A study of Jesus with Bishop Baron A Catholic Study with Imprimatur. Priest, Prophet, King A study of Jesus with Bishop Baron 7 Sessions – Oct 4 – Nov 15 Priest, Prophet, King, takes a Biblical look at these three main roles of Jesus. All baptized Christians are called to carry out Jesus’ same roles so the better we understand Jesus, the better we understand ourselves. Bishop Baron uses biblical insights and engaging stories to affirm that we see Jesus most clearly through the lens of the Old Testament. Join us to become more familiar with Scripture and realize your own priestly, prophetic, and kingly mission, received when you are baptized “into Christ.” Tuesday AM 9:30 – 11:30 am or Tuesdays PM 7:00 – 9:00 pm Small group discussions followed by fantastic DVD lessons by Bishop Baron. A Catholic Study with Imprimatur. For beginners & experienced studiers alike! Contact Shannon Civetta (973) 979-7864 srcivetta@gmail.com Schedule time for the Lord. You can never go wrong. Priest, Prophet, King Registration LAST NAME: _________________________ FIRST NAME: _________________________ CONTACT PHONE: ____________________ EMAIL: ______________________________ PARISH: _____________________________ CLASS: ______ AM _____ PM Return form to box outside Church office or mail to church at 651 Millbrook Ave, Randolph Materials Fee: $30 payable to: Resurrection Parish