B2-1 Lawyers
The Numbers There are over 1 million lawyers, or attorneys, in the United States 65% are in private practice 15% are government lawyers 15% work for corporations or unions A small number work for public interest or legal aid organizations
Did you know? Most lawyers rarely go to court! Most law involves giving advice, drafting legal opinions, negotiating settlements, or providing out-of-court legal assistance. Some lawyers, do however, go to court. These lawyers are called trail attorneys or LITIGATORS.
Best court scene https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_frM44bBMfA
When do you need a lawyer? Buying or selling a home or real estate Organizing a business Changing your family status (divorce or adoption) Making a will Signing a large or important contract Handling accidents involving personal injury or property damage Defending a criminal change or bringing a civil suit
You Be the Judge! For each of the situations list why you may or may not need a lawyer
How do you find a lawyer? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmbQM1W_WDA
Working with your Lawyer Trust is the foundation of the attorney-client relationship. The law grants and attorney-client PRIVILEGE. Whatever you tell your attorney about your case is private and confidential.
Lawyer Standard of Conduct Lawyers must follow standards that are enforced by state bar associations. The standards are listed in the Code of Professional Responsibility
MN Rules for Professional Conduct Assignment http://tinyurl.com/MNLawyers What is the MN Rules of Professional Conduct for Lawyers? Look at the TERMINOLOGY section. List TWO terms that you did not know and define them. Look at the section CLIENT- LAWYER RELATIONSHIP. List the 18 rules and explain each briefly.