St. Martin’s United Church An Affirming Congregation of the United Church of Canada …striving to live in right relationship with our Creator, ourselves and the wider community…
As a church we proclaim that we are all Treaty people bound by the agreements our ancestors made. We acknowledge that the land upon which we worship has been given to us by the Creator and is shared with the indigenous people and the settlers through the agreement known as Treaty 6.
Lighting the Christ Candle
Sharing the Peace
“Make a Joyful Noise” Voices United #820 Words and Music: Linneas Good @1991 Used with permission LicenSing # 605414
Invitation to Worship
We are mindful of the goodness that encircles us. This is a time for giving thanks. We are mindful of the goodness that encircles us. We find a home in God’s creation The Earth sustains us with clean water and good food. The days come and go. The seasons change. Yet God’s unfolding love is eternal and unchanging. Thanks be to God! Thanks be to God indeed!
Gathering Prayer God of the heavens and of this world, Creator of all and giver of goodness, we pause on this weekend to give thanks for all we have, in body, mind and spirit. We know that our lives are not perfect and never can be; nevertheless, hear our prayer of gratitude for the many, many blessings we enjoy. Amen.
Story Time with Darren
Children and Youth Are Invited Downstairs…….
“Grateful” Words and music: Tom Tomaszek, 2003; arr. Sarah Hart and Tom Tomaszek, 2003 Words and music copyright © 2003, Tom Tomaszek. Published by ®. LicenSing #605414
Prayer of Reconciliation
The Apostle Paul wrote: “I’m absolutely convinced that nothing—nothing living or dead, angelic or demonic, today or tomorrow, high or low, thinkable or unthinkable—absolutely nothing can get between us and God’s love because of the way that Jesus our Master has embraced us.” This, O God, we believe, and we give thanks. Amen.
Community News
Praying for Others and Ourselves
The Prayer of Jesus Our Mother and our Father, who art in heaven. Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom the power and the glory. Forever and ever. Amen
Words, Music, Adaptation: “Joyful. Joyful” VU #232 Words: Henry van Dyke 1907. Music: Ludwig van Beethoven 1824. Adapted by Edward Hodges. Descant: © 1979 G.I.A. Publications, Inc. Words, Music, Adaptation: Public Domain.
Minute for Mission
Offering Our Gifts
Listening for God’s Word Psalm 126 VU 850, refrain 2
We praise the one who gave the growth, with voices full and strong Sung Refrain: We praise the one who gave the growth, with voices full and strong When God brought Zion captives home, it seemed to us like a dream. But then our mouths were full of laughter and our tongues uttered shouts of joy.
Truly God has done great things for us, and therefore we rejoice. Then they said among the nations: “ God has done great things for them.” Truly God has done great things for us, and therefore we rejoice. Sung Refrain: We praise the one who gave the growth, with voices full and strong.
Those who sow in tears shall reap with shouts of joy. Restore our fortunes, O God, as streams refresh the Negrev. Those who sow in tears shall reap with shouts of joy. Those who go out weeping, carrying seed for sowing, Shall come home with songs of joy, bringing in their sheaves. Sung Refrain: We praise the one who gave the growth, with voices full and strong.
Band Together
Response to the Reading
“River” Mv#3 Words and music copyright © 2003 Julian Pattison. 2593 7th Ave. East, Vancouver, BC. (604) 817-5728. LicenSing#605414
Words of Blessing
“When I Rose” Spirit Anew #83 Words and music: Afro American Spiritual Arrangement by Willie. P. Dorsey Copyright @1998 Professional Music Services LicenSing #605414
Portions of today’s liturgy were adapted from resources found in Celebrating God’s Presence. Used with permission.