Sourcing Team Chelsea Cameron, Idaho- Lead State Arianne Quignon, Idaho Judy Shirley, Arkansas Lori Tomita, California Melissa Sambiagio, Michigan Terri Becker, Nevada Tim Hay, NASPO ValuePoint
Purpose To provide a full catalog of laboratory equipment and supplies. Benefits: obtain best value and achieve more favorable pricing than is obtainable by an individual state or local government entity because of the collective volume of potential purchases by numerous state and local government entities.
Overview Master Agreements for Band 1 – Full-Line Catalog includes all laboratory equipment and supplies unless otherwise excluded. Master Agreement for Band 4 – Microscopes includes all microscopes. Excluded Items: Equipment and Supplies which may be included in a vendor’s catalog, but which are not specifically designed or intended for laboratory use (e.g. reception chairs, couches, coffee tables, general office equipment, etc.). Items costing in excess of $75,000, after discount, are excluded from the resulting contract. NOTE: When executing a Participating Addendum, all parties are bound by the $75,000/item upper limit. A Participating State may establish a lower limit; however, any language included in a Participating Addendum purporting to increase this amount; or any other attempt to order an item off of the resulting contract which exceeds the unit price limit, will be void.
RFP Process Release date: October 6, 2015 Pre-proposal conference: October 13, 2015 RFP Amendments: One (1) Closing date: December 3, 2015 Proposals received: Twelve (12) Master Agreements: Three (3) contracts awarded Contract Term: April 1, 2016 – March 31, 2019; not to exceed five (5) years total.
Evaluation Criteria (general) Mandatory Submission Requirements Pass/Fail Business Information – Experience/References 75 pts Organization - Qualifications of Personnel 75 pts Scope of Work Customer Service & Support 300 pts Sustainability 25 pts Local Business Support 25 pts Cost Proposal 500 pts TOTAL 1000 pts
Evaluation Criteria (detailed) Business Information Experience Knowledge and experience providing goods and services similar to those required in the RFP. Include business history, description of current service area and customer base. Offeror must have been in business for a minimum of three (3) years providing Laboratory Equipment and Supplies on a state, regional or nationwide basis, and must demonstrate that it has specific public sector experience. References Reference Questionnaires requested from a minimum of three (3) references. For Band 1 (Full-Line Catalog) three (3) references from customers for which they hold a contract with an annual volume of at least $10M.
Evaluation Criteria (detailed) Organization and Staffing Qualifications of Key Personnel Provide a single point of contact as the primary person for the Lead State to contact in regards to the Master Agreement. Provide a list of key management, customer service and other personnel to be used in the fulfillment of the contract, including resumes.
Evaluation Criteria (detailed) Scope of Work Customer Service and Support Ensure timely delivery, competent technical support for the products, as well as professional and timely response and resolution to any issues. Effectively communicate with the State and the Ordering Entities. Assign staff to support the resulting Contract (i.e. technical staff, customer service representatives and regional/local sales representatives). Provide ongoing training to your staff assigned to support the resulting Contract. Invoicing and credit processes and how they meet the requirements of the RFP. Describe the measures you have in place to insure that any billing issues are resolved to the Ordering Entity’s and the State’s satisfaction in a timely manner. Detail the training which will be offered to Ordering Entities throughout the term of the resulting Contract.
Evaluation Criteria (detailed) Scope of Work continued Provide technical services to state or other public entities of varying size and functionality, with regard to supplying lab equipment and supplies, including experience with laboratory inventory management in various laboratory environments (e.g. University, hospital, veterinary, forensic, etc.). Customer service representatives are qualified/trained to respond to questions regarding the resulting contract. Website and its functionality Sustainability Comprehensive discussion of your company’s corporate and local sustainability practices for the entire scope of Lab Supplies and Equipment offered in the proposals. Included efforts to reduce adverse effects on human health and the environment for the entire product lifecycle, including energy, water, safety, delivery, storage, packaging and training. Recycle programs and buybacks or trade-ins.
