A) Coherent sequence of 4 or more credits from CTE w/ 2 courses in the same cluster (at least 1 adv CTE course) (B) Coherent sequence of 4 Computer Sci courses including robotics; (C) 3 credits in math beyond Alg 2; (D) 4 credits in science including Chemistry, Physics and two additional adv sci; (E) Coherent sequence of 3 additional credits from no more than 2 represented by subparagraphs (A), (B), (C) & (D) Multidisciplinary Studies Option A: Advanced Courses - 4 additional credits from advanced courses Option B: 4x4 - 4 credits from each: English, Math, Science, Social Studies Option C: AP or Dual Credit - 4 credits Graduation Year: Student Name: Signature: Mrs. Ezell- Director of Guidance and Counseling
Endorsement Categories Public Service Criminal Justice Nursing Law Enforcement Teacher Fireman STEM Doctor Vet Engineer Business Restaurant Owner Welder Loan Officer Banker Mechanic Art & Humanities Artist Musician Band Multidisciplinary Solid overall academically Don’t Know Yet – Undecided Other
Distinguished Level of Achievement A student may earn a distinguished level of achievement by successfully completing: a total of four credits in mathematics, which must include Algebra II a total of four credits in science the remaining curriculum requirements the curriculum requirements for at least one endorsement Mrs. Ezell - Director of Guidance and Counseling
Mrs. Ezell - Director of Guidance and Counseling Top 10% A student must earn distinguished level of achievement to be eligible for top 10% automatic admission. Mrs. Ezell - Director of Guidance and Counseling
Distinguished Level of Achievement: Performance Acknowledgements A student may earn a performance acknowledgment : •for outstanding performance in a dual credit course •in bilingualism and biliteracy •on an AP test or IB exam •on the PSAT, the ACT-Plan, the SAT, or the ACT •for earning a nationally or internationally recognized business or industry certification or license Mrs. Ezell - Director of Guidance and Counseling
Distinguished Level of Achievement: Performance Acknowledgements A student may earn a performance acknowledgment on the student's diploma and transcript for outstanding performance in a dual credit course by successfully completing: (1) at least 12 hours of college academic courses, including those taken for dual credit as part of the Texas core curriculum, and advanced technical credit courses, including locally articulated courses, with a grade of the equivalent of 3.0 or higher on a scale of 4.0 or (2) an associate degree while in high school Mrs. Ezell- Director of Guidance and Counseling
Distinguished Level of Achievement: Performance Acknowledgements A student may earn a performance acknowledgment on the student's diploma and transcript for outstanding performance on a College Board advanced placement test or International Baccalaureate examination by earning: (1)a score of 3 or above on a College Board advanced placement examination Mrs. Ezell- Director of Guidance and Counseling
Distinguished Achievement: Performance Acknowledgements Nationally or internationally recognized business or industry certification shall be defined as an industry validated credential that complies with knowledge and skills standards promulgated by a nationally or internationally recognized business, industry, professional, or government entity representing a particular profession or occupation that is issued by or endorsed by: a national or international business, industry, or professional organization a state agency or other government entity or a state-based industry association Mrs. Ezell - Director of Guidance and Counseling
Certifications or licensures for performance acknowledgements shall: •be age appropriate for high school students •represent a student's substantial course of study and/or end-of-program knowledge and skills •include an industry recognized examination or series of examinations, an industry validated skill test, or demonstrated proficiency through documented, supervised field experience and •represent substantial knowledge and multiple skills needed for successful entry into a high-skill occupation Mrs. Ezell - Director of Guidance and Counseling
Mrs. Ezell - Director of Guidance and Counseling Beginning in the 2014-2015 school year, a school district must ensure that each student, on entering ninth grade, indicates in writing an endorsement that the student intends to earn. Mrs. Ezell - Director of Guidance and Counseling
Mrs. Ezell - Director of Guidance and Counseling Updates & News French I & II Choir Engineering Design and Problem Solving AP Calculus Advances Plant & Soil Science Math Applications in AG DC Welding Challenge and Honors Science and Math classes will be called Pre-AP Mrs. Ezell - Director of Guidance and Counseling
Mrs. Ezell - Director of Guidance and Counseling Dual Credit Before taking dual credit classes, students must take and pass the TSI test through Navarro Mrs. Ezell - Director of Guidance and Counseling