Google Classroom Code: Graphic Design Technology and Art Google Classroom Code: tekmde8
It is EVERYWHERE!!! Who designed the graphics in your favorite video game? Who designed the birthday card you received from your Grandma last year? Who created the ‘look’ for the webpage you opened last night? Who arranged the type and the image on your favorite tee-shirt? How does a comic strip artist get his ideas? How do the simple but easily recognizable images on a traffic sign get created?
Looking for a Career??? This course will put you in the role of the graphic designer. Graphic designers are responsible for much of what we look at in the commercial world we live in. And graphic design is a great career choice if you are interested!
What will you learn?? In order to better understand the way graphic designers work we will be breaking the components of graphic design into four units of study: Unit 1: Introduction to technology and the rules of design Unit 2: Working with Text Unit 3: Working with Image Unit 4: Putting it all Together
Unit 1: Technology? Lesson One: Photoshop ≠ Design We will go over a very basic introduction to the new Mac computers, Photoshop, my digital cameras, and my printers But most of you are probably better with technology than I am. And that’s OK because….
Unit 2: Working with text
Unit 3: working with image
Unit 4: Putting it all together!
You will be required to participate and attend the High School Art Show in May. This is part of your final exam grade!!! Please keep in mind that, even though this is an “elective” class, it meets every day and I have the same expectations regarding work ethic as I do for a ‘major’ class. All assignments are graded. There is no “busy” work and although I hope you enjoy the course, you are not here just to “have fun”. Requirements
You will, of course, be expected to follow the MHS expectations of : Be Responsible (for your work, your materials and the art room), Be Proud of all you do in here! And…… Behavior….
BE Respectful (to each other , to me and to the art room environment) Respect Yourself! Don’t miss out on any work time by being late to class Display how smart you are by completing work to the best of your ability Keep your good reputation by doing your own work Since how you speak demonstrates your intelligence and character, make sure your language is appropriate for school
BE Respectful (to each other , to me and to the art room environment) Respect Others! Allow others to learn by letting them focus on the teacher not you Share only positive comments about others. Be kind. Don’t create extra work for others by not cleaning up after yourself Value other people’s property as you value your own
Procedures Knowing what to do and when to do it! Please come to class on time and put your belongings on the shelves provided. Get your portfolio, your project and your supplies and sit in your assigned seat. Listen carefully whenever directions, demonstrations or teacher comments occur. Please do not speak to someone else while I am speaking to the class. No cell phone use, headphones , food or drink in the room Ask permission to use the lavatory and sign out and in on the sheet provided. Clean up when given the signal to do so. Clean your desk and your equipment. Store your work carefully. Stay in your seat until I dismiss you.
Other Items of Interest… All your basic art materials will be provided. However you need to purchase a flash drive to store your digital work . If you have trouble meeting your due dates for projects you may come in after school on Studio Hour nights or any other night with special arrangements. You may also come in during any study hall. Other Items of Interest…
How ARE you graded? NAME:____________________________ Project Objectives PP SP EP 10 Total for Meeting Project Objectives 30 Thinking Like an Artist individualizes work, develops own ideas shows interest and effort thoroughly answers journal questions below Total for Artistic Thinking Craftsmanship and Work Habits work is carefully crafted and complete work area and tools are cleaned and put away work is completed on time (1day late = 8pts, 2 days late = 6pts, 3 days late = 4pts, 4 days late = 2 pts, after 4 days = 0) maintains a respectful attitude towards teacher , classmates and artwork Total for Craftsmanship and Work Habits 40 FINAL GRADE 100 How ARE you graded?
What do your points mean??? PP = possible points SP = student points EP = earned points 10 = Wow! You thoroughly met this requirement! One of the best! 8 = You met this requirement. Good job! 6 = There’s something lacking here. So-so effort 4 = I have to really hunt to find evidence of this requirement. 2 = You missed the point of this requirement. Little effort made to show me you are interested. 0 = missed this one completely! What do your points mean???
Self Reflection Questions… Talk to me! Answer the following questions on the back of this paper. Write in full sentences. Describe your thought process for this project. What ideas did you consider? Why did you solve the problem in this way? Which design rules are strongest in this project (MOVEMENT, EMPHASIS, CONTRAST, REPITITION, ALIGNMENT AND BALANCE) They are REQUIRED!!!!!
I’m happy you are here!! Let’s Make Art!