Science Fiction and the 1950s
Science Fiction? Real people grappling with possible conflicts Speculative Impact of science and technology
Pre-World War II Small-scale publication via popular magazines Division between “pulp” (vs. “slick”) fiction and highbrow efforts Some film influence
Low-budget film industry growth Monster movies (app. 200 in the 50’s) Alien invasion films Pre-date genuine space travel, so special effects convincing
Post World War II Paranoia: countries could be invaded without provocation or warning (technological advances) Alien invaders masquerading as familiar humans Metaphor for communism External evils threatened our safety Mind control a goal of alien forces Portray a collective unconscious
Space Race… Begins with 1957 Soviet Union launch of Sputnik, the first satellite What was once described as a future fantasy now exists Science fiction must catch up with “unreal” and unexpected realities
A Definition of Science Fiction A literary genre identifiable by its Use of an atmosphere of scientific credibility for imaginative speculations in Physical science Space Time Social science Philosophy Requirement for a reader to willingly suspend disbelief (Moskowitz 1965)
WW III? Create a tableau vivant portraying your group’s vision of WW III Living picture: No speaking All must pose No props
Create a Tableau Vivante A living picture Express a concept Your definition of UTOPIA No words No movement One group member reads definition as a caption
Achieving Equality? Using your photo, create a character for the world of “Harrison Bergeron” by: Naming your character Adding 2-3 handicap devices you would require for achieving equality Labeling the devices Attach your character visualizations to your literature circle’s folder