Evaluation Criteria (detailed) Scope of Work continued Local Business Support Programs in place to support local, minority, women-owned and disadvantaged businesses.
Evaluations- Normalization Scores were normalized according to the explanation in the RFP document. Top score for technical received all available technical points; all other proposals received technical points in proportion to their technical scores. Lowest average unit price received all available cost points by category; all other proposals received cost points in proportion to their average unit prices.
Evaluation Results Band 1 – Full Line Catalog Band 4 – Microscopes Responsive Offerors Technical Points Cost Points TOTAL POINTS Fisher Scientific 486.80 500.00 986.80 VWR 370.05 870.05 WW Grainger 334.11 316.78 650.89 Government Scientific Source 439.40 158.44 597.84 MedSupply Partners 99.69 298.33 398.02 Colonial Scientific 205.73 144.86 350.59 Band 4 – Microscopes Responsive Offerors Technical Points Cost Points TOTAL POINTS Nikon 500.00 1000.00 Note: Three (3) proposals were found non-responsive; two (2) proposals were not included, in the best interest of the state, Band 2 and Band 3 were not awarded. Only the seven (7) remaining proposals were fully evaluated.
Contracts Awarded Two (2) Master Agreements were awarded to responsive Offerors for Band 1 - Full-Line Catalog. One (1) Master Agreement was awarded to the responsive Offeror for Band 4 - Microscopes. Fisher Scientific - Master Agreement 16000234-01 Contact: Eric VanDenBurg 949-842-9865 VWR - Master Agreement 16000234-2 Contact: Lewis McMillan 678-288-3150 Nikon – Master Agreement 16000234-3 Contact: Victoria Stolz 631-547-8526
Contract Pricing & Discounts Contract pricing and discount schedules for all three (3) awarded vendors can be found on the NASPO ValuePoint website
Discounts - Market Basket BAND 1 - Full Line Catalog Market Basket Price Net Price After Discount Total Discount for Market Basket Average Discount on Market Basket Items Cost Evaluation Score 500 Max Fisher Scientific $6,969.29 $2,352.39 66.25% 62.60% 500.00 VWR International $6,721.37 $3,178.48 52.71% 47.82% 370.05 BAND 4 - Microscopes Nikon $6,874.00 $6,392.82 7.00%
Customer Service FISHER SCIENTIFIC Specialists in Key Disciplines In addition to the following key management personnel, Fisher Scientific can also offer the services of our Application Specialists who can offer expertise on application-based solutions. They work closely with leading suppliers and our single point of contact to provide technical support on our products and services. These include: • Sr. E-Business Analysts • Chemical Specialist • Safety Specialist • Life Science Specialist • Managed Services Specialists (specifically-negotiated programs through Unity Lab Services) • Manufacturer’s Representatives • Sales Representatives Customer Service • Over 400 experienced Customer Service Representatives to serve our customers • Toll-free customer service with 24 x 7 availability for emergency orders 800.766.7000 • Easy and “hassle free” return goods policy available toll-free and on our website, On-Line Customer Service Available on Fisher Scientific’s Website Automated self-service is also available on , 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Registered users can place orders in real-time, viewing contract pricing and immediate product availability. Return product authorizations can be obtained on-line as well. Live Chat Access to live-chat assistance is being expanded to additional areas of . When customer service and website support chat personnel are available, the live help icon will appear
Customer Service FISHER SCIENTIFIC - Available Customer Support Tools General Customer Service 800.766.7000 or fax 800.926.1166 General Customer Service E-Mail Customer Service On-Line Chat Live Chat by clicking on the icon Customer Service Quote Inquiries E-mail Ordering E-mail Website-Related Support 877.885.2081 or e-mail form on our website Chemicals Technical Support 800.227.6701 or e-mail SAS (formerly MSDS) Available on-line for most chemicals Product Certificate Search Available on-line Quality Systems Public downloadable information Literature Fulfillment Login required On-Line Product Support E-mail form on our website
Customer Service VWR Contract Training VWR offers a standardized process for certifying the VWR Sales Representatives and Customer Care Experts that call on the ordering entities. This Certification Program is mandatory for our internal VWR Sales Team, Customer Care Experts, Logistics Team, and Pricing Analysts. Web based training modules are pre-recorded and available to VWR’s internal account management team 24/7 for easy access and ongoing training. VWR will offer a dedicated contract manager, state captains, sales representatives, technical specialists, customer care experts (dedicated government team), reporting team (dedicated to government), logistics manager, B2B project manager and executive sponsors.
