the press: newspapers & magazines TV & radio Types of Mass Media the Internet mobile phones
Phonetic drill The world is changing every day As life improves in every way New inventions make life fun As easier for everyone High tech gadgets, cool machines Online shops and magazines The future`s really here to stay And it looks brighter every day Our whole lives are computerized The world is much more organized The magic of technology Will help us all live happily
Why Do We Use Computers For Communication? “A man having information possesses the world” (N. Rothschild)
Read the words and make up the word combinations fax phone electronic to receive to send printed to use computer system information message letters the Internet call games messages
Match the words and the descriptions. Ex.83,p.26. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. a. b. c. d. e.
А computer A monitor A system unit A screen A CD-ROM A mouse A keyboard A mouse pad
Read the following words and guess their meaning Болтать с Chat with [tʃæt] Necessary information [’nesə‚serɪ] Hate losing [heɪt] Offer opportunities [‚ɒpər’tu:nətɪ] Communication [kə‚mju:nə’keɪʃən] Addictive [ə’dɪktɪv] Cruel and silly games [’kru:əl] Ненавидеть проигрывать
Look through the texts. Find and read the international words used in them. The Internet Museums Hobby Computer programmer Communication Information Sport Chat
Listening 1. In what kind of emergency can a cell phone be helpful? A. bad weather conditions B. a car problem C. a fire 2. Why are cell phones convenient? A. You can call at anytime of day. B. You don't need to find a public phone. C. You can carry one easily in your pocket. 3. What is one possible drawback of having cell phones? A. They can be expensive if you aren't careful. B. Your phone battery might die when you really need it. C. You might not have good phone reception in certain areas.
Count your score 44- 38 “5” 37-32 “4” 31-27 “3”