Welcome To Mrs McLin’s Digital & Graphic Tools And Digital Design for the Web Study Hall: B days
Confidently use many of the latest computer technologies When done, you will … Successfully use productivity tools to support you in your school work and career goals Confidently use many of the latest computer technologies Communicate your ideas with a variety of digital media
Today’s agenda Welcome to Digital & Graphic Tools and Web Design Syllabus / Expectations Getting Started with Computers / Procedures Log in Schoolloop Folder Setup Activities
Information & computer technology “ICT is at the heart of every digital economy” Applied ICT - “Hard work…well worth it!” Information & computer technology
Ok, but what are the specifics ??
Digital tools curriculum Word PowerPoint Office PhotoShop Graphic Design HTML Weebly Web Design Movie Maker After Effects Video Editing Animatron Flash Multi Media Code Combat Game Maker Game Design
Digital design curriculum HTML5 & CSS JavaScript Web Coding Animatron Flash Multi Media Code Combat Game Maker Game Design PhotoShop (intermediate) Imaging Fundamentals of Design DreamWeaver Web Products
Comments from students “I like the creative aspects of this course and how I can choose what I want to base my coursework on” “I like the course because it’s mostly coursework. I like doing my work in my own time, when it suits me.” “I like the practical side of this course” “This course is invaluable as it’s going to help me get ahead in a future career in IT”
Future careers in ict Project Manager Software Architect Systems Analyst Programmer Database Designer Graphics Designer IT Manager Marketing Director Web Designer Researcher Journalist Business Consultant
How will I be graded?
A B C D F Academic Performance Describe how to be successful in Digital & Graphic Tools Describe how to be successful in Digital & Graphic Tools Academic Performance A show understanding and skills that go beyond what you learn in class; assignment is fully complete B show mastery of concepts and skills that you learn in class; assignment is fully complete C show mastery of basic concepts and skills, assignment is mostly complete D show some understanding of basic concepts; assignment is partly complete F Not attempted, or show little or no skills or understanding, even with help
A Successful Student Has joined class and is ready to work when the bell rings Remembers to leave all food/drink outside the computer lab Understands that lab equipment is the property of the school and takes care of it
Follows teacher directions about handling of computers and peripheral equipment. Knows better than to use electronic devices and phones without permission Leaves his/her computer area clean
Understands and respects copyright laws and the acceptable use policy Is proud of his/her own work and does not need to plagiarize or cheat. Insert Poll Question here – Folder: WebEx, poll – first day
Your turn: Students individually answer the 3 prompts Listening to the presentation learned that …. I also learned that …… I am excited about …..
Who I Am Ice breaker Complete Page 1 with your own info Ask 20 people one question each Hand in your paper when you finish Return to your seat Introduce yourself to your elbow partner & Share your work (might have to explain who the elbow partner is) Did you get different answers? Pick out similar things?
bit.ly/WestmontStudentTechSurvey It’s case sensitive!!
Log on to the computer: Password: c@mpbe11 Username: Student ID (5 …..) Password: c@mpbe11 (The last 2 letters are the Number 1)
Change your Password: select CTRL+ALT+DEL select Change Password Old Password: Password New Password: type your selection Confirm Password: type your selection again