Practice FSA You need 2 sheets of paper and a writing utensil.
Instructions for 2/25-2/26 Put ONLY your alpha code on your paper. NO NAMES! You will deconstruct the prompt Read the sources and take notes Outline your argumentative essay You will only be given today and tomorrow to complete. This is (about) the amount of time you would be given on the FSA Writing.
Read the Prompt First
Why? You can prepare your notes You know what you are looking for You can begin thinking about your essay.
Step 1: Unpack the Prompt
Unpack the prompt: Estimated time required (5 minutes or less) Remember to break up tasks Prompt You have just read several texts about Apple’s choice to favor the security of their devices over a request from the government. Review the texts and write an essay in which you take a position on the government regulation of cell phones and cell phone data. Be sure to use evidence from multiple sources to support your claim. You have 120 minutes to: 1. Read the sources 2. Plan your essay 3. Write your essay 3. Revise and edit your final draft
While You Read the Text Set
Take Notes!!!!!!
Why? You are less likely to plagiarize if you have already written down some of the main ideas in your own writing You can jump directly into planning because you will have already marked important quotes Keep track of information and which source it came from Plan your essay
How to Take Your Notes Use the tasks from your unpacked prompt to guide your note-taking.
February 26, 2016 Announcements Vocab Quiz 1-17 Finish Argumentative FSA Practice February 26, 2016
Announcements Today- no tutoring Monday—come to tutoring: Macbeth Test Macbeth Project Last day to make up Vocab Quiz 1-16
You have 5 minutes to study
Quiz Instructions You need your OWN sheet of paper Put away all electronic devices No communication of any kind, silent or otherwise When you’re finished, bring it to me. When you’re finished, you may get out your work from yesterday
FSA Argumentative Practice How do I outline an essay? Your tasks today are: Finish Reading Outline Your Essay Review for 3 essential parts Turn it in To the tray See the laminated outlines on the table Prompt You have just read several texts about Apple’s choice to favor the security of their devices over a request from the government. Review the texts and write an essay in which you take a position on the government regulation of cell phones and cell phone data. Be sure to use evidence from multiple sources to support your claim.