Introduction to the Linux Commandline
What will be covered: Why should we use the commandline ? Basic commandline usage A bit more advanced usage Networking commands
What will NOT be covered: Shell scripting More advanced commands like awk
Please interrupt me during the presentation if you have any questions. Questions can be asked in English or Dutch. Answers will most likely be in English.
Why should we use the commandline ? Most efficient way to communicate with your computer Less likely to fail Puts YOU in control instead of a GUI program that thinks it does what it thinks that you want
Basic commands: List files: ls Create a file: touch Delete a file: rm Change directory: cd Create directory: mkdir Remove directory: rmdir
Now lets see them in action ... To reach the commandline: Press ctrl+alt+ F1...F6 Open a graphical terminal program. Usual icon:
Some more commands ..... See contents of a file: cat, more and less See type of file: file Search in a file: grep And yes, there they are: cut & paste :-) Lets give them a try ...
Combining commands: pipes A pipe uses two or more programs. Output from the first program is used as input for the next. | is the pipe sign. program1 | program2 | program3
Networking commands: See config: ifconfig See routing: route Test connectivity: ping Others: netstat, nslookup, dig Some may require root priviledges !
Do you really have to remember all this ? No ..... but don't throw away your notes :-) man and info are your friends
The end Last time to ask questions :-) You can try it youself on the available computers