Xavier Morales, Ph.D., MRP January 27, 2016 @LCHC_CA @DRX_CA
Why is Health a Matter of Justice?
Social Determinants of Health Affordable & Safe Housing Aggressive Marketing of Unhealthy Products and Services Community Infrastructure Economic Justice Educational Equity Equitable Health Care Access Immigration Status Food Security Parks & Recreational Space The Natural Environment Safe Neighborhoods Hope & Efficacy Social Connectedness Cultural Identity Access to Transportation & Active Transportation Options
Impact of Type 2 Diabetes Today, nearly 14% of adults in California are estimated to have diabetes (diagnosed and undiagnosed) Another 41% of adult Californians are estimated to have prediabetes. 15-30% of people with prediabetes are expected to develop diabetes within five years. According to the American Diabetes Association, the risk of diabetes is 77% and 66% higher among African Americans and Latinos, respectively, than among white Americans. Latinos and African Americans are 1.5 to 2 times more likely to die from diabetes than whites.
Type 2 Diabetes’ Discriminating Taste CA Hospital Patients with Diabetes 27% White 39% African American 39% Asian American, Pacific Islander 43% Latino 40.3% American Indian & Alaskan Native Source: California Office of Statewide Health and Planning Development, 2011
The Urgency: Leading Causes of Deaths Among Latinos Among Latinos, heart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes account for over half of all deaths. Source: CDC Deaths: Leading Causes for 2010
Diabetes, Amputations & Poverty
Amputations and Diabetes Between 2003 and 2013…. 1,407 amputations to US soldiers fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan over 10 years 13,000 amputations annually in California; 130,000 over 10 years! Source: Journal of Military and Veterans' Health and California Healthline
California Cost of Type 2 Diabetes The economic cost of diagnosed diabetes in California, the state with the largest diabetic population, is $37.1 billion per year. Source: American Diabetes Association
Lifetime Risk of Developing Diabetes 1 in 2 Latino and African American kids will now develop diabetes in their lifetime! Source: CDC Diabetes Resources
AB XXXX (Bloom): The Healthy California Fund Create a dedicated revenue source to comprehensively address the diabetes crisis we are experiencing in California—especially in our communities of color. Fund the revenue source through a 2 cent per ounce health impact fee on the distribution of sugary drinks in California. Invest the anticipated $3 Billion in a comprehensive efforts to address the complex roots of diabetes. Target investment to the zip codes that have the highest rates of diabetes.
Co-Sponsors California Rural Indian Health Board Latino Coalition for a Healthy California California Black Health Network Asian Pacific Partners for Empowerment and Leadership California Primary Care Association American Heart Association Public Health Institute California School Based Health Alliance Roots of Change
Revenues will fund: Activities and Programs Settings Nutrition Education Physical Activities Water Stations Farm to Table Oral Health Community Clinics Schools County Health Departments At least 60% of the Revenues will go to the zip codes with the highest rates of diabetes!
The Fee is Levied on Distributors $ Excise tax: A tax on the companies that distribute sugary drinks.
It’s Working in Mexico 10% 7% 13%
Mexico: Same Trucks, Different Drinks LOW SUGAR WATER Before SUGARY LOW SUGAR After SUGARY WATER
Funding to Prevent Diabetes at its Roots $3 billion every year to help keep us healthy in California
Arguments against Job killer Regressive Nanny state Will hurt small business Why are we picking on soda?
Example in Berkeley! $2 million/year Oct. 2014 Press conference on biggest single contribution in Berkeley election history ($600K), given by American Beverage Association to local opposition front group. Overall total given by ABA would later exceed $2.3 million. Oct. 2014 Story in Berkeleyside details all spending by the ABA-funded front group. Public support for campaign is high. Lawn signs in high demand. Nov. 2014 Berkeley sugary drink tax passes with 76% of the vote, a mandate of public support for the measure.
¡Gracias! Si desea obtener más información: www.lchc.org @LCHC_CA Latino Coalition for a Healthy California Si desea obtener más información: www.lchc.org