Click on the name of each organelle to learn about its structure and function Cytoskeleton Lysosome To Plant Cell
Cytoskeleton To Animal Cell
Centriole Barrel-shaped made up of 9 microtubules Structure Function Barrel-shaped made up of 9 microtubules Usually found in only animal cells Organizes spindle fibers used during cell division Back to Animal Cell Back to Plant Cell
Mitochondria Double Membrane Powerhouse of the cell Structure Function Outer is smooth Inner cristae is folded to increase surface area Powerhouse of the cell Site of cellular respiration Breaks down glucose to Produce ATP Back to Animal Cell Back to Plant Cell
Golgi Body Stacks of membranes and sacs in cytoplasm Structure Function Stacks of membranes and sacs in cytoplasm Packages macromolecules for transport Back to Animal Cell Back to Plant Cell
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum Structure Function Vesicles and tubules covered with ribosomes Transports proteins made on its surface Back to Animal Cell Back to Plant Cell
Nuclear Membrane Lipid bilayer containing many openings (pores) Structure Function Lipid bilayer containing many openings (pores) Separates the chromatin from the rest of the cell Pores allow material to enter and leave the nucleus Back to Animal Cell Back to Plant Cell
Ribosomes “Packets” of RNA. Site of protein synthesis Structure Function “Packets” of RNA. Made up of a large and a small subunit Site of protein synthesis Back to Animal Cell Back to Plant Cell
Cell Membrane Phospholipid bilayer Structure Function Phospholipid bilayer Regulates what enters & leaves the cell Back to Animal Cell Back to Plant Cell
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum Structure Function Vesicles and tubules NOT covered with ribosomes Many different functions depending on the type of cell Generally – transports large molecules around the cell Back to Animal Cell Back to Plant Cell
Lysosome Spherical body in the cytoplasm Usually found in animal cells Structure Function Spherical body in the cytoplasm Usually found in animal cells Storage of digestive enzymes (for digesting food or worn out cell parts) Back to Animal Cell Back to Plant Cell
Cytoplasm Structure Function Made up of the cytosol (liquid within the cell) and all of the organelles Site of glycolysis (breaking down glucose molecules) Back to Animal Cell Back to Plant Cell
Chromatin “Unwound” chromosomes (DNA) Structure Function “Unwound” chromosomes (DNA) Instructions for producing all of the body’s proteins (enzymes) Back to Animal Cell Back to Plant Cell
Nucleolus Spherical body found in the nucleus Produces ribosomes Structure Function Spherical body found in the nucleus Produces ribosomes Back to Animal Cell Back to Plant Cell
Nucleus Large membrane bound organelle Directs cellular activity Structure Function Large membrane bound organelle Directs cellular activity Back to Animal Cell Back to Plant Cell
Vacuole Membrane bound organelle Structure Function Membrane bound organelle Large in plants and fungi very small or absent in bacteria, protists, or animal cells Storage of water, digestive enzymes, wastes and food Back to Animal Cell Back to Plant Cell
Cell Wall Structure Function Layers of cellulose, pectin and lignin, surrounding plant, bacteria and fungi cells. Protection and support Back to Animal Cell Back to Plant Cell
Chloroplast Structure Function Double membrane spherical body containing structures called thylakoids Found in plants and algae Site of photosynthesis (glucose production) Back to Animal Cell Back to Plant Cell
Cytoskeleton A network of microtubules and microfilaments Structure Function A network of microtubules and microfilaments Support and aid in transport within the cell Back to Animal Cell Back to Plant Cell
Cell Coloring Instructions: Use the following color coding according to the functions of the cell organelles. Full credit (50 points!) includes: 1) Correct coloring, 2) List what each color represents, 3) List of the organelles and their functions. RED - Energy (Animal: Mitochondria; Plants: Mitochondria and Chloroplasts) YELLOW - Protein Preparation (Animal/Plant: Golgi, Rough-ER, Smooth-ER, Ribosomes, Nucleolous, Nuclear Membrane). BLUE - Genetic Information (Animal/Plant: Nucleus, Chromatin) GREEN - Waste (Animal: Change the Vacuole's name into Lysozome; Plant: Vacuole). BROWN - Physical Support (Animal: Draw Cytoskeleton elements, such as rods and branches; Plants: Cell Wall). Cytoplasm, Cell Membrane - are involved in nearly ALL of these processes. Leave uncolored (or add a very light background color).