To revise our MBA curriculum: OPEN FORUM CSU MBA Revisions Our Task: To revise our MBA curriculum: Keeping its comprehensive core, while cutting bloat and adding more choices for students. Our focus centered on: 1. ‘Foundation’ or 500 level courses 2. The ‘Core’ 3. Specializations
Foundation Courses Revised 2016 Existing Foundation Courses ACT501 Financial Accounting ECN503 Economic Concepts FIN501 Financial Management MKT501 Managing Marketing OSM510 Analytic Methods OSM511 Operations Management ACT 501 ECN 503 FIN 501 GAD 515 MBA 500 MKT 501 MGT 501 OSM 503 OSM 511 Kent State: Online self-directed courses Youngstown: Built into core courses Akron: 12 credits, 4 three-credit courses BW: Only requires accounting & stats Cincinnati: 10 credits, Offers 1 or 2 credit courses Miami (OH): Only requires accounting, statistics and microeconomics Recommendations: 1. Courses formatted to 8 week modules - two credits each. 2. Courses would have online options. 3. Be very flexible as to waivers CSU: All courses are 3 credits 18 credit hours in Total *BLOAT*
Is this the right # of credit hours Is this the right mix of courses? 2. The Core (30 credit hours) ACT600 Managerial Accounting BUS610 Business Analytics FIN601 Financial Policies IST601 Information Systems MBA602 Int’l Business OSM605 Supply Chain Decision Making MBA660 Integrative Business Strategy MKT601 Marketing Strategy MGT610 Ethics, Leadership and Managing People MGT601 Managing HR Toledo 24 Kent St. 26 Cincinnati 26 Miami (OH) 27 BW 29 Youngstown 33 Akron 27-36 Is this the right # of credit hours Is this the right mix of courses? Courses could be waived for another 600 course in the same department (expect MBA 660) Recommendations: No major changes
3. Electives and Specializations Kent St. 9 BW 9 Cincinnati 12 Toledo 9 Miami (OH) 9 Youngstown 6 Akron 9-12 Recommendations: Electives: Any three courses (500 level or more), but one of the three courses must be at the 600 level. Nine credit hours minimum. Electives as Specializations: Each department can determine which courses qualify as a specialization. At least one course must be at the 600 level. The specialization will appear on the diploma. (e.g., “an MBA in Finance”).