Customer Service VWR – Available Customer Support Tools Primary Point of Contact Lewis McMillan Director, Business Development ‐State Government Markets 678‐288‐3150 Executive Sponsors Jay Hexamer Senior Vice President ‐ E&MR, Healthcare & Government 678‐288‐3099 Jeff Rhoades Director, Contract Management 610‐386‐1297 Matthew Miles Manager, Government Contracts and Operations 856‐241‐5743 Reporting Matthew Miles Manager, Government Contracts 856‐241‐5743 Admin Fee Payments Edina Kovacs Manager, Financial Accounting 610‐386‐1606 Lou Denison Supervisor, Customer Care 630‐425‐1205 Government Customer Care Support Team 877‐881‐1196 B2B Integrations Todd Olsen Manager, B2B Integration 610‐386‐1283 Customer Logistics 630‐425‐1015 Sustainability Megan Maltenfort Manager, Sustainability 610‐386‐1228 Small & Diverse Suppliers Wade Colclough Director, Corporate Diversity 610‐386‐1634 Accounts Receivables Jeff Shank Credit Liaison, Finance 404‐316‐7389 Click-to-Chat Support – Internet customers can gain on-line access to a customer service representative, product support specialist or web support technician for instant answers to questions―directly on the webpage they are viewing. VWR Technical Support Hotline- One source for all VWR product technical questions. Committed to real-time response and proven industry solutions Email: Phone: 1-888-VWR-LINE A listing of all assigned State Captains can be found in VWR’s proposal located on the NASPO ValuePoint website
Customer Service Nikon Nikon has a national network of professional sales teams. Each team consists of an account manager, a Bioscience Sales Specialist or BSS; a technical specialist, an Advanced Imaging Specialist or AIS; a high end systems specialist, who is an Advanced Biosystems Specialist or ABS; and an applications specialist, our Senior Biosystems Applications Manager or SBAM. These teams cover every state in the union and the District of Columbia, and are usually local to their customers. Our sales team will work with Ordering Entities to customize a microscopy system to suit their individual needs and budgets. They are able to respond quickly to customers who have questions or when issues arise; they generally are able to respond by phone within 24 hours and will arrange on-site visits whenever necessary. Every Nikon microscopy system includes complete user training at no additional charge. After an instrument has been purchased, our goal is to provide the new owners with sufficient knowledge to help them become competent users after the first training session is complete. The local Nikon representative will come in after the system has been delivered and do a complete installation. Upon installation, training is provided in three phases, all of which are conducted in the user’s laboratory, using their own instrument and when appropriate, their own specimens. Customer Service – Phone:800-52-NIKON Email:
Customer Service Nikon Regional Sales Administration Contacts A listing of Nikon’s primary sales representatives can be found on the NASPO ValuePoint website Region Contact Name Direct Phone Email Fax Contracts Victoria Stolz 631-547-8526 631-944-9370 Northwest Savi Bains 631-547-8594 631-944-9374 Southwest 631-944-9371 Midwest Sandra Serrentino 631-547-4012 631-944-9373 South Central Jeannine Harker 631-547-8714 631-944-9377 Northeast Maureen Reddy 631-547-8542 631-944-9382 Mid-Atlantic 631-944-9375 Southeast Theresa Woodhull 631-547-8657 631-944-9376
Questions? Contract Lead: Chelsea Cameron, CPPB State of Idaho Division of Purchasing 208-332-1607
Participating Addendum Process
PA Process All 50 states and The District of Columbia have executed the NASPO Cooperative MOA, allowing them to be eligible to use any NASPO ValuePoint cooperative Master Agreement 25
Opportunities for Participation Three Options for Participation State signs a Participating Addenda for entire state Every legally eligible entity in the state can participate State signs a Participating Addenda for non state entities Every legally eligible entity that is not a STATE agency can participate State does not sign a Participating Addenda Political subdivisions wishing to participate may contact the NASPO ValuePoint Cooperative Development Coordinator who will contact the STATE CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICIAL asking for approval for that entity to sign their own Participating Addendum. Entities may be given approval on an individual basis or State CPO may give approval to all entities within the state to execute their own Participating Addendums. 26
