Patriot Pathway Program Class of 2021 Welcome to Sandy Creek High School Patriot Pathway Program Class of 2021
Schedule Algebra 1 Biology 9th Literature Health/PE Elective
Drawing & Painting / Design I Ceramics/Painting I, II Fine Arts pathway Drawing & Painting / Design I Band I ORchestra I Drama I, II Drawing I, II Band II orchestra II acting III Ceramics/Painting I, II Band III orchestra III Theater Tech ART CLUB NATIONAL ART SOCIETY TRI-M MUSIC HONOR SOCIETY DRAMA CLUB INTERNATIONAL THESPIAN SOCIETY
Advanced academic pathway English language arts 3 UNits of english / language arts 2 credits of the same world language 1 advanced placement or college level course in english/ lang uage arts Literary club
Advanced academic pathway math 4 UNitS of math 2 credits of the same world language 1 advanced placement or college level course in math 4 UNits of math 2 credits of the same world language 1 advanced placement or college level course in math Math team mu alpha theta
Advanced academic pathway science f science 2 credits of the same world language 1 advanced placement or college level course in science Ecology Club Science Olympiad Science National Honor Society 4 UNits of science 2 credits of the same world language 1 advanced placement or college level course in science
Advanced academic pathway Social studies 3 UNits of social studies 2 credits of the same world language 1 advanced placement or college level course in social studies 3 UNi2 credits of the same world language 1 advanced placement or college level course in social studies of social studies 2 credits of the same world language 1 advanced placement or college evel course in social studies Model UN Debate Team Simply Serving
World Language pathway french 1 spanish 1 german 1 french 2 spanish 2 german 2 french 3 spanish 3 german 3 SPANISH CLUB FRENCH CLUB GERMAN CLUB
Computer science pathway introduction to digital technology Computer Science principles ap computer science introduction to digital technology Computer Science principles ap computer science FUTURE BUSINESS LEADERS OF AMERICA
Computer science programming pathway introduction to digital technology ap computer science principles programming, games, apps, and society introduction to digital technology FUTURE BUSINESS LEADERS OF AMERICA
Therapeutic services/ allied health pathway introduction to healthcare essentials of healthcare allied health patient care emr HEALTH OCCUPATIONS OF AMERICA
Computer science game design pathway introduction to digital technology ap or Reg computer science principles Game design: animation and simulation introduction to digital technology FUTURE BUSINESS LEADERS OF AMERICA
Engineering and technology pathway foundations of engineering and technology engineering concepts engineering applications TECHNOLOGY STUDENT ASSOCIATION
Automotive maintenance and light repair pathway Basic Maintenance and Light Repair maintenance and light repair 2 maintenance and light repair 3 SKILLS USA
Business accounting pathway Introduction to business and technology financial literacy prinicples of accounting FUTURE BUSINESS LEADERS OF AMERICA
Graphic design pathway introduction to graphic design graphic design and production advanced Graphic design SKILLS USA
Marketing management and entrepreneur pathway Marketing Principles marketing and entrepreneurship marketing management DECA
Air force rotc pathway AFjrotc 1 AFjrotc 2 AFjrotc 3 Drill Team