Update 2015 Nordic Web, Stockholm 2015 Lars Pedersen
Visitors: www.stat.gl in 2014
Desktop, Mobile & Tablets
Visitors: bank.stat.gl in 2014
Desktop, Mobile & Tablets
Selecting variables/values on iPads:
50 shades of gray:
On iPhones it is pure sadism:
Denmark's best-selling book Højskolesangbogen: Denmark's best-selling book Højskolesangbogen has always played an important role in the Danish song tradition. It has been published in 18 editions and has all in all sold nearly 900,000 copies. The 18th edition (2006), sold more than 300,000 But of cause, it is not free
Headlines: www.stat.gl in 2014 Ebook introduced July 1.st 2014 personalized in Danish & Greenlandic also a full reference yearbook as e-book Formats: epub & pdf
320.000 Stats: www.stat.gl eBook : 2014, 2nd half Tabel 1 Antal downloadede ebøger(2014) Reference ebøger Personlige Juli August September Oktober November December I alt Eksterne Total 191 117 144 147 146 149 894 722 1.616 Dansk pdf 126 73 100 107 95 92 593 424 1.017 Dansk epub 37 19 15 10 115 254 369 Grønlandsk pdf 14 11 13 22 31 105 12 Grønlandsk epub 8 16 81 32 113 Kapitel Epub Pdf I alt 1 40 91 131 2 41 89 130 Population 92 169 261 4 37 85 122 5 33 76 109 6 45 96 141 7 44 97 8 90 127 9 27 71 98 10 35 132 11 32 12 28 113 13 54 106 160 14 23 72 95 15 94 16 39 135 17 63 79 18 57 120 177 19 26 74 100 20 24 73 21 77 Hovedtotal 774 1888 2662 320.000
Stats: www.stat.gl eBook : 2014, 2nd half 722 Books created by external users 678 Danish / 44 Greenlandic 273 by users from Greenland 162 from Denmark 287 Unknown 286 epub / 436 pdf formatted
Questions on our workbench Content Management System ? Our task is database sentric Responsive, 3-page template design, e-book Current conclusion: Don’t need it Difficult to argue to Management In parallel: Why isn’t there a cms for a statbank ? Apps ? Millions of apps Like finding a needle in a haystack Unless we can find the killerfeature …
Apps on workphones http://www.citrix.com/content/dam/citrix/en_us/documents/products-solutions/citrix-mobile-analytics-report-february-2015.pdf
On our workbench in 2015 (Statbank) Next Statbank based on PX-Web 2015 R1/R2 Pros ? api Cons ? Still a lot to improve, like easy referencing by id Friendly url’s not friendly enough Not responsive; should we add our own css ? Selection of variables/values must be improved
Beyond our workbench 2015 Demo bank.stat.gl/m.asp stat2go15.azurewebsites.net stat2go.azurewebsites.net Api reuse http://sermitsiaq.ag/nedadgaaende-befolkningstallet-56000 http://infogr.am/_/Ezb9l1G2dFuravg5ChpN Access to microdata Anonymous RAIRD.no Text/metadata database
Responsive consepts: www.stat.gl Top Businesses 201501 201402 201401 Criminal offences … Population Site Subject Publication
Smartphones :
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top level, iPad(portrait) & small screens:
subject level, iPad(portrait) & small screens:
publication level, iPad(portrait) & small screens:
On our workbench: www.stat.gl
Beta api Greenland Tourism ( www.tourismstat.gl )
Expected screenshots from live - demo