STAFF Quality and Development Strategic Plan Goal Area #2
Support and Grow High Quality Teachers Objective #1 Support and Grow High Quality Teachers and Staff
Objective #1 Initiatives Professional development aligned to Strategic Plan Evaluation training Teacher development and recognition New teacher induction program
16-17 Action Items for aligned PD plan Accomplished Develop District Professional Development Plan aligned to strategic goals and objectives for each year Communicate district PD plan to principals Develop and present aligned PD
*2016-17 Professional Development Plan * uncan Public Schools 2016-17 Professional Development Plan Introduction The Duncan Public School District is committed to a tradition of excellence in developing students to their full potentials in an environment which fosters responsibility, productive citizenship, and lifelong learning. This Professional Development Plan was created to support teachers’ instructional practices that promote growth and success for all students in accordance with the district’s mission. Professional Development is a necessary component to ensure that teachers have the tools and skills to deliver effective curriculum, instruction and assessment. Professional development must be thoughtfully planned, implemented evaluated in order that each educator can meet the needs of each student. Identification of Focus Areas Professional development for 2016-17 will be focused on the following: Skills needed for Professional learning communities to Include: Assessment design- Formative and Summative Standards based grading and reporting Curriculum mapping Lesson and Unit design Data analysis *2016-17 Professional Development Plan * Professional Learning Communities Project Based Learning Standards based teaching and assessments Skills needed to provide support for ELL students Skills needed for effective phonics instruction for K-2 teachers: Wilson training Curriculum development Response to Intervention ( RtI) Professional Development team Chairperson- Christy Clark Members: Sandy Ferguson- DMS Holly Kelly- DHS Denise Clark- DHS Heather Morphew- Horace Mann Misty Blanton- Pre K Plato Emerson Dana Jackson- Mark Twain Rebecca Ward- Woodrow Wilson - Counselor - ADE Allison Lovett- District Curriculum
Technology Integration Google Apps for Education Chromebooks as a teaching and learning tool Other technology skills as needed for teacher effectiveness
Skills needed to support Individualized Learning Pathways for students Career Pathways Skills needed to support Individualized Learning Pathways for students Advanced Placement training for teachers In addition the district will provide mandated training to required staff on: CPR for identified staff Identification of homeless students Identification of abused or neglected students Safety in the workplace and procedures to protect from blood borne pathogens
16-17 Action Items for Initiative #2 Evaluation Training Accomplished Provide training/review for all evaluators on the evaluation tools and processes Provide training/ review for all teachers In process Create and administer a survey to evaluate understanding of the TLE process by teaching staff
Action Item for 16-17 Initiative #3 Teacher Development and Recognition *Not Started Develop a recognition program for teachers attending AP training
Action Items for Initiative #4 Ongoing Research Teacher and induction programs for new teachers at other schools Accomplished/Ongoing Use PLCs to grow and support teacher needs
The importance of induction: The purpose of a new teacher induction program is to improve the capacity of the district to attract, induct, and retain talented, enthusiastic, and dedicated teachers who will impact and develop talented, enthusiastic and dedicated DUNCAN STUDENTS!
Great Teachers Matter! The individual achievement of children is highly dependent on the effectiveness of the teacher, and the impact of ineffective or unqualified teachers across years dooms children to instructional losses that cannot be regained.
Why Do We Need Induction? Teacher attrition is a problem with a number of implications, not the least of which is the teacher shortage. Most of teacher attrition is a result of factors such as: inadequate pay, lack of administrative support, poor workplace conditions, student related issues, lack of collegiality with peers, low morale, and amount of time required for the paperwork involved (Bickmore, D. L., Bickmore, S. T., & Hart, L, 2005).
They’re LEAVING!! Almost half of all new teachers leave the profession within the first five years, creating a difficult model where more teachers leave the teaching profession compared to teachers entering the profession (Ingersoll & Smith, 2003).
What the Research Says Comprehensive induction proves most effective at keeping good teachers in the classroom. Studies demonstrate that new teacher turnover rates can be cut in half through comprehensive induction: a combination of high-quality mentoring, professional development and support, scheduled interaction with other teachers in the school and in the larger community, and formal assessments for new teachers during at least their first two years of teaching. - T. Smith and R. Ingersoll. (2004)
Comprehensive Induction Comprehensive Induction in DPS program should include: New Educator Orientation Mentor Program Support teams (i.e. staff development site member, department /grade level head, Instructional coaches) Courses and Workshops for beginning educators Courses and Workshops for mentors Formal Evaluation
Impact of Sustainable Induction Programs Improved teacher retention and successful induction programs save districts money (cite New Teacher Center, Villar, Measuring the Benefits and Costs of Mentor-Based Induction. Improved teacher retention and successful induction programs ensure increased levels of student achievement (Tapping the Potential, 2004).
Objective #2 Recruit and Retain Quality Teachers
16-17 Action Item for Initiative #1 Accomplished/ Ongoing Marketing Plan Accomplished/ Ongoing Decide WHAT to promote about the district and town? Oklahoma STEM Community/ DISTRICT