REVIEW time!
Pont-du-Gard Aqueduct, Nimes, France 19 B.C. EARLY EMPIRE ROMAN
Dying Gaul Pergamon, Turkey ca. 230-220 BC HELLENISTIC PERIOD
Spoils of Jerusalem, relief panel from the Arch of Titus, Rome, Italy, after A.D. 81 EARLY EMPIRE ROMAN
Colosseum, 72-80 CE. EARLY EMPIRE ROMAN
Laocoön & His Sons ca. Early 1st century AD HELLENISTIC PERIOD
Portrait bust of Hadrian as general HIGH EMPIRE ROMAN
Arch of Titus Rome, Italy, after A.D. 81 EARLY EMPIRE ROMAN Commemorates the sack of Jerusalem in 70 BCE ENGAGED COLUMNS COFFERED ARCH in BAY RELIEFS SHOWING the VICTORY EARLY EMPIRE ROMAN
Pantheon, Rome, Italy. 125-128 AD HIGH EMPIRE ROMAN
Aphrodite (of Melos) Melos, Greece ca. 150-125 BC HELLENISTIC PERIOD
Commodus as Hercules ca. 191-192 AD LATE EMPIRE ROMAN
HADRIAN’S WALL England / Scotland ca HADRIAN’S WALL England / Scotland ca. 122 CE (About 73 miles long, 11-20 ft. tall) HIGH ROMAN
Temple of Portunus Rome, Italy ca. 75 BC REPUBLIC ROME
Dionysiac mystery frieze Pompeii, Italy, ca. 60-50 B.C. EARLY ROMAN
Equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius Rome, Italy 175 A.D. HIGH EMPIRE ROMAN
Apollo from Veii C500 BCE 5’10” in height. ETRUSCAN
Augustus of Primaporta, Early 1st Century BCE REPUBLIC ROME
Ara Pacis, 13-9 BCE. Republic Roman To celebrate the peace established in the Empire after Augustus's victories in Gaul and Spain Dedicated 9 BC
Nike of Samothrace Samothrace, Greece ca. 190 BC HELLENISTIC PERIOD
Rome, Italy A.D. 312-315 LATE EMPIRE ROMAN Arch of Constantine Rome, Italy A.D. 312-315 LATE EMPIRE ROMAN
Gemma Augustea, Onyx ca 1st Century AD, Republic Rome
Head of a Roman Patrician, ca 75-50 B.C. REPUBLIC ROMAN
Portraits of the Four tetrarchs Saint Mark’s, Venice, A.D. 305 LATE EMPIRE ROMAN
Praxiteles Hermes and Infant Dionysus (Roman Copy) Late Classical Period
Temple of Athena Nike CLASSICAL GREEK Designed by Kallikrates Completed c420 BC CLASSICAL GREEK
Polykleitos Doryphoros (The ‘Spear-Bearer’) HIGH CLASSICAL GREEK
Atrium of the House of the Vettii Pompeii, Italy, 2nd Century B.C., rebuilt A.D. 62-79 FAUCE IMPLUVIUM CUBICULUM PERISTYLE ATRIUM EARLY EMPIRE ROMAN
TRAJAN’S COLUMN Celebration of Victory against the Dacians Rome, 113 BC HIGH EMPIRE ROMAN