Participation Opportunity #1 Step by Step: Participating Addendum templates are available on each Master Agreement page on States may have submitted Intents to Participate during solicitation, this will provide the information for contractors to contact states interested in signing a Participating Addendum. States may also contact contractors directly to begin Participating Addendum process. State Chief Procurement Officials (or designated representative) will be the signatory on the Participating Addendum. They will also be the NASPO ValuePoint point of contact throughout the process. State completes the draft Participating Addendum for each contractor and then forwards the draft to the contractor. Negotiations will be handled directly between state and contractor. Upon agreement, the state sends a final copy of Participating Addendum to the contractor for signature. Contractor signs Participating Addendum and sends back to state for signature. State sends fully executed copy to both contractor and NASPO ValuePoint at Executed Participating Addendum will be maintained in a repository.
Participation Opportunity #2 Step by Step: Same Process as Opportunity #1 Participating Addendum templates are available on each Master Agreement page on States may have submitted Intents to Participate during solicitation, this will provide the information for contractors to contact states interested in signing a Participating Addendum. States may also contact contractors directly to begin Participating Addendum process. State Chief Procurement Officials (or designated representative) will be the signatory on the Participating Addendum. They will also be the NASPO ValuePoint point of contact throughout the process. State completes the draft Participating Addendum for each contractor and then forwards the draft to the contractor. Negotiations will be handled directly between state and contractor. Upon agreement, the state sends a final copy of Participating Addendum to the contractor for signature. Contractor signs Participating Addendum and sends back to state for signature. State sends fully executed copy to both contractor and NASPO ValuePoint at Executed Participating Addendum will be maintained in a repository.
Participation Opportunity #3 Step by Step: Participating Addendum templates are available on each Master Agreement page on An email request should be sent to from entity (email may also be sent from contractor). The email needs to provide the following details: main point of contact from entity, full name of entity, phone number, email address and physical address. NASPO ValuePoint will email State Chief Procurement Officer requesting approval for the entity to execute a Participating Addendum. NASPO ValuePoint will email both contractor and entity with the permission from Chief Procurement Official to proceed to complete the Participating Addendum. Entity completes the draft Participating Addendum for contractor and then forwards the draft to the contractor. Negotiations will be handled directly between entity and contractor. Upon agreement, the entity sends a final copy of Participating Addendum to the contractor for signature. Contractor signs Participating Addendum and sends back to entity for signature . Entity sends fully executed copy to both contractor and NASPO ValuePoint at Executed Participating Addendum will be maintained in a repository.
PA Process Flow Chart
Things to Remember Sample PA’s are located on the NASPO ValuePoint Website under each master agreement portfolio. Executed Participating Addendum will be maintained on and in a repository. Participating states and entities will be identified on the map of the USA on each Master Agreement page on The Lead State and NASPO ValuePoint do not get involved with negotiations. Only submit completed and negotiated PA’s with signatures from both parties. Submit completed PA’s in PDF Format 31
Thank You Please let NASPO ValuePoint know if we can be of any assistance: *Tim Hay, NASPO ValuePoint Cooperative Development Coordinator (503) 428-5705 * NASPO ValuePoint Point of Contact for these Master Agreements. 32